When I do PI work it's at 35/ph and 50 to 100 to serve docs. skips are 10 to 15% going off of what the crime is at 14/ph you are a hell of a deal. I work alone most of the time so good money but my a$$ is really on the line when things go bad. But it's still about the most safe thing I have done for a living.
As a matter of fact...yes. Snow cone machines do little to engender an enforcement philosophy that brings SWAT clad and armed folks storming into houses with no knock warrants at 3:00 AM, killing dogs, old ladies, homeowners and children in the name of "officer safety". I'd rather the feds kept the however many billions it was and paid down the debt...I'd even rather see it go for welfare to the lazy and terminally stupid. About the last thing I want to see it go for is arming small town cops and contributing to developing Rambo complexes.
Because we have created a "Prison" Industry that supports a significant portion of area ecconomics in a lot of places and more than half of the highest locked up population in the world is there for crimes only against themselves (i.e. possession and use of drugs), it amazes me that the people being released early are the really bad sons of bitches that deserve to be locked up.
Two of the local small cities near us have armored vehicles. Charlotte has had them for several yrs and have really beefed up their PD lately. A bud did some custom welding work in one and another did some refurbishing on the other. Nice machines and I got a real good look inside and out.
Local PD had the above images on the SWAT page of their website. These were removed following the uproar surrounding the accidental shooting of a 1 year old, the murder of the mother, murder of the family dog, and the arrest of the suspect on suspicion of possession of cocaine.
100% with you on this not even so much about what equipment. Their are people out here that have more training/skills than most LEO even SWAT and ones that have had real trigger time. People that have seen real combat/firefights will have the upper hand on guys that have never had bullets flying passed them. Training is great makes you feel like you are ready for anything or anyone. First time someone just starts trying to kill you for no good reason you are not ready. I really hope all the guys here that have not already seen this for them selfs can skip it. I was watching some cop show and SWAT shows up to raid this apartment. The team splits up half makes entry at the front the other half through a back window all guys armed with M4 type rifles. Where do they get training like that had shots been fired they would have been shooting at their own team mates.
I have seen it happen, it comes from everyone wanting to dress up and kick the doors in. When we do one the guys enter front or back and the others cover from the outside to make sure no one runs out the back door. Some weapons has a certain function and these guys dont train to or for that function. Like me I don't want a full auto weapon Ive shot them and in my opinion don't like them for what we do. They can't be controled properly and safely in a raid setting the semi-auto I feel more able to get the job done with out shooting up half a city block and killing bystanders. But when I enter the house I like that 12ga 870 she is sweet and will clear a hallway from side to side with one shot. The sound of her slide being racked lets everyone young and old know that the biTness is in house.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO Justification for a State or local Law Enforcement Outfit to OWn or possess a Full-auto Weapon, PERIOD. This is just a FACT, and a properly Trained SWAT Team, or Raid Team, does NOT need those weapons, to accomplish ANY Mission, they would EVER encounter. The senerio, where they are NEEDED just does NOT Exist, PERIOD, and any senerio that one could put forward, can be refuted with simple logic, and modern tactics. This whole MIlitarization Push by the FEDs, is nothing more than dumping older Weapons out of the Military Stores, so that they can justify buying the better weapons available fore the Troops, in the field, and keep the suppliers (Corp) in business, and the Campaign contributions coming in. Total BS..... My Personal Opinion.....YMMV....
Yep common sense well aimed semi-auto fire works best and can be more easily applied where needed. Common Sense is void where prohibited by law
I alaways wondered what would happen if you called the FBI CIA ATF SECERT Police County Sheriff State Sheriff Game warden local police armed guard at wall mart and so on...all at the same time? would the one with the biggest tank win. ?
That pic of swat is as big as out whole sheriffs dept. and yes they have a swat team it's 5 guys and they were traned buy the FBI in Clarksburg so it should be very little if any training that I could see. I get along with most of the guys but there are a couple that would do whatever they were told .WE have a good sheriff and he's good at his job. Guess we could count ourselves lucky .
That's Lima PD SWAT, ACSO SWAT has 16 members (trained by H&K, perk of buying their weapons I guess). Allen Co. Sheriff's Office Uniformed Patrol Division is 3 Lieutenants, 6 Sergeants, and 41 Deputies. K-9 Division is 7 deputies and 7 K-9 partners. Dive team (body/evidence recovery) has 8 deputies. 5 accident investigation/reconstruction deputies. 10 deputie Mounted Posse team that works the mall/walmart parking lots during Christmas shopping as well as KKK rallies and such around the state. As for the Lima Police I'm not sure of the number of officers. But there are 4 K-9 teams, a Hostage Negotiation Team, Tech Crimes Unit and the Proactive Crime Enforcement unit. The number of special teams would make it appear we have a ton of officers but the majority of the teams (including SWAT) are made up of patrol officers who volunteer for the extra duty and DO NOT receive additional pay.
WE have A K-9 unit and I think he bought and had the dog trained on his own . LOL Our police force in town is one guy and Clay does the traffic thing when he feels like it !! The State Police have an office here and there are 2 in it ,the sheriffs dept is over an hour away but we have 2 that live less than 15 miles from town. As I said we are pretty lucky here ,we all work together and all we have to worry about is petty stuff.
To be all honest we see where things are heading and yes we as L.E.O.'s have some nice weapons and gear and but most are of the same opinion I am it will come in handy to defend our communities when Big Brother decides to take away our God given right's. It is no different for L.E.O. to possess a firearm that any legal American possess. I think we as free men shold take notice from L.E.O.'s preparing for war and not argue about the fact but start to prepare for our selves while we still can. Before Big Brother and the Blue Helments come. Remember for the most part these weapons are being placed in the hands of local guy's who have family and friends and when time come Im not going to say all but I will say most L.E.O's will be fighting beside the people they serve not against the people.