I have a pretty decent selection of Prepper and PAW fiction (and some non fiction) in PDF and MOBI(Kindle) formats, some of it I have been told by the authors I can share but not upload to forums and some is just plain OK to share (but I think all of that is posted here somewhere). I would really like to find more, and share some of this. If you have any you would like to trade (or are looking for something) drop me a PM. Links to Prepper fiction especially are also very welcome... Pax
Cephus shared this with me. Actually took me awhile to read all teh stories Jerry D. Young: More Prep & PAW stories Also a lot here on SM Resources
I've been building a library of ebooks, and using calibre to manage them. The software is free, and can manage quite a large library of books. But be aware that the user interface has a bit of a learning curve to it and can be counter intuitive. But it makes it pretty easy to organize your books, add meta tags to them, share them among multiple devices, etc.
This is JDY's new site and he has most of Fleataxi's stuff along with TOM's and all on PDF free for the taking ,just sign up !! Welcome To My Site – Jerry D Young
Yup, though did surprise me when it went to Green Lantern Green & Black LoL I even made a few suggestions there in his Jerry's Lists catagory about 18-wheelers