Food Stamps Used To Buy Guns and Drugs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tacmotusn, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    See hank thats my whole problem with this system you was and are a working man. You paid into the system and thats what the system was made for to help a man that paid into it and hit a hard spot, to help him and his family get back on their feet. I remember when my dad got covered up in the mines and hurt his back and neck. Couldn't work for over a year and him and my mom got assistance to feed us kids. The difference between men like you and my dad you was working taking care of you family got hurt and went back to work. Ill never forget the Dr cleared my dad on a tuse and at 6am Wed he was on his way back to the mines. Then you have these men and wemon able to work have never worked and live off the system we pay into and in a lot of situations live better than us. Then retired couple that worked their life away can't get anything because they get $20.00 to much retirment. In todays world this is the biggest things that just sets me on fire
  2. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Maybe i should go into some of the rough neighborhoods and buy a few of those gas cards! Just kidding government trolls...
  3. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Ill give $55.00 on a $100.00 gas card and thats only because I care and want to help my fellow man out[angel] Im that type of guy just nice.
  4. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    ( i will caveat this post with the disclaimer that I am not a USC and am in fact a Canuck, but we have a similar system in place here, which I think is almost as well abused as yours)


    doesn't seem to me that you have anything to hang your head over.
    The "system" was designed for the exact purposes that you went through, glad it helped you. When I see it used like that I am glad to pay into it.
    In fact, I think you should be able to take a lot of pride away from the fact you didn't allow yourself to be a victim of the system and you were able to regain your footing.

    My condolences on the loss of your wife and I hope you are all healed up from surgery(s)
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  5. Lucky Johnson

    Lucky Johnson Monkey

    I agree with you. The last thing we ever wanted to be were welfare recipients. Unfortunately with my husband out of work for over 2 years and unable to find another job so far, we have resorted to the despicable means of welfare to feed our children and make sure they have healthcare coverage. I've always been against welfare as a permanent means of living and have always said that it should be temporary for those who need to get back on their feet or for those honest, hard-working parents who have truly disabled children and can't work because they are always caring for those children. It makes my stomach churn to think that I am relying on the gubmint right now to put some food on the table. It pisses me off even more to know that lazy m effers refuse to get off their asses and work and just keep having illegitimate babies just to get more of the taxpayer dollars or that people come into this country illegally, have children with white trash American citizens, and get welfare that way. I agree also that welfare recipients should be required to take a drug test and keep looking for work so they can get off of the benefits. If they fail to meet these requirements, they should no longer be able to receive the benefits. I don't see the gubmint extending unemployment benefits even though jobs are hard to find. Why should welfare be a permanent thing? And damnit! If not for all the stupid gubmint regulations and thousands of new laws passed each year, I think more people could be independent and do for themselves by means of buying, selling, and trading. But now you have to have permits and licenses and pay fees and taxes just to blow your damned nose and wipe your damned ass! Sorry for the language, but this is a touchy subject and it makes my blood boil! It's..... [BSf]

    Let me clarify... It's BS that people are allowed to permanently be on welfare without having paid into the system and with no intentions of paying into the system. It's BS that people who want to work and get off the system can't find jobs and have their benefits cut more and more while the lazy f@#$ers who have no intentions of working get thousands of dollars in assistance (food, cash, gas, housing, etc.) every month. It's BS that illegals get benefits at all (and many times thousands of dollars) and live better than those who are temporarily on the system and trying their best not to drown in today's economy. It's BS that these benefits are abused by the drug addicts, alcoholics, and abusive ones who should not be breeding in the first place and nothing is done about it. It's BS that the government would rather "take care of" these lazy SOBs, drug addicts, alcoholics, and abusive parents just for the votes rather than taking care of (in a time of need) the honest, hardworking man that can think for himself and won't bow down and become a brain-washed robot for the government. The whole system is BS if you ask me! I guess what I am saying is that I don't see anything wrong, Hank, with using the system as a temporary means until you can get back on your feet even though it also bugs me to no end to personally do so. What I do see wrong is how the government abuses the system just as much as most of the welfare recipients. It's a shame that morals seem to be lost in today's generations.
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I ain't scared me...Show me a gas card for 100.00 and i'm on empty...I got ya 50.00 buck's right here !!!

    Side note to Hank...Glad i may of been able to help in a very indirect way...At least i know now truly someone in need was able too utilize the service's...

    hank2222 likes this.
  7. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Hey easy on the White trash I get called that at least twice a week for my Southern beliefs.(LOL) along with some other names. But thats alright my momma told me God created the South for his favorite people and the rest of the world for the well not so favorite.Hahaha[peep]
  8. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Hank, you & your situations are what it was Designed & Intended For. To help sumone out when they going thru a rough spot. Not these whose sole attempt at making a living is popping out another kid. See many these at Grocery Store, get a couple buggyloads of groceries, nothing thats on sale of course, pay with their American Flag EBT card, then go out, get in their pimped out ride with rims worth more than my entire truck is. What they do is shameful Hank. Needing help sum times when yer actually trying is not.
  9. Lucky Johnson

    Lucky Johnson Monkey

    LOL.. Maybe I should clarify my definition of white trash. I meant those of Caucasian decent who are morally challenged and voluntarily unable to physically remove themselves from the place of lounging unless it is to get doctor's approval for the offspring to miss school or to retrieve edible items devoid of nutrition from the food storage area and/or refrigeration device and do not care to posses any knowledge whatsoever in anything other than how to live off the taxpayer. Who knows. I've probably been called white trash, too simply because I live in the South in a mobile home and have a Southern accent.
    Cephus, bountyhunter and Alpha Dog like this.
  10. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    With all respect you have it competely backwards. The system is designed to make sheepoles dependent on Government.

    As much as i disliked Clinton I still remember when he said "The Era of big goovernment is over" No politicion has said that since.

    In my opinion the era of big government is BANKRUPT.

    The latest welfare scam is to forgive mortaaquges on homes that people cant afford ant no one else is stupit enought to buy from them....It simply will end at one point.
    jungatheart and Suerto like this.
  11. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    I got called you honkie MF and a few other choice names by the people i had to deal with in my former line of work and some where not nice and other where down right funny because of them thinking i was from the southern states

    In Ca it was not uncommon to find multi EBT cards on single person in the group we had just arrested and searching there home for things that was listed in the warrant and when we would send the info back to the EBT officals in the state food stamp network all we got in return was a nice thank you letter from them about addressing the problem .
  12. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Hank I know the deal about the letter of thanks, I do believe when I get them it almost makes me as mad as finding the cards. Because we know thats their way of say ok even with the work youve done and the time you took to notify us. We are going to bury this in a file to never be seen again. Then 6 months later you find the same person with the same peoples cards. But hell we try
    hank2222, Cephus and larryinalabama like this.
  13. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    As we say in the South:Bless your heart:
    Real meaning you got to be crazy !!! LOL
    hank2222 and larryinalabama like this.
  14. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Fraud on a FedGov program? I shocked...I tell ya

    Fraud in a FedGov program? Some version of this kind of crap has been going on since the Civil Way (War of Northern Aggression)

    Oddly tho - it is perfectly legal to use food stamp money to purchase guns and ammo in Alaska. Few years back I was in Tin City (AK) and on the store shelve was a nice Browning and ammo - guess you need to really save your stamps....
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yep, what DKR says about Food Stamps in Alaska is really true. The rational for it is, that much of our States Food Stamp recipients are mostly rural, and live a semi-subsistence lifestyle. It is cheaper for the state to sell them Ammo, and a good Hunting Weapon, than to ship in much of the Protein, (Meat) that a family would need to sustain itself. Trapping, Fishing Gear, and similar equipment are also a legal use of Food Stamp Funds, here. ..... YMMV....
  16. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    I would not be opposed to other states pushing programs that allowed use for vegetable gardening or raising egg laying poultry. Obviously Alaska is one of very few places where hunting gear would be a practical use of food stamp funds. Of course living where I do I can about guarantee you that few would be receptive to such a program locally. Crack is king in this hood.
  17. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I like that idea it makes them at least get out hunt down and work for their food. Unlike here they just sit on their a$$ and get every thing handed to them. They can stay drunk and high and still be warm and fed on the tax payers dollar.Which if we were to send a few of our zombies up there they are so usless the grizzly's wouldn't even eat them
    hank2222 and oldawg like this.
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