I hear ya brother... for a very short time, like I months I was a JCO... they are definitely not kids and they have no respect for anything!
With some around here it's the family business it's all they know or want. Makes it hard for me sometime when I show up in the hood they all know who I am and gives them time to warn the one I'm looking for.
The next block over from me is like that. Everyone one the street is related and every last one of em is crazy. They've even been known to call the police on themselves just so they can shoot at the cruisers that respond. Don't think anyone on that street has above a 3rd grade education and even the 50 and 60 year old women of the family encourage the younger family members to be criminals and do whatever it takes to get what they want. Then of course when one of em ends up in jail it's the white mans fault and the racist police just won't leave them be.
Sometimes you get only one shot at making sensible decisions Sometimes you get only one shot at making sensible decisions We can speculate as much as we like....but in the final analysis, regardless of what brings us to a critical incident, whether it be poor potty training, lax parenting, overbearing parenting, lack of acceptance by one's peers, a deprived childhood, an over-indulgant childhood, ....whatever motivated him to act as he did, it really doesn't matter greatly....what he did was as a result of decisions and choices that he made...bad decisions, poor choices with fairly predictably negative outcomes admittedly, but most actions have consequences. In his case others were forced into considering a much narrower range of options than they may have liked under the circumstances and they erred on the side of self preservation and chose to remove a perceived threat to themselves and a perceived threat to others decisively. In the real world we can more often than not walk away unharmed from poor decisions with perhaps a little embarrasment, minor hurt, superficial damage to our chattels or the loss of a friendship. And usually we get the opprtunity to learn from it and modify our behaviour accordingly. But the reality is, it is not possible to walk away from the consequences of some decisions and one pays the penalty in part...or in his case the penalty in full of having made the decisions that he did. He had the option of choosing otherwise.
Well, this shooting does seem to have been unavoidable. I listened to the audio of the 911 call on KLBJ radio this morning and the cops yelled 8-10 times to drop the gun. The Asst. Principal was on the phone freaking out, and she stated that he was drawing or swinging a gun on the LEO's in question. Theyhad no choice, and it may well have been Suicide by cop. The shootee's surviving mom is going to sue and she got some cell phone pics of his body claiming at least two shots to the body, and one to the back of his head. For those that have not done any killing (even hunting) the shootee doesn't fly back against the wall, or even necessarily crumple to the ground. Often there is quite a bit of movement including spinning. Tactical shooting is done at a high rate, and some rounds miss or hit other body parts than the ones aimed at. I still view this as a tragedy, and a waste of a young life, but it doesn't appear that the cops had any choice. I wouldn't want to be the shooter(s) and bear the aftermath in this instance. Prayer sent for all concerned. jim
Folks, I have only one thing to say (now THAT will be a first!) - society is breaking down, we all know that, and when society breaks down, just about the first place it starts is in the family and the young. A very large percentage of youngsters nowadays are extremely hostile, arrogant and disrespectful to the nth degree No, they aren't at the point of shooting other people but I suspect in many cases, they only hold back because there is still a vestige of fear of the consequences left in them. And long may THAT continue.
weegrannymush I do a lot of my work in Columbus GA. they have a big gang problem and way to many shooting. It's getting to be the wild west. The thing is that the gang types work to try an gain respect of the other members. They do this by trying to be the best thug. If I come to get one and he is with his crew I know he is going to fight so he don't loses respect with them. The bad part of this for me is how will these people ever turn their life around and be productive when they don't know anything else. It's like they are on a downward spiral to nowhere. I think this kid just made up his mind he wanted to die. I hope one day there will be a way for police officers to reliably stop someone with out using deadly force but sadly they don't at this time.