Will our troops fire on civilians? The short answer is, yes some will. I just finishe 14 years active duty navy and, during the run up to the last election it was fairly common in my shop to have "philosophical" (sp?) discussions. From what a lot of the junior sailors have said, Not too many of them would know what is a lawful or unlawful order. If you have a senior NCO or Officer give the order, having made clear to the troops that the order came from the president, then yes, they would fire. And at thier trials years later (if any) they can say they were just following orders. Worked for the Nazis right?
Some NCOs train their subordinates beter than others. I did not want non thinking automatons working for me, and I certainly was not one. A well informed and well trained man does know the difference between a lawful and unlawful order. However, what do I know about things today? I got out of the service in 1994.
London Charter of the International Military Tribunal decreed prior to the start of the Nuremburg trials that Befehl ist Befehl was only to be taken into account as a mitigating factor during sentencing and was not an acceptable cause for acquittal.
Past shoot and scoot; is there anyone here who plans on going head to head with the military? Plus the military isn't big enough to cover the whole US. Heck, they cannot cover all of Iraq and Afghanistan.
So so true. Many of them are very eager to show/teach a lot of the neat things they learned. We have a couple young men in our Department who (between the two of them) served three deployments to Iraq and one to Afghanistan. Edit: I just thought of something.... Using data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the number of hunting licenses issued throughout the country, it is 14,974,534 licenses (2011). So, thats 15 million armed people who, one would assume, have practiced with their weapon and know how to use it. Thats just people who hunt and does not include LEO and military personnel who know what their oath really means. I think we are pretty secure.
I think the game plan if the Military chooses to ignore the Constitution, will be to observe and wait until a very high value target presents itself, then yes, shoot and scoot. It probably wouldn't hurt to pray also. It doesn't make much sense to give up your Biship for a pawn, But for a Queen or King that's another story completely.
No doubt they fire....no doubt in my mind. The kids I see as new cops now just got out of the military and they know how to follow orders and not much else. to be a good cop takes life experience. Our troops will do what they are told. the spin of the propaganda machine will convince them they are doing it for all the right reasons....hopefully they wise up before they have done it too many times....
There is no doubt in my mind We the People will be victorious. History is a great tool to see not only where we are headding but who will win in the end. You can push people only so far, and people take a lot of pushing before they snap but when they do, rulers and those that do their bidding are removed from their former positions one way or the other. You cant tax people into poverty without them rising up. You cant take their land. You cant rule over them and tell them how to live their lives. People will eventually get pissed off enough to put their collective foot down and say enough! You will change your ways or we will make you change your ways.
The question remains. How many folks will become peeved enough to do the forcing, and by what means will they do it? Here's hoping it is a peaceful thing at the polls, but I'm not holding my breath since I'm pretty well convinced the polls are bought and paid for at the state level if not higher.
Many people are peeved enough right now, they ust need that final push. I wouldnt be one bit suprised if something big happens as early as this summer. If not, I bet next tax season will bring in some National strife.
After watching Wisconsin, Black Panthers, and the thugs at the Town Hall meetings; I doubt it will be military or the police.
If your concerns are realized, the political bureaucrats in the intel agencies will lie to the military leaders to turn them and subordinates against selected American elements. Something like "There is a group at this location that is conspiring to assassinate/sabotage/IED/etc. against you guys." They will write the first paragraphs of the OPORD and frame the situation they way they want underlings to see it. Don't expect local military to stay put, they would be moved to an unfamiliar area with locals they don't know.
I learned in the 2008 failed elections...... voting no longer works. The process has been sold to the socialists - CHEAP. I may sit the next elections out - it no longer matters.......
Military leaders aren't the part of the Military which does the fighting. The same split into warring factions will happen with LE. Add the rest of us to the list and "it" will be bloody and long. So, if and when, excluding Mao and Stalin etc, it will be the bloodiest confrontation in History.
I said it before and I will say it again... If they thought an Iraq or Afghan insurgency was tough, they aint seen NOTHING compared to a pissed off America!! Look at the logistics. Combined Iraq and afghanistan total population is around 60-68 million people. We have 15 million people who hunt, another 140+ million gun owners, and more than an ample amount of resources to wage a very long campaign. Combine that with sympathetic Americans willing to help and provide aid and comfort, provide intel and who know their lands that will be more than willing to help. I am very optimistic about the people's odds. Once the rulers start using inhumane tactics and blatently violating international and domestic law, they will lose what little support they had left. The only thing left to do is pick out the furniture for the offices of the new honestly elected politicians who will do the work of the people, not of their wallet, party, or special interests.
I furnished you with what you added and this one would have been a better choice: "September 2, federal troops had arrived. Realizing he would lose a lot of good miners if the battle continued with the military, union leader Bill Blizzard passed the word for the miners to start heading home the following day. Miners fearing jail and confiscation of their guns found clever ways to hide rifles and hand guns in the woods before leaving Logan County. Collectors and researchers to this day are still finding weapons and ammunition embedded in old trees and in rock crevices. Thousands of spent and live cartridges have made it into private collections." Battle of Blair Mountain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I seen this and thought it would fit here and if you look at history and think about what has man done to be a warrior who recieves just a little praise from his master, his commander or his ruler. <TABLE style="MARGIN-TOP: 5px" cellSpacing=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=sqtdq colSpan=2>“A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon"</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> Napoleon Bonaparte quote