what do you mean out of money! Ha that's a laugh. They will just print more. I'm not saying that their 875.00 SS checks will buy anything, just that there will always be money. The United States of AmeriKa will not default on their obligations, It's just that it will be only good to use as fire starter when they are done.
True enough. It's just that until there is no one left (willing or able) to man the checkpoints those things are going to be a pain in the ass.
When I traveled in third world dictatorships and despotic regimes I expected random searches and checkpoints requiring me to "show my papers". When I came back to the US in the 90's and got stopped in the exact same way and found that people considered it just a nuisance I was outraged. The frog in the pot. I was suddenly thrust into the boiling water. That was the beginning of my descent into rebellion. The unchecked, unconstitutional abuses rampant in the US, cannot, and should not, ever be justified or tolerated.
how do you guys feel about AZ laws about checking people they think might be illegal immagrants? Seems to be on the same lines of checkpoints and whatnot
Unless I am driving, the only Papers that I carry is my Passport, when traveling. This identifies my as a "Citizen of the United States" and has a Picture of "Me" inside, Period. NO Address, State of Residence, or other information is there. I also do NOT answer any questions, about what I was doing, or where I was going, as the Official (LEO or Other) doesn't need to know that, Period. I give them NO Other information, and that gives them No Place to go with any further Questioning. Oh, they try and ask, but I do NOT answer, except to say "I am a Citizen of the USA". That is ALL I am required to Do, when asked for Identification, by ANYONE. Usually they go WAY, mumbling, and when they don't, they can't call or check on the Passport, because they do NOT have access to the State Department Passport Database, onLine, unless they are Customs, or Boarder Enforcement, and I rarely travel outside the USA... ...... YMMV....
If a LEO stops you; he can check your citizenship. BTPost is doing that already. I guess it all boils down to if you want to continue to support the illegals or you want them gone. Personally I am as tired of the illegals milking us as I am our government for stealing from SS to fund other programs.
Hmmmm where to start... OK so you get pulled over for doin' a bit o that thar speedin'! There's apparently a law against that. So far so good right? Obviously the first thing you're going to be required to do is produce a 'drivers license' since every state in the union has decided that 'driving' constitutes a privilege and thus can be regulated and controlled by said states. All of that contrary to Supreme court rulings explicitly refuting that notion. Next, they've also decided that since you are already required to beg their permission and dance for them for the privilege of driving why not also require all drivers to register [register n. in corporations, the record of shareholders, and issuance and transfer of shares on the records of the corporation] (the USofA is a corporation after all as I believe are all of the states in the union though I could be mistaken on some of the states)their vehicles meaning they are now sharing in ownership of said registered property. Anybody too upset so far? Next we address insurance...pretty much Everywhere USA requires drivers to purchase some level of insurance to drive a vehicle in which you share ownership so they'll ask you to produce that too. So it seems that it's AOK for police officers to check to insure that some laws are being followed but it's not OK to enforce other laws? If you're contacted by any officer of the law for ANY legitimate reason they have the authority to investigate you for ANY crime for which they have probable cause to investigate you further. This is already the reality. Your job is to ensure that you give them nothing to work with as Bruce alluded to. The AZ law is redundant and nothing but a baited hook to keep the race baiters frothing at the mouth. Of course, the entire system is abuse so we all know this particular aspect will be abused to the point random people are stopped for Papieren, bitte! History's lessons are much too hard to remember. Byte
I want the illegals gone as much as the next guy. I personally see it as tresspassing.Why do we feed, cloth, house and let them drive when they come here when they are not allowed, but if one of us goes onto government property we get pistol whipped and tossed in jail. everything is so backwards, they really lossed touch with the people. Also are we going to give up more of our rights to keep them out. We should tighten up the boarder so none come inside in the first place.
As far as I see it the gooberment is running scared and will soon be unable to borrow enorgh money to keep up all the BS. Just be pacient its likley we will soon be free from alot of this crap soon.
Not that I like this crap either. But what makes you think that what's next is any better? If the Feds lose it, then it's anarchy, and that is not good either. Unless you're ready to fight for everything, and prepared to survive that kind of mess, you best pray it never happens!
Hmmm.... maybe we should go back and review the Mad Max movies....... could be where the world is headed.
As there is millions already here your "in the first place" lost its merit. To get my job, I had to prove I was a citizen. I want the same requirement for them. When a LEO pulls someone over for and they cannot speak English; I want the LEO to check if they are a citizen. When you are pulled over, the LEO runs a check using your DL. It is them who are being protected; not us losing our rights. If you were a Supreme Court Justice; would you agree with Arizona or 0bama?
We have police dogs going into average, middle class schools sniffing students book bags. They have to search warrant and no right to be invading schools like this. That is absolutely police state action.
The supreems ruled driving was a privilege not a right, but as with most of these arguments it is based on the what was presented to the court not what the facts or all of the considerations are. this is one of the inherent problems with our court system. It should be based on what is in law not what is argued.
I think that if an officer is investigating a crime or conducting a just traffic stop sure they have the right to ask and should be presented with proff by the person. Reason being is if not mistake when a person gains citizenship they are give a ID card and told to carry it in case ask to show citizenship. They make everyone show it at airports. I think it will help solve alot of crimes by unknown suspects. I dont agree with housing them for a week and feeding them. They should have a bus that runs every four hours or so put them into a data base then on a bus border bound. Upon the third time a person is caught here illegal take to the border and exicute. That would send a message and slow down the repeat entry. With that being said I dont think an officer should be able to set on the side of the road and wait until a car of Hispanic people come by and stop them to check. No crime or infraction no stop and I have said this time and time again and I know some of you guy's don't agree but if they are not legal US citizens or they have given up their US citizen they are not and should not be given the same right as US citizens are given. With them crossing the border illegal they are criminals and a threat to the US. Should be treated so cross a border in the Middle East, North Korea Russia see what that would get them. Tere would be no three strike rule.
No thats not the case with the school the school board and staff calls L.E.O.'s to come and search. I hate to say it like this when my daughter was in High School it was like a war zone kids doing as they will carrying guns, knives (not little pocket knives) more dope than the drug store. It gets to be a pain in our a$$ searching the school because we have other thing that need done but you would not believe what comes out of grade, schools to high schools. Alot of criminals have raised their children to be the next generation of thugs and the schools are the perfect place for them to start and carry on the family business.
^^^^ this, once upon a time I arrived to this country for the first time from Europe. I spent 1 year waiting for eligibility and not allowed to seek employment. After that you can apply to be a legal resident or a full citizen. Residents receive a card to proof residency, and citizens like myself receive something similar to a adult birth certificate and encouraged to apply for a US passport. Which I did. No cards are issued to citizens and such new citizens have the same rights as any natural born citizens. Legal residents are allowed to stay and work, but are just "guests" to this country and do not have the same rights (can't vote for example). Both have been processed by the INS and can be traced by FBI. By today I have a passport, a house, children, a degree, I have voted and even have a concealed weapons permit. But I had to respect, and love this country, and do the time. Letting this people just come in whenever they want to. And do what they want, is just saying that they are that much better/special than me???!! I don't think so.
It's whacked out. Citizens don't need to have proof, but non citizens do. Negative proofs are difficult at best. "Your papers, Citizen" is coming; more's the pity for the need. Make no mistake, I want the illegals out. I'd rather not see them executed, but it may be the only way (on the third strike) to slow the influx. (Can't really believe I'm even thinking that.) How is it so wrong to need some proof of eligibility to own property, to have a driver's license, to hold a job? Other than the nasty little detail of having "papers" issued by the (say) census bureau, I can't see a down side.