I can't believe you actually are posting this. You either have to be a troll or you have fallen for all the PC garbage the liberals have been spewing instead of common sense for the last 20 years. For instance: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/12/criticism-of-islam-could-soon-be-a-crime-in-america.html So if you can't talk about them or criticise them, they've already won. http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/12/human-rights-watch-urges-yemen-to-outlaw-child-marriage.html And let them marry pre-teens, that's ok with you? http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/12/r...es-about-the-plight-of-egypts-christians.html And they are sooooo tolerant of other religions http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/12/s...-pleads-guilty-to-jihad-mass-murder-plot.html and only those who misunderstand Islam do bad things. Enough. Kajun
Please find one thing untruthful within my posts or hold your insults. I'm not PC by any stretch nor am I falling for anything. I never said they were tolerant, I never said I agreed with everything they do or say. You can misinterpret and construe what i said anyway you please I really don't care. I have done my own research and arrived at my own conclusions. I'm not here to change anyones mind. Not all Christians are good people nor are all Muslims. I take each person for their own actions rather than take the usual bigot American tact of labeling an entire group bad because of the actions of a few.
Only thing I have to say about things that happened 1500 years ago is the same thing I say about slaver. I was not here all involved are dead so cry me a river then move on with your life. I or you can't fix the past. Yep I live in Alabama we have all kinds around here, some are kind of nuts. If you want to call them terrorist when they kill someone or blow something up I'm on board but they are no real threat to our nation or freedom.