Him having a gay advisor would be way down the list (if it even made the list) of reasons why a real conservative would have to hold his or her nose to vote for Mitt. Small government? Not quite. Fiscal conservativism? Be serious. Respect for the constitution? You have to be kidding me. He's Barrack Obama with an "R" after his name. But then, a real conservative would have to hold his or her nose to vote for any of the "Religious Right" candidates also.
There have been many different kinds of marriages in different societies..and many societies had no ceremonies involved and invoked no gods on their unions. Most never used the word "marriage". Actually, with the exception of a "Civil Marriage" (which I suppose most of the Christian Mullahs would say is not really a marriage either) the government only registers them. A church really has control over who they will marry and who they will not...and a good number of them have no problem at all with same gender marriages. I've been "married" (I use the quotes because we enjoy a "civil marriage", neither of us caring about the supposed sanction of any mythical being) to my current wife somewhere north of 30 years now, and what name or definition someone else uses for their union is not going to have the tiniest bit of effect on what ours is.
When all said and done, Mitten's a kitten, not a tiger... In posts #1 & #3, my intent was not to explore the issue of homosexuality in society generally, but rather to put under the magnifying glass the issue of one man's being openly homosexual and holding a key political appointment in a supposedly conservative Republican's tilt at the Whitehouse, and also examining the politics of "allowing" Grenell to drink the metaphorical hemlock, so that his master may be rid of the vexing problem of what to do with him. It was also not my intent to examine the authenticity of Mitten's credentials (or lack of them) as a "real" Republican: There are plenty here who are more than happy to do that on my behalf. If Grenell has the competency in foreign policy that is ascribed to him...then kudos to Romney for giving Grenell a jersy: It indicates that he will give responsible jobs out to those with the expected competency to do them well, and to take the foreign policy battle to that Democrat demon, Obama. The novel idea of employing competent people would seem to indicate to voters that he would favour meritocracy over hackocracy or sycophantocracy. Unfortunately it's a notion as fantastic and as unrealistic as an immaculate conception followed by a virgin birth. The Theatre of meekly accpepting Grenell's resignation, and the faint hearted, limp wristed defence of Grenell's appointment, just merely reinforces the perception that Mitten's no tiger: he's just a kitten. Romney's appointment demonstrates a certain lack of judgement in not properly understanding the power and probable reaction of one of his most influential political constituencies...the religious right.....strike 1 Having made that rather elementary political blunder.... Romney has failed to defend his own decision and support his nominee against criticism from his own side of politics with any kind of intestinal fortitude. Mittens cave in to criticism after just two weeks over an issue that is, in the overall scheme of defeating Obama, just a fart in a pickle bottle is woefull.....demosnstrating a lack of guts and fire in the belly......strike 2 The sandbagging of Mr Grenell into obscurity by the theatrical means of an "unsolicited" letter of resignation by Grenell "for personal reasons"... I mean to say...who, sensibly, would be taken in by that schtick? Mittens didn't have the moral courage to sack Grenell himself, and explain that it was because he, Romney, had buckled to pressure...... lack of moral courage.....strike 3 The Grenell affair is but small potatoes in the bear pit of politics...what will Romney do when the going gets really tough?? Seriously....is this the best that the Republican Party has to offer as a "serious" contender for knocking Obama off the US political dungheap??
I was referring to their skin. Not their hearts. Romney gotta be President first before he can commit as much evil as Obama!