Ammo For Sale Or Trade

Discussion in 'Buy Sell Trade' started by Vetter, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. Vetter

    Vetter Monkey+

    Decided to keep it all. :)
  2. TwoCrows

    TwoCrows Monkey++

    List ?
    Calibers ? Gauges ?
    Types of loads ?

    Make it easier to see what you have for sale, and you will be better able to sell it.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Just make sure what your selling is Factory Ammo, and not reloads.... It is a Federal Felony to sell your own Reloads, unless you have a Type 6 FFL, AND have paid the Federal Excise Tax.... ......
  4. Vetter

    Vetter Monkey+

    The boxes are unopened/flap still glued..
    .380 1500 rounds
    9mm 2k rounds
    .40 1k rounds
    .45 2k rounds
    mostly wolf and tulammo
  5. PAGUY

    PAGUY Monkey

    Ok so let's talk prices.
  6. Vetter

    Vetter Monkey+

    Make me a fair offer?
  7. PAGUY

    PAGUY Monkey

    I would but, shipping would kill me.
  8. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    I agree that shipping could be a problem. However if you use the USPS boxes that "if it fits it ships" you can do OK on it.

    Tell me about the .45 ammo (assuming it is ACP). I am interested. Who is the manufacturer, grain, casing, primer...blah blah blah. I am also interested in the 9x19mm
    Vetter likes this.
  9. Vetter

    Vetter Monkey+

    230 grain. Have both fmj and hp.
    9mm is 115 grain. The majority of it is fmj.
  10. Bear4570

    Bear4570 Monkey+++

    How much for 200 rounds of the 38+p Golden Saber and 200 rounds of the .357
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    You can NOT ship Ammunition via USPS Mail Services... It is NOT allowed, as Ammunition is a USDOT ORM-D classified Item.... and must go by Motor Freight or Private Carrier..... (UPS or FedEx if they will take it)
  12. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

    Thank you very much for the info BT, saved us all a bunch of trouble!
  13. Vetter

    Vetter Monkey+

    I shipped some to a budy in tn via fed ex and it wasn't too bad.
  14. hammer502

    hammer502 Monkey+

    location? interested in the 45.
  15. PAGUY

    PAGUY Monkey

    What is not spoken for?
  16. Vetter

    Vetter Monkey+

    South Arkansas
    Nothing is spoken for so far.
  17. PAGUY

    PAGUY Monkey

    What do you want for 500 of the 9mm to include shipping to Harrisburg PA?

    Improvise, Adapt, Modify, and Overcome. FTM/PTB
  18. hammer502

    hammer502 Monkey+

    how much for the 45? 500 rds, 1k rds and all of it. depending on paycheck friday i'll make my decision on amount(if it hasn't sold yet)
  19. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I was always under the assumption that advertising a selling price was customary on discussion forums. I know most firearms discussion forums require it.

    What is your selling price for the ammo?
    Brokor likes this.
  20. Im interested in the 40S&W and 380 ACP. No 12g's
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