Sorry to burst you bubble guys but there are a lot of yankees who take as much pride in our heritage as you do in yours. Instead of clinging to the war of property rights, recognize that our conservatism is every bit as strong as your - you don't corner the market. There are many of us in every part of the country that have strong belief in individual rights. I'll bet that BT's Alaskan mindset is every bit as strong as my Connecticut mindset. Get to know a few of us and you might be surprised at the things we have in common and please, don't paint us with such a broad brush
I have to concur with RH, here fellas. It was mostly Yankees that fought off the Brits in the Revolutionary war. Yeah, yeah, there were 13 colonies. 10 of them were "Yankee" states. Just because there are a few bad know, New York, New Jersey, Maine, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, you know MOST northern states, we cannot lump all Yanks in the same pot. There are a boat load of liberal Dems in the South too. Pot & Kettle guys.
Thanks for the support Falc - heck, local legend has it that Washington slept his way across New England - a busy boy he was!
No disrespect intended RH and I agree about Yankees having pride in their heritage too. Plus I agree everyone is upset with whats going on with our rights and our country. My Sheriff is from NJ and I tease him and throw Yankee comments at him and he throws back the bubba remarks at me. So please dont take any offense to my Southern comments. If it wasn't for yankee us Soutern boys wouldn't have anyone to prove us right. (lol)
Rather than "North vs South vs East vs West", I see it as more Big City "Control Freak" mentality vs Small Town/Rural "Let me be!" mentality. Different lifestyles, different expectations, different values. In an extreme situation, I could see this nation breaking into four separate 'regions' or 'nations', hopefully still friendly in trade and travel with one another. I think something between your suggestion and the Rawles' one will probably happen; and I would go further as to say it will be a "state of mind" secession not based on geographic boundaries. That is, if you live in an urban center (like myself) and hold the "don't tread on me" mentality, you'll have to leave, but not vice versa. However, if you're a non-producer and live in Gault's Gulch...well, then, you might be kicked out. The only issue though, when the large urban areas are separated from the rest of us...meaning, they have to be taxed at 90% to pick up the slack left by the liberty exodus, things will start to get ugly. People who have depended on something/someone else their whole lives will suddenly be left without...and will make up the majority of these urban areas. It will be chaos and you can routinely expect urban pirates to prey on rural independents. There are numerous examples of similar situations in Africa when whatever flavor of colonialism left the natives to fend for themselves, the place turned back into a cesspool in less than 5 years (e.g., Liberia). You have to ask yourself why we have running, clean water, heating/AC, refrigeration, food supply-chains, mass transit, etc. and the other countries don't. (Yes, I'm being ethno-centric and I'm OK with that). Their officials/govt. won't put the good of the people above themselves AND the people don't demand that lifestyle--so, they are docile and live in squalor. We have now reached a point where our elected officials will put their lust for power above that of the CONCEPT of a free Republic (U.S.), yet, the people with their hand-out still want all the things that come with a free market, working capitalist system. When they cannot get this, chaos is going to ensue like and an adult sequel to William Golding's book.
If every industry would extend the American made requirement to even a small percentage of the components, imagine the impact on the economy. That would still allow sufficient foreign made goods to accommodate a healthy balance of trade while supporting our own economy with our own goods
True, I met a few in the service, but I do wish the North would quit sending jerks like Kerry, the Kennedys, Markey, Frank, Levin, et al, to Washington to screw up the country. They accurately represent their constituents' views, then impose those mores on us elsewhere. This was precisely why the Founding Fathers included the 10th Amendment to the Constitution... people in various areas think differently, and shouldn't have the mores of others imposed on them.
Case in point.......welcome to you ancestral home. It's going to keep getting worse as FRN's are worth less than the TP in the Porta-Johns. BBC News - The scandal of the Alabama poor cut off from water
I'm sending this out to everyone I know! With a little more dilligence in looking, we CAN put our own folks to work, and stop "feeding the Dragon"! I recall not long ago, when the US military was buying uniform items and other things "Made In China"!! Now how can it possibly be a good thing to tie our military procurement to a potential/probable Enemy of War!? Most of our aircraft and other big war machines and weapons cotracts use foreign producers. What happens when the German, Belgian or British suppliers of major sunassemblies get invaded, or cannot ship their products to us?
Globalism is good if you are just trading your cheap crap Globalism is good if you are just trading your cheap non-essential crap for their cheap non-essential becomes problematic when you sacrifice your strategic self sufficient production capability for the ability of consumers to buy non essential crap cheaper at Walmart or Home Depot than domestically made product. There was a time when Australia went to war (South Vietnam) with a quite good medium (dual purpose) anti-armour weapon...The 84mm Carl Gustav, which became unusable at the time...simply because Sweden wouldn't supply the necessary projectiles to a country that was playing silly buggers in a war that Sweden did not approve of. There was also a time when Australia manufactured its own ships, aircraft, tanks and armoured much of that capability is in the past. Any country that loses its self sufficient capabilities at producing its own armaments is dependant upon the good will and cooperation of other states whose interests may not always be necessarily aligned with our own. That is a very uncertain and insecure position for any country to be in.
buying weapons from another country is like buying a bomb with a very short fuse it could quite easily and suddenly blow up in your own face
I still think the best way to fix the problem is just to start over . Im very in favor of a break up , I think that its inevitable and that the US has outlived its purpose and gone so far off the track of what was intended..... especially to its own people . Stars & Bars !
Even with all our faults as a country i like to believe that we are still the best game in town. With the Aussies, Brits and Canadians tied for a close second!
Never met an Aussie I didnt like . And when the national language turns to Spanish , Thats the place I'de go .