Sounds like a bad case of the munchies. But it being Canada I suppose the home owner was charged with "baiting" the disadvantaged students who could not afford a Taxi ride home. Just another report from the Nanny State of the North.
VFW "Just another report from the Nanny State of the North." It's Another Country !!! NOT a "State" , But I know Your current & maybe the previous President somehow get it mixed up. 52 states now from BoBo , Bush nothing can be said , just too many furbar's.
"Nanny state is a term of British origin (and primary use) that conveys a view that a government or its policies are overprotective or interfering unduly with personal choice.[1] The term "nanny state" likens government to the role a nanny has in child rearing and was probably coined by the Conservative British MP Iain Macleod who referred to "what I like to call the nanny state" in his column "Quoodle" in the December 3, 1965, edition of The Spectator.[2] It is defined by as "a government perceived as authoritarian, interfering, or overprotective" and has also come to be associated with socialist practices of having the government basically "baby" the populace by being in charge, in control of, and even financing all of its needs. Some governance claimed to represent a nanny state are those that emerge from application of public health, risk management of health and safety policies."
I took special notice of the "BEWARE OF DOG" sign posted outside the house of the lady whose chihuahua alerted her to the chip thieves.
And just to make it , I went into a Zellers that is closing out sale , soon to be a Target (China product pusher) & low & behold , new bags of BBQ full size bags for 50C each. I had a taste.