What Does Freedom Mean to You?????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alpha Dog, May 13, 2012.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    My "Honor" tells me to continue to ask that question until a legitimate attempt at answering is made rather than some "come to Jesus" faith thing that mandates relying on old John Wayne Movies and trusting in politicians that use tools like the Gulf of Tonkin or the Phoenix Program, or being labeled a hippy. Serving with honor, I do understand but what I don't understand is how it relates to defending Freedom.
    What iwar and projection of power or empire building does, is develop more efficient means of surveillance and havoc that will eventually be used against us here at home and already is being used to great degree.
  2. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    I already answered and your honor is satisfied; so what is your issue?

    What do you know about Phoenix?
  3. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    Thanks for posting this. I can relate to that character quite a bit. I can only pray I have that kind of character when needed, like so many of our country's founders did in real life.
    jungatheart likes this.
  4. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Larry I agree with to fight or die for this joke of a goverment and the laws they want to force on us all. With that being said I do believe with everything in my heart that our guys who die in combat or have died in combat, the L.E.O.'s who have died on the side of a dark highway, the firefighter's who die in burning buildings or the EMS guy's who die trying to save a life did not die for goverment. They died and will always be willing to die for our country, our community, our families,friends and joe citizen. They gave all for country the greatest country in the world lady America and way of life to protect and save it for future generations. They died for the love and honor of being a protector. The one who when SHTF the people have hope. As for goverment they could care less all wars and for every life that has been lost on US streets had cause and was done with honor, sacrifice and in the name of duty. Not in the name of goverment, I feel we as the people of the US have contributed to putting our country where she is to day and if we don't wake up and pull together. We will be her down fall we have let her down she has always stood strong for us. We the people put these slimmy bastards in office, we have allowed them to take and take til there is not much left to take. I will be the first to say our country has went down hill and we the people gave her the push. Goverment represents the public and we all have made some bad choices ( I did not vote for O-dumba$$ I still have my good olboy membership card) but if I had took some of my down time and just talked to a few people and they had talked to a few things could have been a little different not much but some. Until we the people tighten the ropes and make the goverment answer to the people they will keep screwing us. Then they will pass laws to keep politics out of our hands and then they will make Hitler look like the pope.
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I served in some little dirty corners of the world as well. My motives at first were those of a young man, not very directed. But after seeing the poor, malnurished,the weak among our world, I believe I was fighting more to help my common man, preserve our way of life and to protect my childern's way of life to come. Our country was founded with principles I greatly hold dear and defended as a soldier. I agree that our little jaunt's into war/conflict since WW2 have been folly. The heart and mind of the American way, live on in the defenders of freedom, regardless of the crappy mission assigned with endless and useless goals that will not result in any overall betterment of the populations condition. The military complex machine lives on, but the true believers of our country, the personal that joined for the defense of a common agenda- freedom, are my hero's.
    By the way- lamb is delicious.
    Alpha Dog, jungatheart and tulianr like this.
  6. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    As a continuation- I think our mission's into Iraq and Afganistan had sound reason but Politcians so screwed up the objectives that we lost a lot of good soldiers for nothing. Get in, hit the objective, achieve the mission, and get the hell out.......
    Open ended mission creep is the doom of all......
    Guit_fishN, Alpha Dog and tulianr like this.
  7. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    There is a cross thread in the Medicine forum - Jail Time for No Meds that presents a interesting discussion about the consequences of "total freedom." It seems as though our desire for personal freedom from government intervention is limited by the total personal freedom of others and the consequence of their freedom to each of us individually.

    The Freedom isn't Free statement nails it on the head, the absolute freedom of one individual will limit the absolute freedom of another individual. At what juncture does the government have the right and authority to intervene? When do the rights of the individual supersede the rights of society and the greater good?

    When we choose to live as part of a society, we accept that there are rules that must be followed and boundaries that must not be crossed and when we compromise either the rules or the boundaries, there will be consequences. This is the nature of a society.

    But, because we have failed to limit the power of the legislators (our government) through the years, we have arrived at a point where we have given them the authority to limit every aspect of our personal freedom.

    We have allowed them to enact laws that do nothing but protect the individual from the consequences of their own actions and make punishable actions that are victimless. While I find it reasonable that murder is against the laws of man and that it is punishable, I do not find it reasonable that the taking of another life in defense of my own is punishable. While I find it reasonable that I cannot drive 100 mph on a city street, I don't find it reasonable that I must wear a seat belt or a helmet if on a motorcycle. While I find it reasonable that I cannot build a structure that extends onto the property of my neighbor, I don't find it reasonable that I can be forced to mow my lawn.

    We have arrived on the doorstep of totalitarianism and in reality, have taken a step inside. As a society, how far into that house are we willing to go?

    ghrit, Yard Dart, Sapper John and 4 others like this.
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member


    It's only after the worst has happened people realize the error of their ways.

    On the precipice of change, the ignorant might finally see how far we have slipped.

    By then it is too late.
    Sapper John, Alpha Dog and Seacowboys like this.
  9. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    It took despotism to spark the American Revolution or the French and others. It is the catalyst which sparked the Boston Tea Party.
    The Russian Revolution the end of despotism was just a change of the guard. Mao's version was starvation for 40-50 million people.

    The problem with it is after the worst has happened; it seems to go one of two ways. Only the naive are certain they know which of the two.
    jungatheart likes this.
  10. Freedom is the judgement and ability to apply some form of this statement:

    An ye harm none; do as thou wilt.
  11. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    tulianr likes this.
  12. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Because it was their generation; my father and almost everyone (family, friends, neighbors) was a WWII Vet.
    Many of them believed WWII happened because Hitler and Japan were ignored until they finally attacked us. History seems to agree with them.

    What would the world be if the Allies had kept their military up to date and took out Hitler after his first invasion?

    What would the world be if we had stayed out of Korea?

    Although I do not trust politicians. I believe this is not a two headed coin that when flipped always answers all conflicts have been folly.

    Wiccan Rede

    As not many despots, dictators, royalty etc leave when asked politely; you'd need to be born free to sign up for harming none.
    tulianr likes this.
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    We have a small number of members who follow Pagan rites. Wicca is but one that have that philosophy of harm no one. There are several Wiccan traditions, the followers pick the one they like and adhere to it. Wicca is a newer form of paganism.

    Alpha Dog likes this.
  14. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    They get together down the road aways twice a year at solstice . I never had a problem with them . ;)
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  15. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    The Constitution guarantees religious freedom for all.
    Sapper John and Alpha Dog like this.
  16. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Unless it has changed, Wiccan KIA aren't treated equally under the rules in the military. I used to live near Ft Bragg, NC and in the 1990s there was a heated exchange in the Fayetteville newspaper.
    The widow of a soldier being buried in a military cemetery wanted his grave marker to display a Wiccan symbol. The military is only authorized crosses and Star of David; so the answer was no.

    As I received a "like" I added this as a separate post.
  17. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    I believe that was finally sorted out by a lawsuit in 2007, and now the VA does allow Wiccan Pentacles on grave markers. The VA lagged behind the military by several years, which had approved Wicca as an alternative religion some time ago.

    I've got no problem with anyone who actually follows Wiccan belief, and adheres to the Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do what ye will." I think this would be an easier world to get by in if everyone followed such a mindset. The old, "Do unto others ....", works too, if folks actually adhere to it.

    Wiccans also believe that whatever they do, good or bad, will come back to them three times, in THIS world; not in the afterlife. That generally makes the true believers pretty nice folks. A mean Wiccan knows he has some ugly payback coming.

    For those Monkeys who are Masons, crack open a book on Wiccan initiation rites sometime, and take a look at the oaths. My eyebrows certainly went up when I did. You'll be able to quote much of it from memory.
    jungatheart likes this.
  18. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Thank you for the update. I thought it was a raw deal and it was hot and heavy in the Fayetteville newspaper.

    As I worked with a Wiccan; I know some of their beliefs. I know a lot more about his great vegetable garden and being right fair with a fishing pole.

    I served with a variety of religions; it never was that important. Where it gets attention is when someone pushes their ways on me, Other than that, it is their free choice.
    tulianr and Sapper John like this.
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