That Martial Law was declared. Obama cancelled elections. His girl friend ran off with a dancer. He was going to start prepping just as soon as possible. He did the only thing he could do. - Buck
Wouldn't matter what day of 365 it was. That deer would be freezer meat asap. Waste not want not. Yes I know, buzzards and coyotes gotta eat too. They can have scraps.
dude the scavengers can eat congress critters. That venison , well, quoting Fat Bastard, 'Get in my belly!'
Fresh venison! Fresh venison and tenderised too! Hope the internal organs (gall bladder, bladder and intestines) weren't ruptured. The haunches would be sweet. We have some Deer in Australia, but they are not as commonly seen as in the USA and Canada.
I once saw a cat do exactly that. I was living on the second floor of an apartment in NorVa, and got home one day - stupid cat runs to the end of the outside hallway, and jumps over the rail...... I looked down. Kitty forgot there was a chainlink fence down there...... Whoowee..... two 'half cats' sure are messy.
A real 'cat-astrophe'for sure.... Bunnies, deer, dogs - amazing how stupid critters can be. Birds fly into glass windows, possums.... well, they just have the WORST luck.
This does not surprise me. Bucks do stupid things during the rut, which is what this looked like (3 bucks following that doe). I cannot blame them, however. I have done equally foolish things when pursuing a female, but I was lucky enough to land on both feet...but, it could've gone either way.
Hey, this sounds like you have been talking to my ex. If that is the case, I need her address or phone number so I can get the dogs off me and sic them on her. Oh, she lies.
I was going to say, "For us Old Fat Guys, It would a "Tight Fit" All the way around".... ...... YMMV.....