I wouldn't take it so personally. I suspect that if such actions where called for you would no longer be drawing a paycheck from your current employer. There is a big difference between the automatons who follow orders without a thought and thinking people like yourself (I think it safe to assume you are the thinking sort considering you are here and your posts are well thought out). In the aftermath of some civil war or widespread revolt I suspect we would see two US Army's. One made up of those who take their oath to the people and Constitution seriously and those who are incapable of performing duties without orders being given from an all mighty Federal Gov't.
Simple statement about me. I know two soldiers that are of the same mind. We serve the highest boss in the land. The American people. So I'll let that be my answer.
I expect them to shoot...and shoot plenty.... and shoot strait.... In an Oakland scenario....And please use a .50 Cal... Other than that...I will use plan ''B''....
being from centex I am in contact with the active and retired constantly I think we will see plenty of them who know their oath. I'm just not as worried as some. O5 or 6 on down will be with us. Remember these are the kids WE raised. Have some trust we did it right.
If American Apocalypse is remotely close, It will be DHS that starts shooting civilians. Why else would they need 450MM .40cal HST rounds? (not to mention 5.56)
As Mel Gibson said in "The Patriot"--we will continue to take out officers as long as they accost civilians. They will be the primary target and the higher the rank the more likely they will get hit--according to Mel--of course.
All of us are aware that cutting off the head of the snakes demoralizes and makes the lesser troops question their orders, and should the unthinkable actually happen will act accordingly. However in a firefight, whether trying to break contact or being the aggressor, the most immediate threats will come first. You may not have time to casually pick and choose your high value targets. .... just saying
will US troops fire on US civilians? you damn skippy they will (for the most part) they proved it in 1970 at Kent state while i was overseas..just expect the worst,and hope for the best
You misstate the Facts of the CASE here... The folks that did the shooting at Kent State were Ohio National Guard, NOT Federal Army Troops. They were deployed by the sitting Governor of the State, and under HIS Authority, NOT the President of the US, and under his authority. Apples and Oranges..... ..... YMMV.....
Although the bottom line, B, is that they are the same people who will be coming after your guns, your food and your gold if it comes to that...regardless of which figurehead's apparent authority they act under. I think a good number of them will refuse and many will not...whether it be because they don't know any better or because they are afraid or just because they are freaking crazy. Whatever their reasons, when they come on my land to take what my family needs to survive, I'm gonna damn well make it expensive. I am NOT going to be out in the streets with a mob...I'm going to be home taking care of business and protecting my family...rabble rousers or agent provocateurs don't really come into play.
Will our troops fire on us ? Given the militarization of the police over the past twenty years I don't think it'll be the .mil folks or the UN. It'll be the local cops. Heck even lil' podunk towns have SWAT teans & armored cars now. Howver, if anyone starts to shootin', I believe there's a fair number who'll fire back.
One thing the PTB aren't taking into consideration, is that with all the recent 'little wars' and various military actions, and the veterans returning home afterwards, we civilians have a strong cadre of trained and experienced combat veterans who can train their local folks in 'small unit tactics', and make best use of local topography and other things to resist the occupation that is coming. Think Red Dawn nationwide, with potentially a million 'snipers' out there, backing up a million sappers, backed up by many millions of PO'd folks helping with logistics and supplies, medical care, transportation, etc.
FLIR becoming commonly available I have seen units on sale for as low as $1500 - $2000 on the civilian market. . Plus starlight rifle scopes now available for as low as $500
In addition to the Sheriff's chopper, the local Fish & Wildlife officers have a twin-engined surveillance plane with FLIR. Ain't no hidin' in them woods no more!
And many if not most of those vets have first hand experience with insurgency fighting. I am sure they can turn it around and become the insurgent if they choose. Those same people would find it reassuring that the US government has demonstrated abject failure at defeating insurgencies recently. SS
The current wars have proven that the methods outlines in 1957 by the Swiss gov't still are effective. I think at least one member of every household ought be familiar with the lessons taught in Total Resistance. Amazon.com: Total Resistance (9780873640213): H. Von Dach: Books
They are perfectly aware and have taken it into consideration. Why else would returning vets be labeled as a potential terrorist threat by DHS? Homeland Security Classifies Returning US Veterans as Potential Terrorist Threat « America's Watchtower They aren't missing anything...they know very well how to play the various psyops/propaganda games. Byte PS As an exercise in mental jiu-jitsu try to think of an instance where the propagandist's aims were not achieved in that their spin was NOT adopted as the prevailing attitude held by the majority of people. It's hard to even think of one...
Google the Redneck War of 1921. The president of the United States authorized military aerial bombing of U.S. citizens. Battle of Blair Mountain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sloth Edit for Tikka "Army bombers from Maryland were also used for aerial surveillance, a rare example of air power being used by the federal government against US citizens. One Martin bomber crashed on the return flight, killing the three members of the crew."