Hope it uploaded in Word so that one can change it to fit your need's... Pretty sure the rest of the monkeys do not live in a ''Parish''...ccc
Damn I knew there was something I forgot when I sold 'EVERY' gun I owned. Meh, now that I do not own any I guess hind sight is 20/20. Or is that 3-9x40. In Michigan, no paper work required between private parties for long arms. I kind of like it that way. Just Sayin' V
Or you could have one of those Disastrous, Small Boating, accidents, where ALL your weapons were lost overboard, in a VERY Deep Lake.... ..... YMMV....
My god that must be a really popular name. Not a single one of them looked like they were related to Johnny either.
Due to the disasterous economy i'm sure many of us have been forced to sell off weapons that we wish we could have kept.... but the family has to eat....
There are pros & cons to having paperwork change hands during private gun sales. I'd rather not keep records or have records kept of me.