I agree 100% and feel that the ones who came here and done what was need to become a citizen I respect. It has to bother the ones who fought through the long process to become a citizen see these people come here live free and not have to sacrifice like all the ones before them. One of my close friends went through the citizenship process about 10 years ago and he goes ballistic when he watches how the illegals come here are given federal and state aid. I tease him all the time telling him that the only reason they worked with him to become a citizen is so he couldn't have any of the free stuff because he is now American.
My great uncle is from Cuba. He went through hell and back to become a legal US citizen after he married my great aunt. To this day any time the illegal immigration debate comes on tv he stands in the middle of the living room stomping his foot screaming "Send those cheatin bastards back and make them go through what I went through!!". I always fire him up by saying times are different now than back 50 years ago. He gets all red faced and just keeps sayin "theyre cheaters...cheaters.....nobody likes cheaters......cheating bastards".
I haven't seen many pistol whippings as compared to millions and millions of illegals. Unless a person is 100% Native American, we are all descended from immigrants. The Illegals come with their hand out; then dare to tell us this is Altazan or whatever, refuse to learn our language and take from our own unemployed and seniors. Our politicians pander to them. give them entitlements while denying our own. Legal immigrants are required to work and pay their own way the same as us. For a nation where discrimination is against the law; our politicians spend a lot of time openly discriminating.. See 0bama's Dream Act etc.