Ron Paul 2012

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by melbo, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. pmbug

    pmbug Golden Cockroach

    Ron Paul's campaign is not being funded by Wall Street or corporate interests. If you have ever considered supporting Ron Paul, please do so today during the Dec. 16 Tea Party "money bomb" fundraiser for maximum impact:

    Ron is electable if *you* say he is. Money talks.
  2. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Today's "Money Bomb" is supposed to be a major factor in how the campaign continues.

    If you have been putting off contributing, now is the time to make a difference.
  3. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Okay, $100 donated just now. I know that seems small to some. It's not small potatos for me. Also, it is the first time ever I have donated to any politician's campaign, period.
  4. pmbug

    pmbug Golden Cockroach

  5. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Made mine, but wish he took BitCoins.
    pmbug and tacmotusn like this.
  6. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    active military members support Ron Paul with cash

    I just heard on local talk radio that military members are donating almost exclusively for Ron Paul. I didn't catch how they gleaned their data, but I ceretainly would hope that it is true for several reasons. ..... think about it.
  7. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    I donated!

    Oh, and now that the troops are coming home.. maybe their votes will actually make it in. Roost! Roost!
    pmbug and tacmotusn like this.
  8. squiddley

    squiddley Monkey+++

    I made my first donation ever,go Paul.[freedom]
    pmbug and tacmotusn like this.
  9. pmbug

    pmbug Golden Cockroach

    Campaign donations are reported to the Federal Election Commision (FEC) who in turn publishes the data for anyone to examine. It's very true.
  10. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    It's very much true.

    Dr Paul, in the first 9 months of this year, has received more donations than all other candidates combined. He has gotten a little under twice what Obama has and far more than thrice all Republican candidates combined (as I remember, Obama has gotten like twice the total of the R candidates other than Dr Paul).

    He also received more military donations than the combined field in the '08 election cycle.
  11. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    This info alone should calm the fears of many about how many military members feel about the 2 party system, the current administration, and the Constitution.
  12. thecondor1

    thecondor1 Monkey+

    Totally agree -

    Great cartoon - now let's do it!
    tacmotusn and VisuTrac like this.
  13. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    In case you missed the debate thur night, you may want to know that Ron Paul, doesn't give a d.... about wheather Iran gets a nuke or not. He also wants to cut our military by about half. Until then, I really liked the guy. He went off the track when he said that. Sorry, but that is the way it is
  14. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Pakistan and India also have nukes, as does North Korea and China and Russia and who knows how many old satelite countries of the old USSR. Do you really believe you can keep the genie in the bottle? I could make a nuke with fissionable materials. The gun type, not an implosion type. Long Tom was a pretty simple dirty piece of work.
    We cannot afford to be the "World's Policeman"
    Not only that, but a Large Standing Army is Unconstitutional!!! A large Navy and a Coast Gaurd, maybe not. One might even say that an Airforce is acceptable because it was not even conceivable when the constitution was written.
  15. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    It always amazes me that people who claim to be liberty minded still think they have the right to tell others...even other whole nations...what they can or cannot do.

    I figure I have as much right to tell another country what they can have as my neighbor has to tell me what I can have...or vice versa. People can't seem to understand why people in other countries don't like Americans...while demonstrating that misplaced sense of superiority that lets us decide what other countries should do and have.

    Go figure...
    BackwoodsmanUSA, Byte and tacmotusn like this.
  16. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    If you ever doubted the bias and favoritism of the media just watch the political pundits as they debate a possible Paul win in Iowa. I saw one saying that nobody would ever take Iowa seriously again and another outright saying that people should not go there if they give the state to him. Threatening the voters with economic boycott? From a supposedly unbiased "journalist"? A representative of the "free" press?
    Edward R. Morrow is rolling over in his grave.
    It is on all the networks but more blatant and vitriolic on faux news. They and their neocon puppetmasters have demonized Ron Paul since he first came on the political stage. The Republican party in Texas has actually supported his rivals in every election trying to shut him up. Thank God for whats left of the "power of the people".
  17. jreb357

    jreb357 Monkey+

    Anybody that makes as much sense as Ron Paul will never get elected.

    Quigley_Sharps likes this.
  18. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Wonder how the "news" outlets will spin this one?

    Bachmann's Iowa co-chairman bolts to back Paul

    State Sen. Kent Sorenson, the co-chairman of Michele Bachmann's campaign in Iowa, made a surprise announcement that he'd instead support Ron Paul for president.

    Iowa state Sen. Kent Sorenson, one of three Iowa co-chairmen for Bachmann's campaign, made an appearance at a Veterans for Ron Paul event this evening where he endorsed the Texas congressman in Tuesday's caucuses.


    "I believe we have a clear choice here in Iowa and, I believe, across the country," he told NBC News in an interview after the event.
    "All the recent polling is showing that Ron is in a neck and neck race with Mitt Romney. I believe that we have a real opportunity to elect a constitutional conservative."

    emailthis. newsvine.

    View article...

    Did you ever notice how they hyped up straw polls and what they foretold, until Ron Paul would win one then they didn't really mean anything. Now the all important first caucus of the cycle but suddenly when it looks like RP might actually win it then Iowa really doesn't matter. Incredible!!
  19. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    Let's put this into perspective.

    Role play with me for a minute. I'm the crazy neighbor and you're the neighborhood watch leader.

    You have guns galore, so do a few other rather unsavory and slightly loopy neighbors as well as your neighborhood watch members.

    You have a generator on your home and so do these others mentioned.

    You all have that stuff and I do not. I would like to have these things and you all keep telling me I'm not allowed to have it because you think I'd use it to blow your house up "when you weren't looking". So you threaten me with blocking all deliveries of goods and you inspect everything coming to my house to make sure there isn't anything in there that could harm you.

    What I'd like to have is the ability to power my house, defend my house and should I get crazy and decide to attack you, guess what.. you have guns too and so do your friends.

    Now, let's swap roles and now you're the crazy neighbor.. and I'm sorry.. you can't have any weapons to defend yourself and you're absolutely forbidden to use a generator to power your house. How do you feel?

    You know, Iran may be off the charts crazy.. but we DO NOT have the legitimate right to tell ANY country what they can and cannot do. You may not like it and believe me.. I don't either.. be we simply cannot do this. So we arm up, which brings us to the next point of defense cuts.

    Most of the defense cuts are removing us from bases in other countries that are pointless to have and/or can't afford to run. Think of these bases as the entertainment expenses in a common household. When you need to save money, you're cutting back on extraneous stuff but you can still provide the core functionality of your household. The "Defense Cuts" are more like re-focusing defense on actual defense and not on pseudo-passive-aggressive occupation of other countries so we can intimidate the world.

    The funny part is that if Iran ever got nuke power, business would thrive and it would eventually push out arcane Iran and usher in a less volatile one.
    Byte and Pax Mentis like this.
  20. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    Nowhere did he say he didn't give a damn whether or not they acquired nuclear weapons. His only statement was that we as a nation DO NOT have the authority to tell another sovereign nation what they can and cannot acquire for whatever purpose they intend. UGRev's analogy is spot on. None of us are cheering Iran on. We just refuse to support the imperialist notion that UNITED STATES, INC has any authority in the matter. I don't believe Iran is part of any nuclear nonproliferation treaty.

    Sure USINC has to make it very clear to Iran that IF they do acquire nuclear weapon AND THEN make serious threats (or god forbid, actually use) to use them in an offensive attack, USINC, and others, WILL take defensive action that will end Iran permanently. N'uff said.

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