Can't be to special, I have one laying in the footlocker at the end of my bed with a few other hunks of metal. I looked just now and mine has expert then rifle under that, I'm thinking expert was the top most one, then fellows could hang the others under it, I have seen some pretty long strings, but mostly on pogues. I have seen machineguns, airal gunner and grenader myself. A few like "muff diver" were made up ones that fellows would stick on to see if the sgt saw / noticed it, but I always valued mine, First a rifleman was something I took to heart. didn't much care for bits of metal after my first deployment. Just grateful to have a nice dry place to lay down and not be shot at.
Then again, it's been over 35 years and Bluemoon and others are still selling of what we left. I have been watching Bluemoon for some time and I gotta tell, most stuff they have are not "one ofs" but one listing with a large stock of the US Gear in some depot. YMMV
As it would literally translate into expert: expert, it isn't an authorized bar, pogue stuff. The medal = expert, sharpshooter, or marksman; bars = specific weapon.
We didn't leave anything of value because the valuable stuff was thrown overboard, burnt or blown up. It is Military SOP. They got pieces; but not the whole. They are selling what they took from the ARVN/AFVN, salvaged or bought for re-sale. As it isn't a free enterprise system; anything worth anything the communists kept.
I was there. I knew people who blew it up, saw films of the Navy dumping Army helicopters into the ocean etc. The reason they have it for sale after 35 years is by our laws they could not export into America until 1994. Plus, there isn't much global demand for Jeep parts. We were not allowed to travel there until 12/1991; so the Zippo lighter forgeries had no reason to exist until after that time. No Sir, you believe what you want.
The choppers were dumped into the sea because there were still evac operations and the trip was one way-out. Room was needed for more evac choppers to land on their last trip. The exodus was a surrender operation and carried out in the cities as a "destroy only secret gear and above along with paper intel". The surrender was not as a Battle Field being over run with the SOP of a hill fort or forward area under fire. Anything blown up was not SOP in the depots, wharehouse, air base or dock areas. It's called a open city SOP. "In war, in the event of the imminent capture of a city, the government/military structure of the nation that controls the city will sometimes declare it an open city, thus announcing that they have abandoned all defensive efforts. The attacking armies of the opposing military will then be expected not to bomb or otherwise attack the city, but simply to march in. Them's the facts.