My soon to be 4 yr granddaughter would hunt him down and kick his "A" for even trying to shoot a coon...
It's real simple... have him committed for observation... then make sure the authorities know he wants to buy weapons...
ELECTROSHOCK is more fun when YOU administer it. Why let the docs in the looney bin have all the fun?
I convinced him that an M44 (same as a M91/30 but way shorter) carbine will fit the bill! with 203 gr rounds that thing is going to be a fire breathing kicking mule! That ought to tame down the desire to go pop pop. Plus, he is going to be going to a shooting range. No shooting it on the property.
Unfortunately, the coons around here eat my chickens and ducks. Without very many large predators except cars, someone has to keep them in check.
Lovin' it. Just don't let him take prone in dry grass, it'll start a fire. Don't tell him either that the POI will shift depending on whether the bayo is extended or not, it'll drive him nuts.
To bad you guys don't live closer or I'd let you borrow one of my scarier toys... in the back of my closet sits a .460 rigby... Three rounds and even my shoulder hurts... if you ever get this way... we'll set up some targets for him... $20 bucks says he doesn't get through a box of 20
GrandPaDave.... Not a lot of Elephants left around you, I take it.... or Water Buffalo.... Or Polar Bears...... must be the reason it is in the back of the gunsafe....
Bruce, maybe he has taken a liking to hunting Mac trucks in his old age. Every man should have a hobby...
Yeah yeah... yuck it up... but one of these days don't be surprised when you see one of those chrome bull dogs hanging over my mantle.... honestly It was a special order for a client... nice old guy... had him a heart attack before he had a chance to pick it up... I keep it as a reminder not wait to long to do all those things I still hope to achieve in life...