SHTF gun whats your ideal gun?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by slug36, Mar 2, 2010.

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  1. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    Oh man! Nobody got the right answer!!

    I found out the right answer.

    Ya wanna know what it is?


    It never runs out of ammo and if the SHTF, you still have all the fun of playing with a squirt gun.
  2. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    While interesting (and I am sure nice for those who may monitor this site for government agencies) I am at a loss as to how your post answers in any way the question posed by the thread.
  3. There's not a best gun in my opinion, but if SHTF and I can only have one weapon, I want it to be my 8 round pump 12g Mossberg
    Yard Dart likes this.
  4. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Well...I thought about it since the early thread and I guess for me it has to be my's the one I am sure to have on my hip. Any other gun wouldn't fit the "only gun" scenario...
  5. Mechwolf

    Mechwolf Monkey+

    I would want my AR just because it is what I am most proficient with. Another pro to an AR is the availability of tracer rounds for those needing to shed some light on night time shooting.
  6. Warscent

    Warscent Corus corax

    I have to agree with Pax.Glock is the way to go.Its the AK of the pistol world. Well,until the SCAR 17 came out. If i had to carry only one weapon between the two id hate it,,,but it would have to grab the lil Glock 19 .
  7. TwoCrows

    TwoCrows Monkey++

    There is no single ideal SHTF gun.

    For what purpose ?

    Gathering food ?

    Defending your home ? Day or night ?

    Self defense when out and about ?

    Defending a larger community ?
  8. Warscent

    Warscent Corus corax

    Im have 5 seconds to choose only one weapon..... 5...4...3..2... Shit just hit the fan and you have no details whatsoever. bam. choose. Thats what popped in my mind
    ExHelot likes this.
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Just remember, Your situation may be totally different, than another persons situation, and what works for YOU may be totally WRONG in someone else's AoO, and situation.... Around here, generalizations, need to be made in "context" of the writers situation and AoO.... ...... YMMV......
    ExHelot likes this.
  10. Warscent

    Warscent Corus corax

    The thread title says "whats YOUR ideal gun"? Im missing your point.
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Without the "context" of each posters situation, there really can't be a comparison, between Posters.... Apples and Oranges.... without "context".....
    Falcon15 and Witch Doctor 01 like this.
  12. TwoCrows

    TwoCrows Monkey++

    You might as well ask a golfer "What is the ideal golf club ?"
    tulianr and BTPost like this.
  13. Warscent

    Warscent Corus corax

    Imagine you woke up with a burlap sack on your head, bound by your wrists, and no idea HTF you got in this situation. A voice over a speaker somewhere in the room says" you have five seconds to choose any gun you wish and you will be released with the weapon at your feet". What would you say? ... I wasn't talking about the posters situation.Im talking about an added fictional scenario with a split second decision just for the fun of it. Don't over think it! Do you have a default gun setting in your mind? A comfort zone or night-time blankie in the form of a rifle or pistol? What is it?
    Lighten up.[touchdown]
  14. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++


    Only an FNG nOOb has the stones to sass a moderator. Attitude and demeanor are very important attributes in the monkey tree.

    Your "fictional" scenario is pointless because it will never happen, so, why discuss it?
  15. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Too many to carry which is why we are staying put.
    ExHelot and TwoCrows like this.
  16. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    M4. How will my mind be changed when the handcuffs and blindfold drop off? Pretty pointless exercise. That said, my choices are different for different scenarios. There are only a few thousand scenarios we can postulate for the fun of it. Feel free to come up with realistic ideas.
    TwoCrows likes this.
  17. Warscent

    Warscent Corus corax

    Tough crowd. Didnt intend on kicking the dust up in this forum. Ill try to be more mindful in future posts even if im just kidding around.
  18. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    It's all about creds. Takes a while for internal thought processes to show up for others to "read". No worries, time is on our side.
  19. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Today's is the Gamo wisper cat .177 vs. The *&%$&*** Mockingbird's that insist on pecking hole's in my tomato's...

    It is WAR gentlemen...!!!!

    Gumbo tonight, Mockingbird
    Falcon15 likes this.
  20. Warscent

    Warscent Corus corax

    Our hens pretty much finished off all of our cherry tomatos and bellpeppers for the year .All the more reason to have chicken gumbo when the weather cools down.
    NVBeav likes this.
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