Is there any interest in big rifles and handguns here? I am talking about "hunting" type weapons, not Barretts in .50BMG. I am working on a 4-bore project but the biggest thing I have working at the moment is an M79 grenade launcher. I have a .375 Holland and Holland magnum, a 7mm Weatherby Magnum, a .45-70 Double rifle. a Sharps .45-120, and some kind of .577 cartridge double that we load from 28 gauge brass. I have a 18-.22 Beehive round for the M79 and yes, it is rifled and I do use it for hunting. You should see what it does to a coyote.
The M-79 is a Destructive Device, Form 4, $200 transfer tax. Each explosive round for it is also a DD, same $200 tax each round. Non-exploding ammo is just ammo.
I believe the very similar 37mm launcher used with 'non-destructive' bird-scaring rounds is legal for us who don't do the Class Three gig? Feller here had one awhile back he'd bring to the shooting range - launched dummy rounds downrange. Fun, but not what I'd call 'accurate'...... Speaking of 'hunting with BIG guns'..... There used to be a youtube video (I could not find it, may have been nixxed) where a group of fellers used a muzzle loading "Mountain Howitzer" cannon to kill a deer on the next ridge over. Funny, but not very ethical 'hunting'.....
It is a registered Destructive Device and has a #200.00 Tax. Also, each explosive round, if you can find them, has the same tax applied.
Well, you lot down-under have us bested in the Big Dangerous Creature department..... and some very deadly Small Creatures!
Not all dangerous creatures are four legged. have heard of our vicious lethal Drop Bears then....... ; ) Probably our largest dangerous terrestial creature would be the Cape Buffalo.....and yes we do have our share of venomous spiders, snakes and sea creatures....but the reality is that very few people die from such encounters relative to our population. Numerically, probably our most dangerous creature is a P!$$ed (drunk) driver behind the wheel of a car. And yes....there are quite a few of those who really need a bloopering whilst staggering from their pub or club to the parking lot : S
Deer Hunting With Mountain Howitzer..... Aha! Found the site. I offer this as a point of interest only - I would NOT condone 'hunting' in this manner. HOWITZER HUNT - Mountain Howitzer Cannon Whitetail Deer Hunt and build your own 12 pound Mountain Howitzer Cannon