I suppose I could have done better if I were not sipping rum most of the evening. 27 correct out of 33 .... or 81.82%
31 - missed the one about the puritans (odd) and the one about FDR and the Supreme court. Now I want some of the young people to take it and see how they compare to we old coots who know nothing
29 out of 33 correct = 87.88% I stuffed up badly with a basic book keeping question that I should have known. Otherwise the questions missed were mostly US history. Not too shabby for an Australian
I don't feel too bad about it, the Engineer and Retired Marine only scored one more than we did. and we only missed 2 less than the educated eccentric.
I scored: You answered 28 out of 33 correctly — 84.85 % Missed five. Guess I need to do more homework.......
31 of 33 - 93.94% ok, I suppose. What is appalling is the low levels scored by elected officials. It is no wonder they pass laws that go against the Constitution and the intent of the Founding Fathers.
32/33, and I disagree with the one I got wrong. The question was something along the lines of, "If government revenue equaled government spending..." I didn't think any of the answers were right, but I had to put something, so I put that government debt would be zero. The "correct" answer was something like, "average tax per person would be equal". Bovine Scatology.
That one had me stop for a second also...but for the gov't debt to be zero, there would have to be no outstanding balance. Therefore, avg tax per person would equal avg govt spending per person. But yeah, BS either way.
Pyrrhus, same here. Seemed the 'more right' answer of the four. I missed the one on FDR too, as I couldn't believe he'd have THAT much cheek!