SHTF gun whats your ideal gun?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by slug36, Mar 2, 2010.

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  1. goinpostal

    goinpostal Monkey+++

    These two(Saiga-100,.308/Saiga-100,30.06)were my favorites untill I had to sell them becouse of hard times(Big!Mistake!):


    The.308 was putting 4"groups@600yrds on the paper,and the 30.06 about 2.5"@600yrds.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  2. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    My enemies
  3. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    A buddy that was a SF Medic in "Nam gave me the best explanation of why we are supposed to love our enemies. "They give you all kinds of neat stuff, don't kill them, just rough them up some and they will go and bring you back more neat stuff."

    He neglected to mention the fact that when they return, they will probably bring a LOT of their friends with them![beat]
  4. Resqdan

    Resqdan Archangle

  5. Resqdan

    Resqdan Archangle

  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Gator 45/70 and mysterymet like this.
  7. Deetsy4915

    Deetsy4915 Monkey+

    Springfield 12 gauge, Marlin 32, Berretta 9mm. They are the only guns I have right now, but I'm working on it.
  8. Deetsy4915

    Deetsy4915 Monkey+

    Looking for a new shotgun soon, would like something for home defense, but practical enough for hunting. If were talking about survival here, then it dont make much sense to get a single purpose shot gun. Any ideas for a multiple purpose SG.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Uv cuss, you'll get more opinions than you can stand. That said, any of the commonly available pump guns will suit almost all needs for a shottie. Mine is an 870.

    VisuTrac likes this.
  10. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Ghrit Nailed it. Pump action 12 guage.
    I like Ghrit like the Rem 870, but other options include Mossberg 500, Winchester 1200. Or for lower cost Maverick 88 (mfg for mossberg), H&R Pardner.
  11. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    That is the idea of it.

    Ask him about the bar.

  12. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I got my mind changed again this winter. Im selling off one of the Remington 7400 rifles and getting a real quality Bolt action 30-06. The TIKKA T-3 VARMIT with a 26 inch barrel and chrome alloy steel. Comes in 30-06 with 6 round detachable mags. W e are keeping the new 7400 Rem and the old 740 so we will still have three 30-06 rifles.

    Second change was adding another Stag arms AR-15 for the wife. She was going to get the Bushmaster ultralight but decided she liked mine and wanted one just like it. KF
    STANGF150 likes this.
  13. jreb357

    jreb357 Monkey+

    One Survival Gun

    If you could only have one gun in that situation, it has to serve many purposes. It has to defend your family as well as feed them, and would ideally need to be as quiet as possible to not attract unwanted attention. It would also need to use ammo that is light, cheap, and easy to get. It needs to be dependable and afforable. Any gun that has to serve so many purposes will fall short in some categories, but I am going with the Ruger 10/22. There is a good article on this at Firearms (Part 3) |
  14. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    I was so disappointed that they replaced the highly effective M-14 with the M-16. I would love to have an M-14.
  15. robin48

    robin48 Monkey+

    I have a converted Saiga in 5.45x39 I love that round. I have a Browning in 308. Couple of 22s. Oh and some shotguns. I consider them all ideal. Some are here and some in two BOLs.

    Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
  16. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    In combat or survival, the "fall short" is a serious and often fatal flaw. Which is why IMO, although there is a choice nof which gun; there really isn't a one gun solution. The military gives a hint; the 22rf for survival or silenced work, the DMR or sniper for distance and the "assault rifle" for almost all other small arms applications.

    A 22rf would not be a good choice for defensive posture against a AK or AR especially if there is more than one.
    The AK/AR isn't a good choice when it comes to carrying enough ammunition to keep the pot filled for a long time.

    IMO, as preppers have prepped; we aren't mobile. The advantage of being well prepared comes with the liability of losing mobility. The reality is the better prepared you are the less mobile you will become.

    Many preppers have off grid capability; I doubt they include going mobile in their plans.

    The person on the move surviving is a bird of a different feather. His "AK/AR/MBR" is his mobility and abilities to detect and avoid danger. Same as the downed pilot with a 22rf unless one beats feet engagements will end predictably.

    As a prepper, there isn't any way I am going to defend myself and family with a 22rf.
    As a "meat hunter" in a survival situation; the "tactical" calibers aren't any match for a 22rf or an adult precision "air" rifle.

    Although it is possible, a tactical caliber, 22rf or adult precision "air" rifle will not take flying small game as a shotgun will.

    In their respective categories they all win. As a non-mobile prepper with no plans on giving my preps; there are moments when loss of mobility has it's advantages. ;)
    Sapper John and ghrit like this.
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member


    Very much a point that must be kept in mind. That does not remove the need to be ready to haul out and abandon the multi year preps in the bunker, but it very much does affect planning for becoming a refugee. What, aside a direct assault on your bug in facility could cause you to boogie? (Fire is one that occurs to me. Distribute your assets ---)
  18. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    No, it doesn't remove the potential of having to beat feet; nothing does excepted being surrounded. ;)
    The name of the game is make it highly cost prohibitive. That's is cold but it is the reality of it.
    VisuTrac and Sapper John like this.
  19. tenderfoot

    tenderfoot Monkey+

    As many have already stated, the venerable 12ga would be my preference for all around multi purpose carnage if I could only have one firearm.

    However, I am also of the mind that long after shtf perhaps the most useful weapon would be the bow because stealth may be a neccesity. Hell, even a slingshot might come in very handy as far as hunting goes. The fact is that firearms are fantastic and depending on the events that may unfold may be all that is necessary. But if we're talking about very long term meltdown, I'm of the thinking that eventually all firearms may become worthless. This timeframe of their worth is going to depend on how often your weaponry will be used and for how long as well as the amount of ammo in your stockpile. Granted those of you equipped well enough to invade a small country may fair much better than someone with just 1,000 rounds. Eventually though, and without adequate re-supply or re-acquisition of ammo or repair parts won't we all be compelled to resort to bushcraft in this matter?

  20. trigger1961

    trigger1961 Monkey+

    In defense of my family at my house and on my property, and I can pick only one weapon. I choose my Mossberg 590A1. 9shot capacity, alternate rounds for defense or for feeding yourself or your family. The shots are less likely to go all the way through your walls as would say a .308 ( I have an Bushmaster ORC .308 great round) AND when you rack it to load up a shell there is no doubt in a persons mind that someone is armed with a shotgun, and maybe time to rethink our plan of ripping me off or other nefarious thoughts that go through a criminals mind.
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