Along with judgement, common sense and respect to others would go along way with people. Which I dont agree with him starting to shout Alah is great. With that term being I have a bomb and all is going to die. He raised the level of fear among the passengers.
God may be great, but some of his believers are morons. Shouting Allah Akbar on an American airplane, over American airspace is like shouting FIRE!!! in a circus tent...the guy is a moron, whatever his religious beliefs...I hope the book gets thrown at him. As to his mate...he might be a little more selective about which co religionists he associates least on American aircraft. AS to those bleating about Islam not being a religion of peace....Christianity has its own dark past....and dark present....go ask the families of medicos murdered by Christian fundamentalist extremists. There are a number of references to the Christian scriptures that have been, and are still used to justify murder among other things. The expression people in glass houses comes to mind.....even if the houses be stained glass. AS to the faux matters not whether it's tobacco and nicotine, or an inert substance....the direction by the attendant was not unreasonable...and should have been complied with...if someone is dealing with nicotene addiction...then they should have the foresight to take a bundle of nicotene patches. Perhaps airlines will make their policies and inflight announcements more explicit about this requirement. I am pleased that inflight passangers have learned lessons from 9/11....and took decisive action in coming to the flight attendant's aid....that will undoubtedly contribute to future flight safety, by letting potential terrorists know, that they can't rely on intimidation and threats to subdue passengers in a hostage situation. Assuming that a bunch of passengers WILL be sheep....will be a dangerous assumption: that terrrorists stand the chance of being ripped apart by a pack of sheepdogs is entirely, not just possible...but probable. Fire extinguishers and laptops make great clubs!
Maybe so, but I frequently fly with a good friend that is a mega-serious bible-thumper and I recall him loudly proclaiming "Praise Jesus, Hallelujah, In Christ's name" on numerous occasions, usually before a cheesy airplane meal but audible, none the less to anyone withing several seats and never felt like my flight should have been interrupted over it. I might could buy into "Stupid" being against the law except that some a-hole politician would appoint JG constituents to determine what was stupid.
Legislating against stupidity is an exercise in futility (1) I have rarely if ever contemplated praising any god for airline food ...but I know Satan's handiwork when I see it...most airline food is diabolically ordinary. (2) That is until a bunch of Loony Christian Reconstructionists fly a fully loaded 747 passenger jet of Haj pilgrims into that big black block of stone in the middle of Mecca. (3) Never going to happen....the whole of the the executive, legislative and quite a bunch of the judiciary would have to recuse themselves for a conflict of interests.
How very tolerant of you. Please keep your seat while I and several passengers stomp the **** out of someone who, like many of his brethren, have killed or tried to kill, many US citizens while flying commercial air. By the way, the Koran is what paints Muslims with a very broad brush. Your agnosticism is of monumental disinterest to me... I graduated from jump school in 1962, but I'm still scared shitless of falling out of a blown-up airliner... as I said, please keep your seat and do nothing, based on your smug and benign libertarianism at 35,00 feet, while others take care of you and the other passengers.
Metro Detroit area. We have about 1 Million folks of Middle Eastern Decent. Muslim, Arab, Christians.
Obviously, very few of you have flown on a 35 passenger turbo prop during a thunderstorm. There are a lot of people praying that we make it to the ground wheel side down and in one piece. Lots of God, Jesus, Allah, Yahweh and Mother Creator requests going on. When is all said and done, he's either going to own the airline or at the very least, a plane of his very own. Lawyers are like that, this is going to be a big payday for someone. IMHO
It would seem that this issue, is a HOT Button Issue, for many Folks.... So being that we are all Monkeys, here, let us discuss these issues with decorum, and understanding, Please keep the inferences to a minimum.... ..... YMMV....
The only guy getting Paid, on this deal, is the Lawyer, who defends him, in Federal Criminal Court. He clearly did not follow the instructions of the Flight Attendant, and that is the CRIME, for which he will be Prosecuted. If found Guilty, and in the USA, these days, that is extremely likely, He will be spending a lot of time in a Federal GrayBar Hotel, and any Civil Case he may have had will be moot. .... That is his reality... YMMV....
Doesn't change a thing fellow; you and people like you are the very reason that our Constitution has been shredded. I am quite sure that you are the badest-assed little geriatric on the plane, so go get em grandpa and lets watch the attorney's eat your grand-kids inheritance.
A Predator Religion I believe the time is overdue for us in this country to recognize that of all the major religions of the world, the religion that combines most seamlessly with the national governments of its home countries is islam. It gradually forces the host government closer to becoming a theocracy by forcing recognition at first, then gradually forcing submission to the dictates of islamic mullahs. Islam cannot long peacefully co-exist in the presence of western culture. Like a cancer it will move, probe, seek weakness, make gains, and never give ground, unless it is to gain more in another way. For a host country to treat islam like any other 'peaceful' religion would be folly. The major religions of the world are usually able to peacefully co-exist whether the minority or majority religious belief within most host countries. The exception is islam. Its predatory nature should be never be forgotten. No matter what is said to your face by a muslim, be mindful that it is within their religious doctrine to lie to infidels in order to gain advantage, forwarding a personal cause, or an islamic goal. Remember that the word 'islam' translates roughly to our language as "to submit" or "submission". That is their goal---to make us all submit as converts, submit as slaves, or die should we resist.
Well I hear alot of anger from both sides ,Me I'll just take any situation I may find myself in at face value and act accordingly.
I can see where western Christians can draw these sorts of conclusions concerning Islam, but I think that a broad examination of Islam across a range of cultures would belie those conclusions. What I mean is that meeting one Muslim, or reading only about fanatical extremists, or reading one book about Islam, is going to provide you a very narrow view. I don't believe that I have ever met two Muslims who would describe their faith and beliefs exactly the same way. Adding to the individual diversity is the cultural diversity. Islam, or any other religion, is nothing more than a theological coat of paint onto an existing, and changing, culture. Much of the abhorrent activity of the Taliban is not Islam as much as it is the Afghan tribal culture. Islam gets the blame. Much of the impetus for the ultra-conservative policies of Saudi Arabia has more to do with the Saudi culture than it does Islam. When I was in Lebanon, the Islam, experienced in the streets, was much different than the Islam I experienced in Bahrain, or what I experienced in Egypt, or in Morocco. If one travels to America, their experience of Christianity may be very different from their experience of Christianity in Great Britain, and these two countries share an amazing amount of culture. If you travel to Mexico, your experience with Christianity would be even more different; and it is because no religion exists in a vacuum, separate from the culture around it. The two create a symbiosis. Much of the expression of "Christianity" that I see in this country has more to do with local cultural norms than it does the Bible. A relatively harmless example is Christmas celebrations. Most of the trappings of American Christmas celebrations come from the Pagan roots of European ancestry; it certainly doesn't come from the Bible. Anyone who doubts this should do a little research on the topic. Examples which have a more serious impact are societal reactions to topics such as consumption of alcohol, gay marriage, abortions, etc. You can certainly find Biblical references which can be applied to these and other controversial issues, but the underlying force behind the proponents and opponents of these issues is culture, and societal norms, not Christianity. When Christians, American or not, do incredibly stupid and insensitive things (such as Abu Ghraib), they aren't doing them because they are Christian, they are doing them because they are stupid and insensitive. When Hitler killed millions of Jews he wasn't doing it because he was a Christian, he was doing it because he was a homicidal maniac, even though he wrote in his book, Mein Kampf, "I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lord's work." When we buy into the claims of fanatical extremists that they are doing this or that in the name of their religion, we are contributing to the problem. Westboro Baptist Church has damned little to do with Christianity, and idiots who try to blow up airliners with explosives hidden in their underwear have damned little to do with Islam. Islam does mean submission - submission to the will of God. The grammatical form which results in the word "Muslim" is a "doer" - one who submits, not one who makes others submit. Islam is as good or as evil as the person invoking its name and mantle; the same as Christianity.
I don't know how things really went down because we all know if you have twenty people who witness something you will have twenty different stories. Not that the people are trying to lie they just precieved it different. Most stories will have common flags but no two will be the same. I do think by what I've read maybe the flight attendant was kind of rude or pushy but she was trying to do her job and if she was doing it wrong it could have been handled different by filing a complaint and even legal actions for discrimination. The passenger by screaming this in my opinon did so to put fear in the attendant and all the other passengers and was wrongfor doing so. I think anyone of us if on this plane with our families would have reacted with a hands on aproach. I would rather face a judge and jury than look back and say I could have done something to save them. If this guy did do this with intent to put fear into the attendant and the passengers he got what he deserved and will get more when it goes to court. I know it's wrong of me but I can't change it one of my worst fears would be out with my family on a plane or in a mall and see a middle eastern male standing up screaming alha. I understand about the dark times of Christianity but the muslim faith is violent and calls for violent acts to be carried out in the name of their god. These guys are dangerous to anyone who gets in their way man, woman or child. I honestly can't say how I would react in that situation but I do feel I woould have helped in securing the the guy until I knew his intent.
I believe our little Saudi fake cig smoker had an agenda.....and that he was pisseed about a few things. Saudi Teen Caps Wild Week With Airplane Bust | The Smoking Gun
See also - Overhead Bin - Unruly passenger suffers from schizophrenia, cousin says Off his meds ----. Should have been on the "No Fly List" anyway.
Allah Akbar! (For those of you that this pisses off, would you have said Amen, if I had spoken it in English?) God is Great....different reaction? Do you not realize that Allah is the same God in our Old Testament but Mohammad and Jesus were just two different men that claimed divine birth-rite and essentially the Koran is just a different version of our New Testament without the censorship of Emperor Constantine?
Sea, I don't really care what the guys says on the plane. As far as the masses are concerned, anyone who yells "Allah Akbar!" on a plane is synonymous with those who hijacked planes on 9/11 (whether it happened, didn't happen, was a plot by Jews or an Alien invasion, etc, I am not interested in arguing). In the majority of the flying "traffics" mind, the last time this was yelled on the plane it had a catastrophic ending. So, the fact 20 or so men would quickly put an end to this unmedicated, over medicated, free speech loving foreigner is not surprising. If he acted like he did in Portland (as shown in the article above) in Saudi Arabia, I bet he would bet his head would be on the chopping block. He is lucky to have done this in the USA where he will get a hand slap and the gift of deportation versus death.
My 2 cents... Regardless of religious views the guy did not do as he was told... If I have to follow the rules (as a christian) this guy should do the same. I feel it had nothing to do with what he spouted off and could care less honestly. The fact is he didn't obey the flight attendant, made a big stink, and got beat down... After 9/11 a lot of people are on edge about stuff like this, this I have no doubt and I don't blame them. I say the guy got what he deserved regardless of what he said... I wouldn't have expected any different from a christian doing the same thing on a plane.