I just wonder what happen to A goverment of the people, by the people and for the people. ( Abraham Lincoln )
Speaking before a La Raza group two nights ago, bobo the whitehouse clown said, in his OWN words, that he has been tempted to simply go around Congress and enact the laws HE wants. As can be expected, that crowd cheered him on....... If we don't get RID of this puppet, he WILL begin doing what HE wants, with NO controls - can y'all say "DICTATOR......? If he does enact any gun control andtry taking our guns, he and his cronies will kick off the Second American Revolution......
Obama: "Very tempting" To Become A Dictator (Video) Where Is The Media?! Link to article and video. Got preps?
Does anyone here think Brother Barry has a snowball's chance in hell of being re-elected? I think he's blown his load. Yet another one term president, in a long list of one term presidents. All the people that were waiting, and hoping for change, (hehe) haven't seen any change. The dems can no longer hang the economy around Bush's neck. He's had almost three years to fix it, and it's only gotten steadily worse. Everything that Obama has pushed for, and got passed, has blown up in OUR faces. I think he's done. Pack your bags Barry, we want you OUT. As far as how much the government desires to screw us in the 6...... I don't see anything new there. I've observed our country getting steadily worse for decades. I was a product of the 80s. That's the decade I grew up in. (don't remember much of the 70s) Reagan was a badass. He didn't take no **** off nobody. Bombed the **** outta Momar for shooting a missile AT a US warship. Didn't even hit it, but Reagan said, "Bomb his house". Big brass ones... that's what he had. I don't see any way to change the status quo. My plan is to make as much money as I can in the next three to four years, and then get the **** outta their way. Might be the bitch way of looking at it, but I see no other solution. They decide they don't want me around, and guess what........I wont be around. Just my opinion, do with it what you will.
Re-Election of obbie 1 and joe bee You bet there is a possibility of him being re-elected,provided there is a 2012 Election. I don't think he is the idiot we all think he his. How much longer do you think this economy of ours can keep spiraling slowly down. Factor in the tanking of the European countries, Portugal,Italy,Ireland(Again),Greece and Spain. Add to that Germany saying today that they could not afford any more bail out money and the stage is being set for another World wide depression that will make the last one look a mild recession.Just think about all the comments he has made about how much easier he could get things done if he didn't have to deal with congress.Remember the words of Pelosi when ask about ObamaCare and the Constitution. I am more afraid that there won't be a 2012 election than who might be elected.I'm looking for a part time job to replace the one I lost in April.Then I'm going to prep like -ell. Til it tanks. I'm more concerned with Marshall Law being declared because of World Wide Depression.and the Constitution and elections being suspended.
Update on the "Treaty": United Nations Small Arms (Gun Confiscation) Treaty to be Ratified by the US Senate in 2012 - YouTube
Big Speaker .... olde Abe, ..... actions was another thing altogether. In answer to your question, he along with the bankers who controlled him pretty much destroyed States Rights and the 10th amendment. just saying ....
I could see this as being the catalyst for a nation wide declaration of martial law. I think backing the people in to that corner would lead to bloodshed the likes of which have never been seen in this country. I would hope the so called leaders would know if done will be the end of this country as it has been known. I have no faith in them doing the right thing as they are full of arrogance and drunk on power. They are so out of touch with the people and the constitution, they have nothing to guide them be their lust of power and control. God help us all if they can't see the madness of this kind of action.
I saw this while I was taking a break last night, they went back to work on it today. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48039285/ns/world_news/ A sheep with a gun is still a sheep.
They will never quit. They believe that eventually they will get their way. One compromise at a time. The word today folks is compromise. You hear it from every corner. Compromise your rights, your faith and your freedom. Take the mark or dont buy and sell. its coming and sooner then you all think.
Kingfish, I believe you are right. Look at how many outrageous things that have been said and done by these traitorous congresscritters with The IllegalOne. From Pelosi's we have to pass the bill to see what is in it (paraphrase) to the unconstitutional executive orders and congress' acts. Where is the outrage? Where is the real anger? Our letters and emails to our representatives are ignored. Our face to face visits when they come to visit the peasants are a waste of oxygen. They are all bought and paid for. They think they know best. If nothing to date has fired up the sheep OR the patriots, what will? I pray that we don't end up with a civil war. If there is a trigger that angers enough of us it would, I hope, be any attempt to take our weapons........ GB
The betrayal of trust goes deeper than most realize, how many gun owners know that most federal gun control laws were written by the NRA ? The MSM portrays them as hard-liners but that is propaganda to convince the gun owners and motivate the anti's. This has been coming since the passage of the NFA 1934
(GunReports.com) -- U.N. and global gun banners began their most recent attack on Second Amendment freedoms by including civilian arms in the proposed Arms Trade Treaty, which was called for in a resolution adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 2009. A conference began this week in New York City to draft the treaty's language. The conference will run through July 27. Day one of the conference began with a stunning degree of inaction, as the meeting failed to formally convene for either morning or afternoon sessions. However, anti-gun groups are present in force and are insisting that civilian firearms be included within the scope of the ATT. Addressing the conference on Tuesday, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon made an emotional speech calling for an ATT. He said, it was a "disgrace" that there is no treaty covering conventional arms (the implication being the inclusion of small arms) and that the world is "over armed." He also called for strict national legislation to control arms. Meanwhile, Norway made its opening statement and called for the scope of the treaty to include "non-military arms," a direct call that civilian firearms should be included within the ATT. Thursday's negotiations got off to a very slow start due to procedural issues, and adjourned late due to more of the same. Some countries did make statements that illustrated the deep divisions in the assembled body, especially over the issue of civilian firearms. While the New Zealand delegate stated that, "The task is not to regulate state's internal matters, such as conditions of domestic sales of arms or national systems of gun control or registration," the delegate from Mexico took the opposite tack, saying individuals' rights (i.e., the Second Amendment) are not an excuse for "products traded without controls." This statement continued Mexico's efforts to blame its drug cartel problem on American guns. The Mexican delegate then went on to say specifically that civilian firearms needed to be included in the ATT. The NRA will be present throughout the entire U.N. meeting and will provide frequent updates. In a joint position statement issued this week, French, German, British, and Swedish government officials said, "We believe that an arms trade treaty should cover all types of conventional weapons, notably including small arms and light weapons, all types of munitions, and related technologies."
This is it gents. World government rearing its ugly face. If our senate ratifies this treaty and it includes the banning of personal semi automatic rifles shotguns and pistols this country is going to war with itself.
Any politician here in the US who supports this travesty will have committed suicide -politically and otherwise. A few million very PO'd gun owners won't tolerate this. We will fight! We will defend our rights. They will find enforcing such a 'law' will be very different from signing it. And very dangerous to those coming to enforce it. Only a damned fool "pokes the bear" and sits there grinning smugly while the bear readies his claws.
The way I understand the whole ratification thing is if the Senate does not bring it to a vote it becomes valid. Look for a power play from Harry Reid to not allow a vote. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
Not exactly. Without the Senate, the treaty is not ratified regardless of the presidents wishes and intent. The Senate must consent. See = http://www.ehow.com/how_5110577_ratify-treaty.html