So what did you put away this week?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. Jeff Brackett

    Jeff Brackett Monkey+++

    Ordered 2 Condor Rip-Away EMT Pouches for BOB FAKs and one .9 Adventure Medical Kit .

    The .9 med kit has enough in it that I can split it, combine it with other med supplies that I already have, and have a pair of pretty well developed FAKs for my wife's & my BOBs. I was told that the .9 comes with QuikClot, but I don't see it listed in the description. When I get it, I guess I'll find out for sure & if it doesn't, I correct that then.

    I also started sorting through my pennies and am saving all pre-1983 for copper content. From what I've read, in a SHTF scenario, those are the only pennies that might be worth anything. I figure I'll also start saving my pocket silver. At current rates, a few rolls of quarters will buy me about an ounce of real silver. It's not much, but it's a start, and that pocket change just sits around anyway. Might as well make it work for me. :)
  2. Smitty

    Smitty Monkey+

    Got another 6 buckets and gamma seals,1k rounds of 22lr, 250 rounds 22mag, 2 cases of ramen, and another 50gal of water.
  3. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    3 250 round packs of .45acp purchased today. One fer me & 2 to put away :)
  4. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    We got one of those big food rotation shelves to put our canned goods in so they get rotated automatically.
  5. Jeff Brackett

    Jeff Brackett Monkey+++

    MM, one of the ones from ShelfReliance? Which one & how do you like it? Been thinking seriously about getting one myself.
  6. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Yeah they were on sale for $264 each for the biggest one. It hasn't arrived yet but should be here in a couple weeks. I will let you guys kno how it works.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I stopped putting away stuff. I figure the gooberment is gonna take care of me one way or another. ;)

    Actually put away some high speed projectile training for the compound. Seems some were a little more confident than they actually were. But after a few more projectile holding devices were run through the projectile launcher and launcher holding techniques were reinforced. Things got much better. Bring on the redcoats.
  8. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    200 rounds 762x54r
  9. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    FR-8, 400 rds .308, 1000 rds of 9mm, antique oscillating fan (easy to work on/fix), replacement brake system for truck, another storage building.
  10. happyhunter42

    happyhunter42 Monkey+++

    The wife and I got back from the store. At her insistance we spent half of her paycheck on stuff to put in the storeroom. I now have to build more shelves for all the canned goods and essentials she had on the list. I am one lucky guy.
    Jeff Brackett and oth47 like this.
  11. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    Went out lookin' for pint Ball canning jars today, the two local hardware stores were sold out so had to make the 45min haul to Wal-Mart. Looked like thay were sold out too but then noticed two cases of jars tucked behind some packages of paper towles when we picked up several 12 packs of TP.

    You know times are getting tough when folks start hiding cannin jars in Wal-Mart !

    Snagged six boxes of small lids too. Can't have too many lids.
  12. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Gallon jug of brass...
    75% L.City...In need of load data...
    Boolits 002.JPG
  13. Jeff Brackett

    Jeff Brackett Monkey+++

  14. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    Two 20 round boxes of .45acp 200 gr Hornandy Crital Defense every payday till the .50 can is full.
  15. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    Learned a skill. Slaughtered my first chicken. Aggressive hen who was terrorizing the dwarf goats and other chickens.
    Jeff Brackett likes this.
  16. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I miss my favorite thread. =) I have been away a while, so I will summarize briefly, skipping the items I can't remember.

    --A #5 bench vise from Tractor Supply Co. for $40 (very nice deal, well made).
    --A whole bunch of Duracoat. It's amazing all the stuff you can use this on. You know, I really shouldn't have this stuff. Got it from Lauer Weaponry (dot) com.
    --A P4 3.4Ghz, 4GB DDR2, 40GB HD micro tower with XP Pro SP3 for a whopping $100 (refurbed) with free shipping. I know, right? Perfect for odd stuff. I had a lappy go down hard. No bringing that baby back.
    --Celox (sold at Wal-Mart) 2 pack with ibuprofen, bandage, and disinfectant wipes for $7. Great for small packs, easy peasy.
    --More freeze dried foods. Some more oats from LDS online.
    --Black's Law Dictionary (6th and 7th ed.) It's amazing how cheap they are now, but these two are the best versions. I remember paying 10 times as much as I did for the 6th edition back in the late 90's. Oh, Ebay for those. Must have for knowing what's up.
    --MGW sight tool for my Springfield XD9. Trijicon sights, too. Naturally.
    --I now have a full container of tea candles. About 1000 now, and another 300-ish elsewhere.

    Been gone a while. I am sure I have prepped a lot more since I have been gone, but I just wanted to hit some of the off-key things that may not have been mentioned yet.
  17. thermax

    thermax Monkey+

    Swiming pool

    We purchased a kiddie pool at Walmart for about $20.00 that holds 750 gals and comes in a small box. Will set it up if we have a natural disaster and allow the rain and our rain gutters to fill it then filter the water for drinking. We don't have allot of room for water barrels and tanks. This works nicely, we'll keep it boxed up and set it up if it becomes necessary. We do have stored water but this will give us some storage at a very cheap price.
  18. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I got my pearlies cleaned and checked for cavities. (good to go)
    Replaced the Idler pulley and belt Tensioner on the Dodge Ram.
    tomorrow is Gas-Adjust Shocks all the way around and front brakes. Plus a tire rotation.
    Sunday the stock trailer gets a grease job, wheel bearing repack and a paint job ala roller and brush.
    So both me an the truck / trailer are going to be good for a few more miles.

    EDIT. Well, no tire rotation, nor shocks as nothing is coming apart. Tried heat wrench, electric impact, breaker bar and jack. All I accomplished was to lift the truck with the jack and bend the breaker bar. Off to the professionals. Least I won't have to pay list for the parts.
  19. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    Got the wife a take down recurve, first real plunge into archery for either of us.
    Started casting some bullets for .357 in a new, custom bullet mold.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  20. Mechwolf

    Mechwolf Monkey+

    Got some beta dine and some assorted other first aid goodies from daughter stay in the hospital
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