Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Brokor, May 10, 2012.

  1. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    Personally I think the USA is crumbling and will have major changes in the near future. The US gooberment is running scared.
    The nearly exact same mess happened in the former Soviet Union.

    Reguardless of all the gooberment intrusion in our lives and families and money, they can never ever take away whats in your Heart. SCREW THEM!!!!!!!!!
  2. Gunny Highway

    Gunny Highway Hard Work and Sacrifice blessed by God's Grace

    It may be just me but I am interpeting the RP ( Retained Personnel ) from the Civilian Prisoners as " Hey you are our slaves and will have to work for us ". A high suspicion as to skilled positions such as doctors nurses machinists mechanics...any profession they feel free to " nationalize ". A truly disturbing read my friends...
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Skills? What do you think I know how to do, Master?
    dragonfly likes this.
  4. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    Me....a slave? [sawgunner] I dont think so scooter!!
    I will die with my boots on and hands full of rifle before I ever submit to someone elses "work re-education program"!!!
  5. RouteClearance

    RouteClearance Monkey+++

    Here is a video to watch.

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>
    Brokor likes this.
  6. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    That's it, I'm buying stock in Jack Boot companies now. Get in on it while prices are low. I foresee real growth in the future.

    Intel, neighbors snitching out neighbors, national police and then the executioner groups. Someone said something about patterns repeating? Now let me see your papers.
    dragonfly likes this.
  7. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    Personally I'm well past the point of caring what I post. Most likely I'm on one or more lists already. I'm 1st generation born in this great country, The distaff side of my family came here from Germany back in the mid thirty's. Yeah, Grandpa was on "their" side for WW1 and fortunately for me, saw what was coming down the pike and got everybody the heck out.

    I can remember my Granpa telling me how things were in the old country.

    There is no way I or any of my loved ones are getting on any bus, train or truck at the .gov's "request". [gun]
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I think RouteClearance hit the nail on the head, and I can't speak for him when I say that this is the piece of the puzzle that so many seem to miss. It's not just that we have an all-encompassing empire to battle here -we have been purposefully and gradually acclimated to accept the police state. The shear amount of thought that goes into the workings of transforming a once free society into a gulag is astounding, and it's difficult to fully grasp the concept at any great length. This would all be akin to a novice attempting to challenge a grand chess master; the master really has no challenge at all because the novice is without clue as to the true nature of the game.

    In this very existence of serving the role as arbitrators of nations, i.e., becoming the policemen of the world, the modern military interventionist policy has paved the way for continual assaults anywhere on the globe. At one time not too long ago, a dictator by the name of Adolf Hitler had a terrible time trying to gain support for his campaign to dominate -but today, it's a common theme and one that has become readily expected. The military routine is a hard line approach to an illusory enemy, and the goal is global control over all resources and assets in order to promote and benefit the top 5% corporate cartel dynasties. The ancient credo of the Jesuits cements the ideal: "the end justifies the means."

    The military personnel train to combat an enemy in foreign conflict, and come home to serve as police to a prison population -even the civilians who are not military trained are accustomed to routine police searches and seizures, imprisonment, fines and abuse. Due to the drug trade and illegal immigration, the "need" for police to curb crime continues to escalate. As we have already seen in recent news, the same establishment who promises to "protect" us are the very same ones to run guns for gangs, bus illegals or make the corrupt rule of law so pervasive that it only further adds to the dilemma. The "problem-reaction-solution" Hegelian technique is the base for an ever-expanding police state and dependency cycle. The government would never want the people to wake up and realize that we DO NOT need THEM anymore -it's in their best interest to constantly remind us how much we need their "services". And this is the heart of the issue, since we no longer take care of ourselves, we are beholding to a massive, indebted, cancerous form of government where despotism runs wild.

    We can blame the corporations. We can blame the banks and the alphabet agencies and every President who has only continued the same policy by proclamation and nation security. We can blame the Jews and the Mexicans and the gays and the religious. We can blame the Democrats and the Republicans and the special interest groups and the lobbyists. We can blame the timid and the weak and the indifferent, the old and the young. We can blame the corrupt judges, the preachers who herald Romans 13, the television and nightly news. We can blame the corporate media and the Illuminati or the Catholic Church...

    But if you want to find the culprit, locate the nearest mirror and gaze into the face of your true enemy. Every chess grand master can appreciate the truth in that.
  9. sgt peppersass

    sgt peppersass Monkey+

    You have a way with words Broker. It's our fault, easy as that. We made our bed and we must lie in it. Hopefully we will wash our sheets soon
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  11. Catullus

    Catullus Monkey+++

    I am not a grandmaster OR a master but I was a rated chess player once upon a time. Playing competitive chess as a kid FOREVER changed the way that I view situations now. What you describe in the aforementioned post is what I call the long, slow strangling. The wolves learned long ago that it is more effective to tire your prey before you try to catch it.

    If you base your timelines over generations you can get away with almost anything. Look at the Catholic Church...
    The wolves are MUCH smarter than most people think. They are 15 moves ahead and see imminent victory in the future. A paradigm shift has already occurred IMHO. This game is already over. The only way to win now is to change the game.

    Nice to have you back Brokor.
    sgt peppersass, dragonfly and Brokor like this.
  12. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Thanks, man. I also updated my original post to include the Civilian Inmate Labor Program (AR 210-35), which belongs to this topic.
  13. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I agree with just about all you said Broker but I would like to add that most of the problems stem from the federal Law Enforcement. I find myself more and more these days in a pi$$ing match with goverment L.E.O.'s trying to step in on things Im working that they have no business in or dont even have the jurisdiction to be working. I have been placed on a list as one who does not work well with other agencies. I work just fine with others who have a dog in the fight, but I do start pi$$ing on trees and barking when others come in my yard and act like they are the top dog. Just cause I like to lay on the porch, don't mean the fight has left the old dog. A lot of city Police Dept and State Police Depts are the same the get the toys from the feds then run around wanting to be the men in black. With that being said and I do show a lot of pride and support for Sheriff Depts I've been a deputy from the time of being an 18 year old kid to now just a old broken down man. But most County L.E.O.'s if they have a good Sheriff feel the same way we do about to much fed involvment and see what is around the curve. Our Sheriff has told us to tell the others to stay out and mind their own business. When we do he is the first one to stand up and point the best direction of travel out of our county. That really hurts their feelings which it does knock us out of the cool amor personel carriers with the high speed paint job oh well they probally wouldn't work well in these hollors anyway.
    Cephus, oldawg, wrc223 and 4 others like this.
  14. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I think it would be best to do all we can to encourage the return to state sovereignty and support our good-natured law enforcement personnel so we can hopefully return to a point when we no longer need "police" as they have come to be known and can enjoy liberty and freedom as nature intends. This means the free states will be looking to employ private security, so no loss of jobs, only an alteration of principle. =)

    The feds are the proverbial Frankenstein, we created this telling how messy this will get.
    Cephus, wrc223 and dragonfly like this.
  15. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    Now thats my kind of L.E.O.!!

    Our County Deputies are exactly how you are. Common sense with a cool head approach and a stay out of our business attitude.
    I cant say the same for neighboring counties or cities though. I have had the unfortunate oppertunity to see some very degrading a** kissing performances.
    Cephus and Brokor like this.
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