DHS Insider If this been posted before sorry but I just found it !! It was a good read !! http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/print-friendly/47420
Just ran across another with pretty much the same store from May this year !!! http://www.thecomingattack.com/obam...rigger-martial-law-dhs-whistleblower-reveals/
Sounds like baloney to me. Although I think that race whoring is exactly what their strategy is and will be.
One of the recent items on the DHS purchase list is bulletproof booths, such as would be used at checkpoints. http://www.infowars.com/after-huge-ammo-buy-dhs-purchases-bullet-resistant-booths/ http://www.sheltersdirect.com/product.php?id=80#
Unless these "BulletProof Booths" are made out of Tank Armor, there is no such thing as Bullet Proof with modern Energetics, and Projectiles..... .....
Even the tanks are getting defeated nowadays. Any monkey can make an EFP. Another reason to save pre-1982 pennies.
It's nice that they give you all the specs of these booths on their website, so you can be sure that the suckers they get to man these booths sure won't be very bright... like BTPost says... ....
Bullet resistant. There is nothing in this world I bullet proof. With the appropriate application of the correct size and type of projectile you can penetrate it.
The idea of internal checkpoints tends to suggest the coming of Soviet style internal passports or something similar. Wonder what they will do about their little brown brothers (the "undocumented immigrants") ? A tool whose usefulness has come to an end and will be discarded ?
Papers??? All I ever carry with "Me" if I am NOT Driving, is my Passport... It has my Picture, My Birthdate, My Place of Birth, and My Sex..... This is ALL the information I would ever be REQUIRED to Give, PERIOD. It affirms I am a US Citizen, and that is ALL anyone needs to know, about my business, PERIOD. I may have a Drivers License with me, but I will NOT show it, UNLESS, I was Driving, when stopped, PERIOD. They can requet more until they are Blue in the Face, but that is ALL they will GET, Period.... ...... YMMV....
Oh, so you are one of those hardline Constitutionalists ? DHS has already determined that those people are terrorist enemy combatants and can be held indefinitely without trial.