So Called Survivalist Kills Wife, Daughter, Himself

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Silversnake, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Pyrrhus

    Pyrrhus Monkey+++

    I just read the article. It could be really weak journalism, but there are some amazing gaps.

    "the home was set on fire after Keller's wife and daughter were shot."
    " and authorities said they found seven gasoline cans placed in different areas of the home."
    Seriously? Gas cans, or gas cans full of gas? If they were the little 2-gallon gas cans, filled, that would be close to 15 gallons. That would cause a significant fire, yet "The fire at Keller's home was stopped before the house burned down".

    He's as prepared as they say, but he keeps cash in the bank?

    "Photos of the inside of the bunker, released by the King County Sheriff's Office, showed a shelf full of ammunition boxes stacked inside Ziploc bags.". Were they full of ammo? What kind, how much, why is it relevant? This sentence is thrown in there without relevance to anything.

    It could be exactly as it's made out to be, but it just seems to me that there is a stench about it. Hope I'm wrong.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    We welcome Good Officers up here, and they are very independent, in most of the Smaller Towns and Bush Communities, that can fund such Officers. ..... YMMV.....

    Also having Grown Up in that area, and hiked those trails for most of my younger life, I can tell you Rattlesnake Ridge, is a FootHill, in the Cascade Range. There is a MASSIVE Broadcasting Antenna Farm along it's Peak, that overlooks Puget Sound, and the Seattle Metro Area. Subdivisions are sneaking up the western slopes, and apparently his bunker was on the eastern side of the ridge, that is a Wilderness Recreation Area, designated by the Washington State Greenie Community. Lots of Citified, REI clothed, Yuppies hiking those trails, on what few Sunny, Dry, Days, that the area gets. The serious Hikers go much further into the Cascades, then that semi-Urban Park like Area. A few years back, the Greenie Community wanted the Washington State Fish & Game to rid the area of Mountain Lions, for the safety of their children.... Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed..... Never Trust Kommiefornia transplants.... they bring their Idiot Ideas with them.... ..... YMMV....
    Yard Dart likes this.
  3. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Well they put the dog down and he won't do anyone else harm. The media is using his survivalist background to paint every one in that nature as bad. This fits their socialist agenda to get us all in the food line and not to disent. To bad for his family though, must not have seen this loon for what he was- a nut job.
  4. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    As they climbed on top his bunker must have lacked any capability to protect the roof; or he had already killed himself.

    A prepper's version of the French Maginot Line?
  5. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    I reiterate what I said in another post...earlier in my Army career, we called bunkers mass graves.

  6. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    In past lives there were a variety of means to deal with bunkers. A few foxholes surrounding a bunker would raise the ante significantly. There are good reasons why Grunts dig holes. ;)
  7. durablefaith

    durablefaith Monkey

    The best news money can buy

    Do a bit of research on Mkultra , it is declassified info that informed / inspired the bourne trilogy.

    The US govt funded research in mind altering drugs whose purpose was to discredit dissidents.

    Consider NDAA, Brietbart (and his coroner), Kony film-maker, Soliders in Afghanistan killing entire villages and not remembering it, and I could go on.

    Considering the potentially long list obama is keeping of dissidents and Hate groups tracked by the SPVLC, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see some Amish and or Mennonites or our friends in Montana show up as mind melted wackos doing horrible things.

    The minds of the sheeple must be turned against those people clinging to their beans, band-aids, bullets, and bibles. And the government and military industrial complex have just the right tools to discredit any movement, like preppers or sound currency, that begins to gain momentum
  8. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    I had to laugh at this:

    "SWAT teams spent a grueling seven hours on the mountainside Friday morning, virtually crawling over dangerously steep terrain slick with mud from recent rains, before they found the bunker. A number of officers were treated intravenously for dehydration, and one broke his ankle, said sheriff's Sgt. Cindi West said.
    After long shifts, the officers appeared exhausted, their faces smeared with camouflage paint, as they rode down the mountain in sport-utility vehicles or armored carriers to be replaced by fresher teams."

    Looks like they are ready to rock and roll in a SHTF situation, LOL.
  9. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    That made me chuckle a bit as well. I guess SWAT needs to work on their conditioning a bit. You would think they would be prepared for our terrain around here but guess they spend to much time riding in the car.

    As part of your survival training, you need to take time to learn/refresh and practice your tactics, basic movement over terrain and navagation skills. An along with that comes conditioning to operate. The Ranger Handbook is a great tool for reinforcement on these skill sets.

    And of course- keep your musket clean and ready.
    Mountainman likes this.
  10. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    SWAT here is made up of patrol officers that volunteer for SWAT duty without extra pay so as you can imagine the teams are made up of the worst of the worst gung-ho trigger happy mall ninja's in LEO uniforms you could imagine.
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Back in the Day, when I lived in Seattle, and just north, in Bothell, one of my Custom Ammunition customers was the Seattle SWAT Team Training Officer. A Sargent as a matter of fact. We had some very long "Discussions" about what the proper USE was, for deploying his Unit. They were the UrBan Cowboys of the day and their Training was for Urban and SubUrban Environments, only. They were never intended to be deployed in Rural, or Wilderness Environments. The King County Sheriff's SAR Squad, was the Outfit that did ALL the Rural and Wilderness calls. Just Remember that the "Original Rambo Movie" was filmed in King County, and North Bend, WA. on the Snoqualamie River Drainage. Just east of Rattlesnake Ridge about 15 miles, as the crow flies. It is NOT all that rugged of terrain, but for a bunch of Urban Cowboys, I am sure it was a challenge. I had to LAUGH at the post about the FacePaint.... Wonder if they got that training from the Rangers@Lewis/MaCord. What a Hoot..... Good thing, this Bad Guy decided to end it himself, and wasn't a Trained Killer, like Rambo, or it could have ended very differently, and not so good for the Cowboys. Could have been Indians 1, Cowboys Zip.... ...... YMMV.....
    dragonfly likes this.
  12. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    When SWAT is really SDAP

    Nothing worse than giving a uniformed, so called elite LEO squad "elite" status without the selective screening, rigorous groundwork, and ongoing skill maintenance training to justify the role that the squad is tasked with. Otherwise, it ought be renamed to being the County "SDAP" unit .....Special Donut and Poseur's Unit.
    Mountainman likes this.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    The very best representation of a SWAT Team I have seen on the tube was a show that had the Team, as part of the Provincial Police in Toronto, Canada, and was called "FlashPoint". They were superbly trained, had excellent Squad and External Comms, and NEVER went outside their Trained Up, Envelope. This is how these type Units should Operate. Unfortunately Chell is correct, many of the So called SWAT Units do not get such Training, or Screening, before getting assigned to Units, on these kind of Deployments. Not all Cops, and, OR, Units, are equal, and many are just plain Out to Lunch, and beyond their Depth. The fortunate things is, they rarely come up against the type of situation where the Perp, is a Well Trained, and Motivated Individual, with nothing more to Lose..... Sheeple, of the reservation, are one thing, but SpecOp Trained, and motivated Individuals, are something totally different, and there are a LOT of these type of Guys, coming back into the World, from our Military..... ..... YMMV.....
    oldawg and chelloveck like this.
  14. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I am sure there were SAR guys on site for this Op and probably were left out of the write up. The original article was poorly written and I am sure they did not have all the facts including who responded. It was probably a joint action with various agencies including the fed's, due to the duration of the stakeout.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Read a Seattle Paper Article today, that highlighted the King County Sheriff Deputy that did the "ManTracking" along with a Female Colleague, that located the Bunker. He is part of the SAR Team for King County. He is also seconded to the Bomb Squad, and was the Guy who was Choppered in, with the Energetic Materials used to "Pop the Top" off the Bunker. Not really a Fed Deal at all. It was mostly a Local Deal...... .....
  16. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Sounds like the Rambo of the group, must be ex-mil from the skill set. I would not be suprised to hear that the ATF and FBI were poking thier noses around. We have a good contingent of operators from Homeland here as you know- .. One of my friends was attached to DOH here local until recent deployment back to the sand box. Great operator and I wish him well!! As soon as the survivalist angle came up I am sure they engaged as they usually suspect things of interest may come their way.
  17. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Perhaps I have been a little unfair....

    Perhaps I have been a little unfair to those officers who do apply themselves conscientiously to their SWAT role and tasking....the problem doesn't just rest with the gung ho motivations of some individual police officers....sometimes its a matter of the community getting what it can afford to pay for.

    My remarks may seem a little harsh and cynical, and probably an undeserved broad brush generalisation not applicable in some instances, but it is perhaps in some senses a reflection of some of the disadvantages of a law enforcement system based on small, independant, town and county sized enforcement agencies. The budgets for such operations are often far too small for all that is expected and asked of them, and the pool of personnel available to be drawn from, is probably much smaller than is best for drafting the best physically, psychologically, balanced people necessary for SWAT type operations. Town and County agencies do what they can with what they have, and unfortunately, that sometimes falls well short of operational needs and demands.
  18. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Off topic.... , Here the swat team ( very well trained and cohesive) were replaced by a newbie officer...these new guys are worse then the 3 stooges! Not trained, just a bunch of "buddies" and "wannbe's". They have already left their "mark", and yet no one has done anything to correct their "team". Hard to find GOOD help these days?
  19. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    As bad as SOME local units may be Waco is an excellent example of what happens when the feds stick their noses into what should have been a local issue. One constable could have resolved the weapons charge in town with no gunfire.Women and children would have lived. I also sometimes joke about our local "swat" team but I would feel much safer having people I know respond to a situation rather than multiple alphabet agencies who's only concern is justifying their existence and gaining even more power. Of course I live in a small town. So you're right Chell(I hate sayin'that). They do with what they have and I will accept that.
    chelloveck likes this.
  20. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Small community LEO's have some important advantages too

    Although I have discussed some disadvantages of small town and county policing, there are, as you have pointed out, some very strong advantages of police being a part of the community that they live in, and serve, who understand intimately how things work in their own community. They know who the good guys are, and who the trouble makers are...who are vulnerable and "at risk", and who can be kept on a long leash and who are best kept on a short one. That's all pretty much nitty gritty assumed knowledge for those who live, eat, and breathe it during the course of their everday life and police duties. That is not stuff that comes with the State and Federal agencies from outside the area, whose intelligence analysts are pretty much starting with a blank database.
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