“We are Preparing for Massive Civil War''

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Gator 45/70, May 5, 2012.

  1. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I can't say I agree it will be anything that closely resembles "civil"...
    I'm more predisposed to the idea that this could be the most UN-civil war ever in our nation's history.....What is commonly referred to as : F ugly!
    I for one am not looking forward to it, but if it comes, it will determine our future from the point and time it is declared as "over"....winner take all.
  2. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    So can anyone answer me this?

    Mtv is a well known supporter of the liberal agenda but they have put out a couple commercials that have me rattled a bit.

    WTF!!! MTV Martial Law Holocaust warning Commercial - YouTube

    Two commercials stating that victims of the Holocaust were just like you and me???........what the f*** is that all about?
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  3. Boromonkey

    Boromonkey Concerned primate

    I believe those were aired in 2008. Remember, back then Bush was going to suspend elections and declare martial law and become a dictator, etc.

    Now that the left wing savior is in office, I'm sure their fear of tyranny is assuaged. Ironic, isn't it?
  4. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Same crap, different name and party.

    "Remember, back then Bush was going to suspend elections and declare martial law and become a dictator, etc."

    Now some say the exact same about the kenyan puppet. :D

    Ain't nothing dirtier than POLITICS!!
  5. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    Gentlemen we must think this thing through properly, I suggest we have a metting.

    I can provide a centural location as well as the BBQ>
    I think Alpha Dog can come up with some moon shine so we are thinking clear.
    Gator can provide us with some girls so we can get all the poison out of us and make wise choices.
    Seacowboy and Tachmosin are close to the Cuban Cigars and we are counting on you for the best.

    Heck if we can arrange this Im sure all good men will join in thus we will be overpowering and no shots will need to be fired.
    Cephus, Alpha Dog and tacmotusn like this.
  6. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    I'll help Alpha with the Refreshments out a bit. Just ummm.......don't drink it straight. It won't put hair on yer chest, it'll burn it OFF!!! Well, right before ya tip over LoL
    Cephus, Alpha Dog and larryinalabama like this.
  7. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

  8. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Sorry...Da women stay with me...Enjoy your shine and stoggies....
  9. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    Cancel the meeting the most improtant member wont attend.

    Long love Osama bama or whom ever what you call running this copuntry.
  10. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Rethink you agenda Larry...
    These women don't care for shine or stoggies'...
    Beads' and Daiquires' may get their attention.?
    I can only ask...
  11. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    then I'll bring my blender & a lotta Ice!!!
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  12. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    How can you tell when members of this forum have unilaterally decided a thread is ********? it ends up with posts on booze and pooty..

    It's my litmus test for "Should I read it?" :D
  13. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    Is that gunfire I hear ?
    gadsden times up.
  14. JDKinman

    JDKinman Monkey

    I've been discussing this for the past six to eight years. My observation and prediction is this that unlike the previous civil war, this war will NOT be fought on geographical boundaries (ie North versus South) but rather on ideological and constitutional boundaries.

    It will be ugly.

    Sapper John and NotSoSneaky like this.
  15. sgt peppersass

    sgt peppersass Monkey+

    the hard part is being able to see whos on what side
    Yard Dart, Sapper John and UGRev like this.
  16. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    Yeah.. trust is going to be earned. Ugly is going to be everywhere..
  17. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  18. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Good shine and a little fruit makes good drinks but most Soouthern female I have met like a little straight shine ever now and then. They really like the apple pie shine. I think Gator has been prepping to long and wanting to keep the
    females as extras forhimself in a time of need. Greedy, Greedy,Geedy[nono] Bad Gator Bad!!!!!!!!!~!!!!![angelsad](lol)
    STANGF150, Gator 45/70 and Cephus like this.
  19. wrc223

    wrc223 Monkey+

    To the tune of Do you hear what I hear:

    Said the prepper to his humble crew,
    Do you see what I see,
    Way up in the sky humble crew
    Do you see what I see
    A S.A.M, a S.A.M. dancing in the night
    With a tail as big as a kite
    With a tail as big as a kite

    Said the crew to the prepper man,
    Do you hear what I hear,
    Russling in the bushes prepper man
    Do you hear what I hear
    A traitor, a traitor, hiding in the trees
    With a hole in him the size of a .50
    With a hole in him the size of a .50

    Said the prepper man to the mighty tyrants,
    Do you know what I know,
    In your palace is where I will go,
    Do you know what I know,
    A government is overstepping it's bounds,
    Let us put them where they belong
    Let us put them where they belong

    Said the tyrants to the people everywhere
    Listen to what I say
    We only want to protect you in every way
    Listen to what I say
    The people, the people, rise up in the night
    Bring back Constitutional rights,
    Bring back Constitutional rights!!!
  20. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Red State v/s Blue State, with a nice lil internal war for divided states like NC. Of course Rural Country folks Versus Urban CitySlickers as well. An EVERY ONE Against the Politicians!!!
    sgt peppersass likes this.
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