So what did you put away this week?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Sure...Plenty of ''Bayou Bunnys''....
    Bayou Land is also know as Death Valley....
    But for Fellow Monkeys...I can give you a password for safe passage...

    larryinalabama likes this.
  2. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    A straight razor
    larryinalabama likes this.
  3. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    em bunnys will cut u up
  4. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Here....A glimpse of Da Valley of Death....
  5. thecondor1

    thecondor1 Monkey+


    Dear Members, I hope this isn't too long or too boring!

    Six months ago I bought the book "Aftershock" and started a 'monetary survival plan'.
    Since then I have started a recession/depression proof Closeout, Salvage, Liquidation and Overstock business locally., called "Cheep-Cheep Closeouts"

    I also converted all my 'cash' in Wells Fargo to pre-1965 non-collector 90% silver "junk coins", a month later, as I didn't have too much to invest.
    I waited another month and cashed in my 401K (percentage allowed without a penalty) and invested in 100 Silver American Eagles 99.9% un-circulated coins.
    I store them all at an undisclosed location, insured and in a huge safe ha! ha!
    This cost $3,800 after premium and shipping costs.

    I have also taken out $1,200 'Futures' through Welcome to Ampex, betting on silver increasing in value in 2012, as it is predicted silver will increase it's value 3-600%. I will be taking more options soon.

    I cannot afford gold right now, well in any great amount anyway, so instead put up a $500 'deposit' at eTrade and my Bank, for wire transfers and started trading 'gold mining shares' in USA, Canadian and South African (AngloMines) mining Companies. The first trade cost me 350 for a measly 10 shares, but it's a start.

    I am now looking at trading the "crisis/survival commodities" little by little like USA domestic oil drilling/producing Companies, Canadian natural gas production and USA Agribusiness (Food) producing Companies, like Monsanto (hate them), Swift, Tyson, BASF, Mosaic and AgriSA.

    My MO is this - the USA is printing fake dollars (monopoly money0 tro shore up the Banks, Wall Street and Business while the value of the dollar is dismal. The federal Reserve is running rough shod over consumers with their monetary policies, and their "Red Shield" (google that) conspiracy profits.

    Europe is in melt-down, the USA is owned by China, the USA debt was 5 trillion over the period 1776-2000, yet tripled in one decade from 2001 through 2011!

    We are in deep-s*&# and 2012 will be the "Aftershock" year, continuing through 2016 or longer. What do people need in a melt-down, aftershock, bursting bubbles economy -food, shelter, clothing, trade-able currency (not monopoly money like the dollar is).
    I figure that oil, agriculture, natural gas, closeouts store, gold, silver, mining and food re4lated stocks are a perfect hedge against a perfect 'depression' storm coming SOON.

    Just wanted to share this plan with you all and maybe get some feedback, as I know guns, canned foods, water, generators and such are critical in a crisis like we are headed for, but also consider protecting not only 'life, limb and loved ones', but most importantly your hard earned money.

    If anyone had something to add, suggestions, tweaks to my plan, please post a reply or comment as I would truly appreciate it.
    I consider the next 3-5 years to be critical to us all, especially members of SurvivalMonkey" who obviously take the survival business seriously and help each other in m any ways.

    I hope I helped just a little bit with this (lengthy) post, am I bad?

    To your Survival,
    (The Condor - Come Fly with Me - instead of being a Dead Duck).
  6. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    To: the condor1, Your paper certificates and account statements for precious metals won't be worth the paper they are written on post shtf. Only physical possession of precious metals is the way to hold them now.
    All that said, what other preps have you done. All the gold in China ain't gonna do you a bit of good if you don't have the big 3 or 4 depending how you look at it. Food, Water, Shelter, and Security ..... and the mental ability and willingness to use all of them to keep you and yours alive. Heirloom garden seeds and knowledge and practical experience in how to use them also.
    I'm done ...... You, get busy!
  7. thecondor1

    thecondor1 Monkey+

    Hello friend.

    I appreciate your directness, you are absolutely correct, 'certificates' won't be worth the paper they are written on', BUT I am initially assuming (make an ass out of you and me) that the USA will, during the meltdown still have a "Rule of Law'.
    The 'shares', 'stocks' have to be upheld, maintained, during the "Aftershock", when I will 'cash-out' before the 'fraud' is uncovered. Diversify, diversify sir!

    Your next observation is spot-on, China holds the bulk of the US Treasury Bonds, if they call in their "debt" we are f&^%$d. They are 'currency' RICH, billions of ozs., of GOLD, billions of ozs., silver, platinum and palladium - we have zilch, thanks to Truman and Nixon - monetary %$#@holes.
    We MUST go back to the Gold Standard - where is the Gold in Fort Knox anyway!

    The point I am trying to make, with respect, is not that China has our debt and holds most the world's bullion, but that it will destroy us. We must do as China does, as investors - buy cheap, provide cheap stuff, hold gold and silver, look only after ourselves and be sneaky!

    My physical holdings will always be priority, but in the 'short term' having gold, silver, oil, food and gas 'certificates' stocks or shares, will pay off HUGE!

    Thanks form your input, Happy Holidays!
  8. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Not sure if i want to eat certificates especially when the companies backing the 'certificates' go bankrupt.

    sounds like getting blood from a rock to me.

    give me physical

    PMs, food, fuel, water.

    Bird in the hand is worth two (or a gajillion ) in the bush.
  9. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    6 cases bottles water, on sale fer $3.99 a case. :)
  10. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Got home from my Brother's house in GA about 5pm. Took an hour to clean house. My mother suggested we go to Waffle House fer supper so we went. Then I took her looking at Christmas Lights & ended up in South Carolina. Well stopped at a gas station to use bathroom & get drinks. They had sum fireworks piled high on a table fer sale. I got 3 different packages for what seemed on the slightly high side of reasonable price. Flirting with the cute checkout girl she told me they was BOGOF. So dived back to the table & got another of each.

    Don't laugh about me putting a few firecrackers away. They can come in handy fer a variety of uses.
  11. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, yams, jellied cranberry sauce, and home made bread-in massive quantities!
    weegrannymush and Sapper John like this.
  12. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    A five dollar pack of games chess checker ect and four decks of cards and poker chips. Dont plan on being bored on the long cold winter nights.
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    This has been a very productive week.
    I put away about 20 OPSEC
    a few surplus OPSEC
    and about to pick up some Romanian OPSEC OPSEC
    Of course there was the nearly 300 FRN's worth of OPSEC that should be greatly appreciated in the future, if we have one.

    I was debating on creating an OPSEC for my OPSEC but decided that if they come i will give it to OPSEC for safe keeping or future OPSEC

    I'd love to tell you about my newest OPSEC addition but that would violate OpSec plan.

    And especially now that Mr. Obummer signed the NDAA it's going to be more OPSEC than ever before.
    Sapper John and BTPost like this.
  14. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Sheesh thats a lotta OPSEC you put away Visu!!!
  15. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    It sure was. Unfortunately, there will be no Santa coming down the chimney next year. He violated my OpSec.

    Sorry kiddies. but I'll tell you them flying reindeer are damn tasty especially when slow smoked over apple wood. But truly it's the brining / marinade that makes it super.
  16. craneje

    craneje Monkey+

    Happy New (World Order) Year to yall! While the title of this thread refers to the week, at this time I would like to look back on the year. Last year, we decided to start storing food; we now have a year's supply for two for one year. For each month, this is composed of two 5-gallon buckets filled with rice, beans, flour. sugar, pasta, bouillon, honey, oil, tea bags, and candy; and a bin filled with about 80 cans of meat, fruits, and vegetables. I added a 270 gallon gasoline tank to the barn and filled it. We added a wood burning stove to our living room that can heat the entire house without electricity. We have several oil burning lamps. I've just added a diesel tank and will fill it soon. Our next house payment will be our last. We have also store quantities of vinager, bleach, toilet paper, salt, detergent, medical supplies. I've added 6 firearms to our inventory and several cases of ammunition. I've added to our supply of gold and silver. I would be optimistic about the future if I was not so scared of our nation's financial situation; it is DIRE! Our nation has made a major step away from individual freedom in the past few years. The sole instance of increased freedom I have seen is the increased prevalence of "shall issue" CWP, and the two supreme court decisions re' the 2nd amendment. These may be our salvation. Regardless, to you all, may you have a healthy, prosperous, free New Year!
  17. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Wife canned 14 pints of sour kraut
    oth47 likes this.
  18. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Another 20 lb bag of stuff that will go into a 5 gallon bucket once my oxygen absorbers arrive. A 5 lb plastic container of sweet stuff. 4 rolls of the good stuff for my backside. Female stuff.
    VisuTrac likes this.
  19. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    vacuum sealed several packs of hard candies tonight :)
  20. tsneds

    tsneds Monkey++

    I stored some ammunition,finally got a firearm after returning from the largely unarmed populace of Japan.
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