The downplay of each scenario's likelihood was performed by NatGeo "experts" not the prepping experts who assessed the peoples preparedness level. Different folks, like "Our (NatGeo's) expert economist" predict that the likelihood of economic collapse to be .2%. Bogus and marginalization.
I have been looking for him on the Ham Bands.... Callsign: WC2V.... Haven't found him yet, but still looking.....
I said it once, I'll say it again. That man is 2 Twinkies shy of a coronary, and a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic.
DAymn somebody done stole my BB's ... i knew i shouldn't have posted my preps.... and i wuzn't even on the show.... course i think i know who it might have been...
Did I say 2 Twinkies shy of a heart attack? He does not eat Twinkies? 1 Fruit Pie shy of a heart attack. We all know his troubles do NOT stem from his very public exposure on NatGeo, right? Right. He's still a couple of sandwiches shy of a picnic.
Clearly the old boy has to much time on his hand's... I have found that when people talk as much as he does...They are lying about something...I would'nt trust him as far as i could throw him...and that ain't far.!!!!
I would not trust him as far as I could lift him, and that is not at ALL. Damn, he is one big corn fed country boy. Makes me feel positively anorexic looking at him!
I have not watched this and probably will not get around o it but I did talk with a friend that has followed it. Jason says that they purposefully select nut-cases and generally the type of folks that you see after every tornado saying "It sounded just like a freight train"!... He said maybe one out of ten groups featured demonstrated real skills like food preservation, trapping, and such rather than showing their stock-piles of guns and ammo. Seems like the whole concept is to paint us all with the same brush.
Actually, several of these "so called groups" and the fat guy are all a little loonie. Take the two living in the shipping containers, 50,000 of food, and an old school bus to bug out with. I wonder what kind of life they think they have ? Also, the first thing I learned about full auto fire , was in the service and it depletes your ammo faster then a speeding train.
and if you do NOT have a Logistical Train of Ammo following you around, your worse off than the "One Shot, One Kill" Folks, by a couple of MILES...... and invariably DEAD..... ..... YMMV.....
That is exactly correct. Alienate, separate, isolate and exterminate. It is how you control a potentially troublesome group. Need I mention World War II and Japanese American internment camps, Jews in Nazi Germany, etc. etc. The Media is a powerful tool for mass opinion manipulation, especially the US populace.