What is a hoot... Is who the reporter is...!!! Real Time with Bill Maher March 16 2012 - Alexandra Pelosi Interviews Welfare Recipients in NYC - YouTube
Yes, aren't we all so pleased to contribute our fair share to these dear people that need flat-screen TV and don't have a job.
That video shows the plague that is eating the US up from the inside out and will soon lead to the down fall. All I can say if I was ever president there would be alot of hungry homies and hood rats
The next thing you know the government will mandate that our estates be passed to them when we work ourselves to death. After all, why should our children benefit when there are so many, many of the entitled doing without anything more than free food on their tables, free roofs over their heads, free cloths and school supplies for their many children and yes, flat screen TV's, iPhones, laptops, pimpmobiles with class A sound systems - most of the things I have been unable to afford myself because I have so many dependents around the country to help support
It would be nice Big Brother gave us a tax break and let us claim one or two of them under feed the homey act. Tax Break Homey #1 Tax Break Homey #2 Refund in Oboma Bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a modern version of the problems facing the characters in Atlas Shrugged. Is it time to quit the system and let it fall?
The best way to START fixing Welfare is to put the EMBARRASSMENT Back into being on Foodstamps!!! Do away with the lil EBT card so they can use it like a Debit or Credit card while yapping away on their Iphone!! Make them count out those lil colored pieces of paper everyone can see ain't CASH an they know every one can see!!!
Only 3 years? I kinda feel like this has been camel-nosing for the last 30, maybe even since '64 or further back to '13.
the ones in the film are already 100% vested, don't have to make a contribution because their benefactor contributes on their behalf, cradle to grave. Maybe it should be called the 40,001 plan
Ah! so you're the diversionary red herring thrower....you and your melbonian confederate! Seems to me there should be a reward for the apprehension of the 401K queen and her trusty partner in obfuscatory crime, melbo!
I have no one to pass my money and 'stuff' to win I die. If I possibly can, I will burn it all just before I pass on....... These 'people' disgust me. THIS is exactly why the grinning barstage warming the POTUS chair now will likely win in November - these societal leeches will be voting.
I have a 401k and if they ever go to confiscate it to redistrubute my wealth I will withdraw it all before hand and make my way to galt's gulch.