Post Apocalypse Job Search

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by F. Ticious, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    When I was in Law School, I read a most interesting book by Sameul Clements (Mark Twain). It was called "Letters from Earth", there was a chapter called "The Adam and Eve Diaries"; it has always stuck in my mind.

    The Angel, Lucifer, was sent by God, down to earth to report on how things were progressing.

    Lucifer stole the diaries of Adam and Eve and sent them back to God, in an edited fashion, to give an indication of how the Creation was progressing. "Today, we named tadpoles and other members of the whale family..."

    When I awakened in my cave bed this morning, I had no indication if it were day or night. It was still very over-cast and squalls intermitantly came through the area, but I still decided to set out on an excursion. I tapped three pines to collect resin, using plastic jugs that used to contain milk and antifreeze. I also carried a copious amount of wood back to the cave and after studing the entrance, realized I could erect a single wall from boards and logs located along the river bank that would allow me effective shelter beneath the over-hang and prevent the wind from blowing rain onto my bedding. This took most of my morning to accomplish but I am so very satisfied with the results. The ammonia smell of guano isn't nearly as bad out here and there seems to be almost a breeze coming from inside the cave. I was able to build a fire and boil a tea from Birch bark and pine needle. It did not taste as bad as I had anticipated and I made enough to drink throughout the day. With just a few strategically placed stones, I was able to improvise a very effective fire place and I am sure I can use it as a oven as well. The heat reflects nicely from the stone wall behind me.

    I made a meal of the turtle I caught a couple of days ago. I had pierced it's leathery carapice with my knife and tied it to a tree with a piece of line from inside a parachute cord. I discovered that I can remove the small lines from inside the para-cord and use it for a number of things; turtle leashes, for example. It also does a reasonable job as dental floss and that set me to looking for something to utilize as a toothbrush. I chewed several small limbs to one that would frey into something sort of like a toothbrush and used some of my salt to clean the gunk from my teeth but I know my breath cannot be pleasent. I ate almost all of the turtle, including the shell, which surprisingly enough, was fairly tender after having boiled for a couple of hours. I wonder if I can use the small lines to catch fish? I did find a hook, sinker, and bobber stuck in a willow tree but the hook has rusted until the barb has broken off.

    One squall had very strong wind and it forced me back inside the cave for a while. It blew apart my wall and I had to reconstruct it but learned a number of lessons from the initial failure and a subsequent squall produced no damage at all.

    Do only child-bearing cows give milk? If I shoot one with my shotgun, can I milk it after it is dead? Mr. Seacowboy, these are basic regular cows, red and sort of square with white faces.

    The high point of my day was a real treasure find! I found a plastic bottle of dish-washing detergent. It had nearly an ounce of Dawn left in it! I am so excited. I will take a spoonge bath tonight using my clothes and wash them as well.
    chelloveck and RightHand like this.
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    The cattle you are describing sounds like maybe they are Herefords. that is typically a breed raised for meat production and not for milk. Naturally, they give enough milk to feed their young but it is a very rich milk and generally in lesser quantities than you would get from say, a Holstein cow ( a real milker).
    You can milk a beef cow but I imagine they are quite hard to catch; maybe you can trap one?
    I once found a dead coyote that had two pups still nursing on its teets. She had been ran over by an automobile. I would guess that you can milk a recently killed lactating cow. If you kill one. you would not want to waste the milk but I would think you would be killing the calf as well so you consider killing a barren one rather than one with calf for the meat and blood. A beef cow typically dresses out at about 50% weight so a 600 lbs cow will produce 300 lbs of usable meats and that doesn't include the hide, hooves, or bones, all that can be useful. Does the cattle have horns? it is a lot of work to process and preserve a whole big cow by yourself; what would you do, dry it into jerky?
    chelloveck likes this.
  3. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    Dude u shoot a cow thats not yours you will be with a whole lot of 99$ divorce lawyers.
  4. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    larry, what you seem to be missing is that Mr Ticious is not on a weekend camping trip with a few buddies and a 5th of Jack Daniels shooting livestock because he got drunk and had a gun. What would you be willing (or able) to do if faced with a similar circumstance of trying to survive?
    chelloveck likes this.
  5. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Here Lawyer Lawyer *keeps rope hidden behind his back* Here Lawyer Lawyer [angel]
  6. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Wonder if these guys would have less problems understanding the intent of this tread if Frank drove a Budweiser truck?
    scrapman21009, BTPost and RightHand like this.
  7. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    With all respect I think this thred is a complete fruad....

    Shoting someones livestock is a crime that will get you killed QUICK. DONT DO IT......

    Finding a cave on a cattle ranch that is unknown with cattails and green trees is extremely unlikikley this time of year.

    It tink the feller is living in Seacowboys back yard LOL
  8. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Actually, I have no problem understanding it at all.

    #1 The fictional character created by a member, most likely yourself, is placed in a situation with the barest minimum of "prepperware" items as well as a laptop PC, having lost the majority of his "preps" & is trying to survive in the middle of nowhere while trying to maintain a low profile.

    #2 I don't drink beer, I prefer rum or tequila.

    #3 Larry is taking this thread way too seriously

    #4 Did ya have to make him a Lawyer, or was that a psychological ploy? Making the occupation one that the majority of people would think of as a useless being, outside a courtroom that is?

    Now, which way did he go? :)

    An yes, I see its Prepper Educational Value
    larryinalabama likes this.
  9. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    L:arry, please quit being a dick; we know you opinion and it doesn't matter. many of us are enjoying this thread and see it has valuable content and you are just being an ass.
    E.L. and larryinalabama like this.
  10. scrapman21009

    scrapman21009 Chupacabra Hunter

    This is a great thread, even if Mr F. is not real, the thoughts he provokes are. I'll admit, my first thought is that he is real, but not in the circumstance he describes, but it does not matter. What he has done is draw us all together, made us think, and given us a glimpse of what may soon be, that is why we are all hear in the first place.

    Mr. F, if you are real, I hope the best for you and you have some good friends and advice right here. If you are not real, THANK YOU!, for making us think as a community for a common cause that may be ours very soon.

    And if this is Gunkid........Stang, get the rope!!
    BTPost, Seacowboys and RightHand like this.
  11. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    larry, did you ever read a book or see a movie, become engrossed in the story, identify with the protagonist. Have either of those ever provoked empathy, or sympathy, or even laughter? Have you ever known anyone about whom you could say "if I didn't know that guy, I'd never believe it" but you did believe it. And if you have so much disdain for Mr Ticious and his predicament, why do you continue reading. Pass right through the intersection and drive on to the next exit which may find you in a more agreeable neighborhood
  12. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    This thread is three days old with nearly 2000 views, someone is finding it interesting.
  13. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    RH, please don't ask me if I ever read a book also or I might actually die of laughter. As of last count I have over 600 paperback books alone. Catch is, thats not counting hardback books, How To Books, Instruction Manuals, or other "Educational" books. Oh, an I ain't counted them in three years.
  14. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Plus the Boy Scout Manual Stang
  15. carly28043

    carly28043 Monkey+

    An addiction to reading seems to be a common thread among Monkeys.
    kellory and RightHand like this.
  16. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Larry's point is well taken. Dropping a cow would be a bad thing aside societal breakdown, which has not happened EXCEPT for him. If/when the general end comes along, well, that's a different problem. But then, that cave is likely well known by locals, so the problems will increase, and not just by butchering a cow.

    Half the fun I'm having with this is trying to figure out who is doing it. I know who it's not, mostly because the writing style is inconsistent with those I've seen over the last umpteen years. (Except for two that will, for now, remain nameless since I'm not yet sure.)
  17. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    That comes under Educational, How To, as well as Instruction Manuals :)

    An I never include my "Bad Things" books in my counting either.

    Knowledge is Power.

    You can gain Truthful & Useful Knowledge even from a Fiction Tale/Book

    Knowledge Without Actually Learning Is Useful Only Mentally, Not Physically
  18. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Well give that well-read paperback collector a gold star. But you only missed a couple of points. As much as I'd like to take credit for such a creative idea, Dude I'm waiting with everybody else to see if he'll kill that goundhog tomorrow and eat it.
  19. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    naw, trying to get people to think about how to actually SURVIVE & not just stockpile things as well as pass the Real Deal Info on Surviving along to new members as well as Old. So naw, i'm pretty dead on :p
  20. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I don't know George, to Frank, the **** has hit the fan and that cow is survival. now he might have to defend himself against someone that stakes an ownership claim on the cow but Teotwawki has happened. that cow is like a deer in a fence. BTW,there aren't any rocks or caves or hills, for that matter, in Gulf Alabama
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