Militarization of law enforcement

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by CATO, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    I hate to use a tragedy to prove a point, but check out the pics in the slide show. Are those spec ops guys?? Nope...just LEOs.

    Shooting On Virginia Tech Campus Leaves At Least 2 Dead | Fox News

    That school is my alma mater...and when school isn't in session, you might call the area semi-rural (it has grown up a lot since I went there, but is by no means a big city). You need a full-auto M4 for those rowdy frat boys? Camo? The helmets??

    This was the first place I had a gun pulled on me.... I was a bouncer all through school. ....had to kick a local guy out one night for feeling up the college sweeties, he came back in to show us his gun...I guess he felt emasculated and wanted to get back some power for his ego. I didn't see any delta force that night...just a couple boys in blue.
  2. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    I am sure it has escalated over the past 4-5 years, but it was already starting as early as the mid to late ' is actually one of the main reasons I left the USMS and went to the Bureau of Prisons in the early '90s.

    I believe that many federal administrators recognize that the biggest obstacles to complete subjugation of the entire population are county sheriffs...they are powerful LEOs and, in general, the only ones elected by the people they protect. As a result, the highest priority is co-opting them to the point where they feel themselves a part of the federal "team".

    We need to remember that come next election...the presidential and, to a lesser extent, senatorial and congressional, candidates really don't make that much difference...most of them are the same regardless of party...but who you elect county sheriff and supervisors will make a big difference in just how much authority the feds are able to steal in your county.
    Tikka, Alpha Dog, Cephus and 4 others like this.
  3. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    The last civil war was literally borther against brother, so Im sur that crap could happen again. When SHITF hasppens it will be extremely difficult to determine who is friend of foe? I can also assure any axxhole who would fight his brother would kill his sargent for the right price.
  4. Dogfood

    Dogfood Monkey+++

    I'm sure a lot of you seen one of the latest Son's of Guns. They went to arm the local sheriff office's boat. So they come up with mounting a M240b and a MK-19 on the boat.

    I would love to know when and were law enforcement has ever needed this kind of firepower in this country. Military type or looking weapons are used in less then 1% of shooting involving law enforcement. According to the FBI.

    Why not use that money to put more cops on the street trying to find criminals as I have heard myself how they don't have the man power.

    I go out by myself or with one or two guys and find criminals and put then back in jail. Armed with a handgun most of the time sometime the 590 go's with.
  5. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Back in the early 80's, my County SO got three ex-USAF armored cars )never saw guns on them), supposedly to help with the increasing 'gang activity'.....

    Now, two are gone, the third sits out back of the jail rusting silently away......

    Tallahassee, ain't "Mayberry" any longer, but we don't really NEED military vehicles and weapons either. The Sheriff back then, Ken Katsaris, was an ex-FBI guy from the big city with a fairly large budget and Goobermint connections - he replaced the admittedly aging LCSO car fleet with new Fords that were so overburdened with AC and other 'comforts' they were useless for high-speed pursuit, according to many deputies. The old crusty Bell 47G bubbletop helo got replaced by a nifty new Bell JetRanger - wonder if that baby was a Goobermint 'gift'?
  6. carly28043

    carly28043 Monkey+

    Here in "small town friendly" Rutherford County, NC our sheriffs office recently aquired 3 OH8A Military helicopters. I noticed all three of them circling around the local airport just before Thanksgiving. A quick search found this small notice on the county website:

    "The Department has acquired three (3) OH8A Military Surplus Helicopters. The upkeep of these is costing the taxpayers of Rutherford County nothing. All maintenance, fuel, hanger space is paid for strictly by donated funds.

    There are two (2) experienced pilots that "Volunteer" their time to fly missions and keep the Helicopters maintained."

    I often wonder who was flying the third and why is volunteer in quotations? It also begs the question of why would we even need on most less three. We already had a helicopter. Have our local pot growers really become so dangerous? Of course, there was that cock-fighting raid a few years ago.​
    hammer502, Sapper John and tulianr like this.
  7. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  8. Dogfood

    Dogfood Monkey+++

    WOW so it's the jews taking over that is the problem what a dumb ass.
  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Jews? He said Israelis. Not all Israelis are Jewish.

    The Israelis have a very militaristic police force. I think he is just saying that we are copying their tactics and using their tools (many of which we have supplied or collaborated with them on) on our own citizenry.
  10. Dogfood

    Dogfood Monkey+++

    Yep about 25% are not but it is still a jewish nation. I lived and worked there for three years. I myself am a jew and speak and read hebrew so I do know a little about it.

    That guy has an ax to grind. He may have some facts but to my point of view he is somewhat off the track.
  11. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  12. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    AFTERTHOUGHT; Why is it that if you have a FARM and get into a tiff with the law, suddenly your FARM becomes a COMPOUND.

    "COMPOUND" conjures up images drug warlords with henchmen, or crazed Christian zealots who have guns and ammo and not afraid to marry 12 year old virgins, or worse....William Kennedy Smith.

    What's worse, the media, or the dillweed sheeple public for falling for their word games.
    Falcon15 and T.R like this.
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I guess the cow's original owner should have fenced them in ---. I can't get my mind around theft if the cows wandered in, nor can I understand the need for land entry without a warrant. Boggles my poor mind.
  14. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Simple Ghrit, that requires the local sheriff getting off his "Fat A**" and actually going out in the field and investigating. (WORK) He would also have to go and convince a the Prosecutor, to go convince the local Judge to give him a Warrant, which is ALSO, WORK. Much easier to just fly over from his desk, and then go bust the folks for perceived Criminal Violations, and have them try and explain why he got it WRONG. ..... YMMV....

    Then again, these folks did have the cows, and did NOT report them as strays, and did stop the Deputies from removing said cows from the property.... All of which are violations of local State Statutes, for which arrest was warranted..... and no one was shot or killed.... and the whole BS of the story about Drones being better for spying than Aircraft, while very TRUE, does NOT invalidate the SCOTUS rulings and precedents. they are just cheaper to fly, and especially if you can get HS to front the costs for you, when you only need them on occasion....
  15. Dogfood

    Dogfood Monkey+++

    Warrant? they don't need no warrant this is America. I wonder how much it cost us to bust these cow thefts. I guess it falls right in line with spending 1000s of dollars to bust some guy for buying $50 bucks worth of pot.
  16. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    You, likely do NOT live in Cow Country.... Having 6 cows disappear in a county of 3000 folks, is a MAJOR Crime, with a lot of 8X10 Color Glossy Pictures, including Circles and Arrows, and an explanation on the back of each one explaining the facts of the Crime... I would be willing to bet, that they had every available Deputy, and even a few auxiliary Deputies, suited up for that raid. It wasn't so long ago, that Cattle Rustling was a Hang'en Offense in ND........... YMMV....
    Falcon15 likes this.
  17. Dogfood

    Dogfood Monkey+++

    No Alabama really not what I would call cow country. A lot of people around here have cows but they keep them put up so the deer hunters don't shoot them.

    When I was growing up we always had about 20 cows and I only remember one ever going missing. We had 680 acres 400 wooded and the rest was field and 24 lakes to the fish farm so a lot of room for a cow to get lost.
  18. T.R

    T.R Monkey+

    Time for secession ! all I got to say to the yankees is " Hows it workin for ya now ! "
    Cephus and Alpha Dog like this.
  19. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Agree 100% they wanted change and the Southern States was content with our way of life and fought for it. They got change and the quality of life has went down ever since. Then in 2008 they wanted change again and they got it with this chage we have lost whats left of our freedoms, morals, family values, Our nations pride and respect around the world. God knows we can't stand another change like the ones we have alredy had. Long live Southern hope and pride
    STANGF150, Cephus, Dogfood and 2 others like this.
  20. T.R

    T.R Monkey+

    Thing is , all large nations and empires over a period of time , eventually break up . Usually either because of religious differences or regional identity wanting independence . It comes a point when a large territory with a large population becomes unmanageable . The Romans broke the empire into 4 parts , then 2 parts with its own identity and emperor , etc . When the Soviet Union broke up , all the stans and other satellite and regional areas now wanted their sovereignty . We are not immune to this . Ask people what their country is to them , for many including myself , its my family , my neighborhood and my state . Washington might as well be Moscow to me for how much I care or can relate to those people . Im loyal to the " country " as a naton only against foreign invaders . After that .... Im very neutral . My family was Confederate and to a degree still look at the government the way the poles looked at the soviets after they occupied them . Yes that was a long time ago in years , but in generations ........ not so long ago .
    Seawolf1090, Cephus and Alpha Dog like this.
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