One the 18-wheelers that came to pickup an order today had sumthing I jokingly TRIED to talk him out of part of it. 100 55 gallon blue plastic barrels with lids & bungholes in the lids. All BRAND NEW!!!!!!!
They are expensive here at least $110 or more! The small 15 gallon ones were $37.50 each! I used to get pallets for firewood ( broken ones) love the oak for the hardwood!
Thanks Gunny. We also stock the TP, soap, and toothpaste. I can live without a lot of things. I can't live with those three. Corncob or magazines won't get it.
just another point of view I haven't been on monkey in months........and what do I see????? the dear old significant other...... aka BTPost.......complaining about my water usage LOL!!!!!!!!
You forgot about me, BT! I am amazed to find that your womenfolk are the cause of the all the TP usage my house it's the opposite, go figure. I share the house with my middle-aged son and two adult grandsons. Doesn't matter how many spare rolls get put out, they get used up in a very short time. It drives me crazy because I am always the one who puts out the rolls, nobody else EVER does and here I come in the middle of the night (I'm an old lady, on diuretics, nuff said, lol) and all that's left are the cardboard inners and I have to start digging around in the cupboard for more rolls. And that scenario is repeated, ad nauseam. Wish I could find a way to get things more evened up!
I gave my wife grief about how much TP she used and she replied, "well I don't have brown spots in my undies"... Ouch!
to wegrannymush It is not all that attractive but I have a little partially hidden place and hanging there on the wall by the throne is this wire "thingy" I found. It holds 5 or 6 rolls so if someone......I won't say who doesn't replace the roll, it is not too far to get another. The problem is.....he usually leaves just a tiny little bit left on the roll.....about one turn.... so it looks like there is still paper. With all those guys though, you are outnumbered!
Thanks for the sympathy, alaskachick! Much appreciated! I feel so ALONE here sometimes, lol. Outnumbered IS the word, you nailed it. I lost my daughter to cancer in August and I sure do miss her in more ways than one. She called me every day and we would moan and groan with each other about the men in our respective households and their thoroughly annoying habits! Now I've no one to gripe to so I am just swallowing my complaints. They are a good bunch of guys overall though and we all care about each other a lot, so it's a case of taking the rough with the smooth, right! (I will try to remember that during the next freezing cold night when I am TP-less, lol) Just had an idea....I will keep TP in my room and take it with me, back and forth. Can't believe I am discussing this stuff on a basically male site, they must all be shaking their heads.....and The Watchers must be getting a good laugh! My excuse is that I am a (getting slightly senile) little old lady, haha.
Granny, Feel welcome at our fire anytime.... Alaskachick does give me grief for my manly ways, on regular occasions, when I step outside Her set Bounds. Yes, I deserve it most of the time and accept, the correction, in the Spirit of Love that it was given, usually... ..... HMMV.....
My lovely wife changes the TP roll when it is only half empty,I have a ton of half empty rolls in my shop,one way to save for hard times...
Yep, that's one of my pet peeves. We don't have a problem with refills here but but if installation is wrong someone hears about it.