Ok, so here's the story. I have been wanting for a long time something for protection. There are so many firearms to choose from that I have no idea which one to get. I was wondering which one would be the best. I have never owned a firearm. What are the things to consider? I thought a semi-automatic pistol would be good because of multiple shots. Also, I would imagine the need to clean and take care of it, so it would probably have to be somewhat simple in construction. The most important thing I believe would be accuracy. So, does anyone have a clue what they would recommend to a guy who has never owned a pistol and is looking for simplicity in a weapon. I'm never going to be a real gun person, I just want to make my first purchase a good one. Thanks for any tips that might be forthcoming. Michae1
For someone untrained and unfamiliar with firearms a semi auto is an accident waiting to happen in my opinion. A simple revolver is the safest firearm to use. All the bullets are visible and the operation is straightforward. But even with that, practice is the most important thing. There is a huge difference in owning a gun for protection and actually being able to protect yourself with a gun.
Here's what I tell people... go to a shooting range or gun store where they let you try out various weapons... what you like is very much a matter of personal preference balanced against cost... Dont let them talk you into buying the weekly special... try as many as you can and pick the one that just feels right to you... even if that means you have to put it on layaway Stick to standard calibers... I own a couple of 41 mags and buying new loaded rounds for them can be a challenge... My current daily carry is a Ruger P944... it can be field stripped without tools the .40 give me lots of knock down and the materials it's made of mean it's pretty much an all weather pistol... but it might be a tad much for a beginner... Edit to add... I good place to read up on firearms you might like to try is Gun Blast http://www.gunblast.com/Ruger-SR1911.htm I picked a page to one of my current favs...
I just started about 4 years ago (sort of), and my likes and dislikes have completely changed it that short time. What you buy depends a lot on what you can afford, where you live, and what your intended application. Personally, I'd buy a ruger 10/22 (or similar) just to have something, and then read and study a lot until you see the many sides to the story. Your mileage may vary :^) Good luck!
First step, and I don't think you will ever get someone to say otherwise, is hie thee to a place where you can get some basic training. Then, you can make some sense of the chatter. As an alternate, visit a gun club and range and chat up the members, bearing in mind that most of them have preferences that they will tout. And, "gun nuts" being what they are, you'll find hard core "my way is the only way" and those that will offer pros and cons. Nearly all can be expected to offer you a couple rounds for the feel of their personal weapons. Good luck, and keep reading this subforum, you'll find more opinions than you can digest in one or two sittings. Guns are personal choices based on personal needs and experience. Be advised, guns are like potato chips, one is NEVER enough.
Ok, a revolver is simple. What is it about a semi-auto that is an accident waiting to happen? I would imagine that I would have to practice shooting whatever I purchased, so I plan on practicing with it. They have a shooting range near where I am. You are probably right, I might not need a semi-auto. A revolver does has more than one shot.
Basic training sounds good. I'm sure that will help in my decision. Trying various types of weapons will help also, before I purchase.
Michale... I think what he's trying to say... is for someone new to the sport... a revolver is pretty much point and click.... where-as an Auto loader can get kind of complex with needing to flick off a safety or two, racking a slide... all of those can be over come with training and practice... and I agree a lot less training is involved when it comes to making a revolver go bang I do love my revolvers... esp my big ole Dan Wesson .44 heck my Colt King Cobra is pretty too...
I agree with Minuteman I have shot all different kinds of firearms and have trained alot of people to use them. I always tell anyone who is just starting get a good revolver they are dependable and simple to load. Then point and shoot auto's have multiple things that can go wrong when shooting and if you dont have some time under your belt could get you hurt. Anything from jams to slide locks get a good revolver learn some shooting basic's after awhile buy a used auto and play with it on the range to where you can learn to correct any problems that could happen. Rather than when you are in a confrontation and SHT because I promise thinking under stress is more of a reflex than a complex thought process. Plus it could cost your life or the life of some one else. I keep a revolver in my vehicle because it's simple, reliable, and as long as you check and clean it every once and awhile. It will work when needed.
I see. There are probably numerous types of revolvers also. Which one is the best? That's a good question, I think.
"What is it about a semi-auto that is an accident waiting to happen?" That question alone is why it is an accident waiting to happen. You dont know anything about guns. A semi auto handgun takes training, practice, and more practice to be an effective tool. If you have never owned a firearm I would say you should first start off buying an inexpensive .22LR rifle or carbine and learn the basics. Learn to walk as it were. Then move on to a .22LR pistol like a used Ruger MkI or II. Once you become proficient and can safely and effectively handle a pistol, then go buy your defense weapon. By then you will have had enough time to handle and shoot guns, you will have had ample time to do your homework and KNOW what you want and what is right for you. You will make the right purchase and not one you will regret later.
Hate to disagree with ya wrc... but I've seen hundreds of young men and women join the Marines never touched a weapon in their lives and we'd put an M16 in there hands and teach them to shoot... it is kind of cool to watch their faces first time they pull the trigger on a M203... their not scared of it any more... Proper training... you can teach someone to shoot anything... time and practice... I say if he wants an auto loader let him... his money his choice... Yet I do agree an afternoon spent with a 10/22 is a great way to spend a day shooting without breaking the bank for ammo...
One thing I will do is try various pistols, whatever they will allow, and then maybe I could make an informed decision. Rather then buy it first. I'm sure if they know I want something they will accommodate me somewhat in making a decision.
Best is subjective, and again highly dependent on personal preference and what the anticipated use and environment (as in where you will be rather than weather) will be. You haven't focused on that yet, and you need to. +1 on starting with a revolver for all the reasons given. (I lean heavily toward 22s, both rifle and revolver, as a starting battery. as I said, one gun won't be enough.) I have one that resides where it will be needed if I'm not as conscious as I am right this minute. For other reasons/locations, I have an autoloader (Please do not confuse "automatic" with autoloader, too many sheep (usually unknowledgeable people) confuse "automatic" with full auto.
You will get alot of different answers to that one but let me say try a few what I like and that fits me don't fit everyone. A gun to me is something personal it fits me like it is a part of my hand and arm. Try, look at, hold when you find the right one something will click and you will know. Im a Smith & Wesson fan my dad is a Ruger person. It's all about you. With that being said I will give just a little advise buy a good quality Smith, Ruger, Taurus, I even like Rossi stay away from the off the wall fly by night brands. Second for your first gun stay away from feather light and air weights they are good gun and lighter to carry but they have a bite. If it hurts to shoot you are not going to shoot after you get use to shooting you can always later buy one of those. My personal opinion I like a good steel gun yes heavy but last for years of shooting.
one other thing when in the shop do not dry fire unless you ask, most of the time they will give you a snap cap to dry fire it with. Some gun guy's get very upset when people start dry firing their weapons.
Yes, there are many on the market, in all price ranges, and is the smallest practical caliber without going to some highly specialized pieces. Agree with AD that your social piece has to fit your hand; but for practice and training, it's not as important. My 22 revolver is a Ruger Single Six, and I'd recommend you look at one, it's a fave of mine. My social revolver is also a Ruger, and you won't go wrong if it fits you. The same can be said for just about any of the major names. So far as 22 rifles go, I can't recommend an autoloader for a newbie. Stick with bolt or pump actions, they are less likely to surprise you. (But if you simply MUST, a 10/22 is THE choice for a starter.)
If you are planing on using it for protection and I am in no way downing a 22lr more people are killed with it a year then any other round. I would look more around a 38spl or a 357mag and with the 357mag you can shot 38spl rounds in it until you are ready to shoot a more powerful round. Or practice with 38spl+P then carry 357mag for self defense. The only reason Im say a larger cal is if this is your only firearm there will come a time when you need the stopping power, one shot will take the place of 5 or 6