will US troops fire on American Citizens

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by tacmotusn, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Novice

    Novice Monkey+

    I think soldiers will react the same as the rest of us. If they are fired upon, they will protect their own. If ordered to fire on unarmed citizens, I pray they would refuse that unlawful order. If ordered to disarm citizens by force if necessary, I don't know what would happen.
  2. smithcp2002

    smithcp2002 Monkey+++

    Only time will tell if "bothers and sisters in arms will stand in the sights of there bothers and sisters in arms. I can not make that call until we are in the fog of war.
  3. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    They have before, after the propagandists prepped them back in the 1860's.

    I think today with the militarization and subsequent "dumbing" down of our police forces and putting them more and more under federal control. I think there is real danger there. But in an all out rebellion I think that much of the military and a lot of the LEO community would side with the insurgency. Especially if fighting against blatant and unwarranted constitutional abuses.
    The threat there, IMHO, would be from foreign "peacekeepers".
  4. sgt peppersass

    sgt peppersass Monkey+

    Even in the civil war, families were firing upon each other for different beliefs. I would say it depends on what our joke of a media has to say about the situation.
  5. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    If and when this second internal war happens; why would I be where they can?
    mysterymet likes this.
  6. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    IMO, that crosses the line which would set our military off.

    The Warrior Song - YouTube

    Quite a load..
    wrc223, oldawg and smithcp2002 like this.
  7. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Y"all aught to know by now how I feel about "Blue Helmets" carrying arms in America. I don't like to repeat myself. So all I will say is that to me that represents "game on."[gun]
    oldawg, Mountainman and Alpha Dog like this.
  8. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    For them, it would be game over.
    oldawg, Mountainman and tacmotusn like this.
  9. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    LOL .... exactly!
  10. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I second that because when that happens the time for talk and the hope for peacful solution is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    tacmotusn and bountyhunter like this.
  11. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    When I joined the military, I swore a solemn oath.

    When I ets'd no one released me from that solemn oath.
  12. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    Something I often say myself. Good to it coming from other folk. :D
  13. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    It is the reality and to be quite blunt, it wouldn't matter if they did release me.
  14. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I know the oath and I believe that if SHTF that our troops would have a hard call. Number one, they would want to defend their family and freinds but mission comes first until there is solid reason to do otherwise- such as an illegal order. But if you light them up, they will shoot back to defend their brothers and they will be fierce. It all comes down to the Op order and how it is presented at the onset. If they are going in to unarm a percieved hostile threat, that is the mission. After a certain point they will see what this really is- illegal and start deserting to protect their familes. At that point, game is on, and the active and the ex soldiers will join the civilian militia and we will give them hell. As for the Blue Hat's, they won't be here. They never help us in any declared emergency, and if they did step foot on US soil- they would be in deep vodoo!!
    tulianr, oldawg and tacmotusn like this.
  15. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Mission Creep

    If it were a straightforward proposition, it would be a straightforward answer. It will, however, be anything but a straightforward proposition, in my opinion.

    If the National Guardsmen who went door to door after Katrina, confiscating weapons, had found themselves in a different, less confusing and threatening situation; their reaction to those orders may have been different. If they had been mustered for their monthly drill period, and been told "Okay, today we're going door to door and confiscating all personally owned weapons in our town; after the laughter died down, the commander would have had a problem on his hands."

    I've been re-listening to a course on the rise to power of the Nazis in Germany, 1928-1936, and considering how gradually the atrocities increased, and how they were presented to the German public. The background was a decade of failed government policies, crippling economic depression, violence in the streets, and fear. People were desperately looking for an answer, for a way out of the nightmare they found themselves in.

    Part of the Nazi party rise to power was due to the fact that they had never been in power, so they weren't responsible for any of the failed policies of the past. They represented something new, they represented hope.

    Then came the Reichstag fire, which the newly elected Nazis blamed on the communists, so no one said much when the communists started disappearing into concentration camps. "They were dangerous rabble, after all." Then the Social Democrats started disappearing. "They seemed pretty chummy with the commies. They were probably in on it together." Then the Jews started disappearing. "Well, they were never really part of us anyway." Then it was the turn of the homosexuals, then the mentally deficient. Eventually, it was the turn of anyone who dared question them; but by that time, resistance was, in the terminology of the Borg, "futile."

    If we ever get the answer to the question - "Will U.S. troops fire on American Citizens?" - I think our world, certainly our nation, will be a different place than it is today. U.S. troops won't be sent out to attack "American Citizens", they will be sent out to help the police control "a dangerous mob", or be sent to prevent a "terrorist" attack. These "American Citizens" will be labeled "criminals" or "terrorists." It's easier to shoot someone to whom you have applied a convenient label.

    Just as mission creep caused US Marines to change from being "Peacekeepers" to "Peacemakers" in Beirut; and caused US Soldiers to transition from supporting a humanitarian mission to hunting warlords in Somalia; mission creep will help create the situation whereby an American Soldier finds himself drawing a bead on an American Citizen, who is only guilty of attempting to defend his constitutional rights. It will be a gradual process.
  16. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    1992 LA Riots

    It dawned on me while composing my last post on this thread that we could have saved ourselves a lot of typing and pontificating by looking back to 1992. We already have the answer to the question posed by this thread.

    In 1992, elements of the 3rd Bn, 1st Marines (1500 Marines), the Army's 7th Infantry Division (2000 Soldiers), joined almost 10,000 National Guard troops in supporting police operations in Los Angeles. Fifty-eight people were killed during the riots, including 10 people shot by LAPD and National Guard troops.

    Although we may look on this particular incident and say, "Those who were shot probably deserved it", we have our answer.
    chelloveck likes this.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Tuli ... Did any of the Army or Marines Shoot at or Kill any Civilians? No I did not think so... and If I recall none of the NG Troops did either... LAPD got all those credits.... as I recall... ..... YMMV....
  18. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    tulianr you said what I think I meant in my post. By the time they get to the point they know it is wrong- we have gone to far. Kind of like another post I read about the frog in the pot- he don't know it is boiling until it is to late.
    sgt peppersass and tulianr like this.
  19. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    tulianr likes this.
  20. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    No, at least two individuals were shot by National Guardsmen. According to a website at the California State Military Department, California Guardsmen shot and killed a driver who attempted to run them down at a checkpoint. In a separate incident, another driver who had struck and injured a police officer was shot and killed by two guardsmen.

    I haven't been able to confirm any shootings by regular Army troops or Marines, but given the same conditions as those encountered by the guardsmen above, I have no doubt that their reactions would have been the same. I'll keep poking around and see what I find.

    chelloveck likes this.
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