A little surprised to hear some of those comments coming from a Fox News program, but I'm impressed. If the commentator would remove all of the "What ifs", he would have a pretty accurate narrative of our present political system. Anyone who truly believes that we have a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" is living in another time. If indeed that sort of government ever existed in this, or any other, country; it's been a long time. Certainly, our present two-party system is a hopeless, self-perpetuating mess. We won't see substantial change in Washington until we have a fundamental change in the way our so-called representatives are elected, and an end to to their lifelong entitlements. We have the foxes holding the keys to the hen-house.
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The check is in the mail.... The problem is fixed in the next software release.... And, I'm from the government and I'm here to help. There are lies and then there are lies...
The thing is now they are in such a position of power and control they are not hiding these facts anymore to anyone that cares to see it. This is the reason I no longer even vote. I no longer buy into the lie we can't vote our way out of this mess. This thing will bring it's self down in time I just plan to stay out of it's way until that happens.
When "The Judge" speaks I listen.And I usually like what I hear. ETA.. I'd like to see a debate with him and Obama.O would need 4 or 5 people feeding his teleprompter.