Communications White Paper... MonkeyNet is here....

Discussion in 'Survival Communications' started by BTPost, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. Georgia_Boy

    Georgia_Boy Monkey+++

    I, for one, like the work product and effort spent on this much needed plan. Time is a'wasting. Communications will be very difficult after TSHF and sporadic at best without a secure structure in place and tested prior to trouble.
  2. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Plans are being laid to get this thing moving quickly
  3. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    I have a conference call I have to do right I cant go into detail... but you guys do now there is a second Standalone Internet out there right???? say you didnt???
    well then check this out
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    But only a FEW, have access to the interconnecting Gateways, which are usually in Higher Education Facilities... and this is a DARPA funded system.....
  5. GrandpaDave

    GrandpaDave Monkey++

    Changes every day... Cloud computing is the new next big thing shared points of access where we can use one wireless signal to pony off another and another and another....

    Picture in your head one single access point... say the college but each connected device gives up part of its bandwidth to become its own hot-spot... cell phones, Wifi connected laptops, Ipads as each new system comes on line it extends the reach of that network... all from one single connection to the backbone...

    well that's what I've been working on... for the last decade in fact... we're only now starting to do it with IT2 but its coming...
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    GpDave, I would love to have a chat with you, about that Technology. we need to like up some afternoon or evening down the Rabbit Hole, and exchange some words. At your connivence, by all means......
  7. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Bookmarking, really interested in this.
    So, we aren't going to be visited by a fleet of black Tahoe's using this. [peep]
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Nah, you have nothing to fear from Tahoes. For you, special treatment; two APCs and half a dozen Rhinos with roll cages.
    VisuTrac and ColtCarbine like this.
  9. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Your already on the list just for being on the Monkey!!!
    ColtCarbine likes this.
  10. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

  11. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

  12. TheEconomist

    TheEconomist Creighton Bluejay

  13. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Just curious...has anyone tried using the Stego app with high resolution digital SSTV such as Easypal?
  14. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Not that I am aware of, but if you would like to try it, and then report back how it went, and any issues,, that would be handy information to know. We have used Stego to Publish Operational KeySets for the MonkeyNet, and it does work. .... YMMV.....
  15. scpn

    scpn Monkey+++

    OK, I read the MonkeyNet paper after BTPost posted a link to it in a thread I started on another site. I will probably have several comments later, but my first is, why sideband for 2m? I have a very good 2m mobile unit and there's no way I know of to do sideband (forget whether the paper said USB or LSB but it doesn't matter at this point). I am in favor of folks making do with what they have. It's easy to make a list of specific requirements, but not so easy for some folks to buy new gear. A slight technical advantage in signal transmission strength does not justify (IMO) purchasing new equipment. If this requires a 2m base unit instead of mobile, that would be a bad trade - mobility is more important to me especially in a SHTF scenario.
  16. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    you just stated the reason- it's not "secure", but it's not common that mobile and handheld folks could copy it. It's also a weak-signal mode, so should have better range than FM.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Sideband is not necessarily the only, or REQUIRED, emission that can be used on 2 Meters, for MonkeyNet. It was picked, as a way to improve CommSec from folks with Scanners. These are just recommendations at this point, as we ARE using the Internet for our Main MonkeyNet SECURE Messaging Links, until it is no longer viable. At that point, it is just not Known what Comm Links will be available to our Network, HOWEVER it is "ASSUMED" that Ham Radio, or Gorilla Radio, will become the Main Comm Link available to us. If the SSB Emission is not available to both ends of the desired Comm Link, then those two Stations, can mutually agree, to pass their SECURE Messages on whatever common Emission, that they have. (FM, RTTY, CW, Smoke Signals, or whatever) This is exactly why we don't want to get to wound up in the Comm Link Layer, as we just have no definitive Idea, what Comm Links will be available to us, once the Internet no longer functions. If you have any Ideas on the subject, POST them Here, for evaluation. Everyone is welcome to have input into the Policies used to govern OUR MonkeyNet.

    Also understand that this technology can be used for, and by, outside Groups to build their OWN Networks. The Vision for this technology is for MANY diverse Prep'er Groups, to use a common technology, to build their SECURE Messaging Systems. This way should they want to have links to other diverse Groups, using the same technology, all that will be required, is the two ends of the mutually agreeable Comm Link, exchange a common KeySet, or PAD, (different from any of the Internal or external KeySets or PADs used ELSEWHERE) which does NOT compromise each individual Groups, Internal SECURE Messaging Systems, or SECURE Messaging System Comm Links with other outside Groups. That is the beauty of this technology. CommSec for the SECURE Messaging only depends on keeping the KeySets, or Generated PADs for that mutually agreed upon Comm Link, held close, and does NOT depend on the security of the technology, or even the Policies of any individual Network.
    VisuTrac likes this.
  18. scpn

    scpn Monkey+++

    Ok, so we'll be able to use what we have - that's a must IMO.

    Is MonkeyNet for SECURE messages only? As in, no talking to each other allowed. Or if we do talk, is that just considered outside the MonkeyNet? Not everything needs security, even in a crisis situation, and talking is a good way to test equipment and keep people involved until a crisis hits.
  19. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    The SECURE Messaging can take ANY form that is available. It is designed, so that when limited bandwidth is the only thing available, and we are using OnePad, it can be transmitted by Voice, CW, RTTY, or any of the Digital Modes. As I stated before, we do NOT focus on the Comm Link, because that is an Unknown, until people no longer have the Internet, and Wide Bandwidths, available to them. For those folks, or groups, that are Receive Only, It can be used, via voice, in Oneway Broadcasts, at specific Times, and Frequencies, similar to the BBC Broadcasts to Occupied Europe, during WWII... Those Times and Frequencies will be determined at the Regional Station Level, and consulting with the Regional Founders Representative, as the specific Regional Networks come OnLine. As stated in the White Paper, there is nothing that prevents any Station, from communicating between themselves, using whatever seems reasonable as they mutually determine. MonkeyNet Specific Traffic, will use the Operational KeySets and PADs, that are now available to Vetted Members. Non-vetted Monkeys can get the technology, downloaded and operational, now and then apply for Vetting, to the Regional Founders Rep. When approved, that gets the Vetting Process takes a while to go thru, but isn't all that involved. It is designed to demonstrate competence in the Operation of the Three Encryption Systems that make up MonkeyNet.
    1. GPG Encryption
    2. Stego Encryption
    3. OnePad Encryption
    Once that is demonstrated, then the applicant is considered Vetted into the Network, and operational. As Part of the Vetting Process, the Applicant will download a Set of Distribution KeySets, with which they will use to communicate with their Regional Station, or a Master Station, where they receive a URL for the Operational KeySet Stego files. Then using that file, and the they will deCrypt the Operational KeySets, and send a Operational Encrypted Message, to their Vetting Station that confirms, they are operational with GPG and Stego Systems. At that point they are considered Vetted into the Regional Network, and are encouraged to play around with, and get familiar with the OnePad App and System.

    I am availalbe to help ANYONE, get up and running with the technology. If they are Monkeys, they will be ready to apply for vetting, if not Monkeys, than they will be ready, to build their own Network, and systems as they see fit, using the common technology. I can be emailed, Skyped, (btpostak) of contacted down the Rabbit Hole. ..... YMMV....
  20. scpn

    scpn Monkey+++

    What makes one a Monkey? Something more than being on this forum?

    I can already create and use a OnePad pad manually. I have played with at least one stego app and it worked but never used it. I have a GPG enabled email app but my home PC is offline now, have to use the library. And I think I tinkered with PGP trial and a free GPG program a few years ago, but the problem for me with all the PGP related stuff has always been I never had anybody who understood how to use public/private key encryption to practice with.

    I see the need to work on coordinating Comms now, whether secure or not, and I've been pushing it, but have very little luck in getting others to join in. Seems OPSEC fear always trumps COMMs in pre-TEOTWAWKI time.
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