The Medicine Symbol by John A. Heatherly

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by JohnAHeatherly, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. JohnAHeatherly

    JohnAHeatherly Monkey+

    Thanks to everyone here at the Monkey who has supported The Survival Template! For the Giveaway: Please reply to this thread if you would like to read an advance copy of the new ebook, The Medicine Symbol. After the Giveaway runs for a day or two I will send The Medicine Symbol in whatever format you prefer (iPad, Kindle, Nook, Sony, or PDF.)

    Thanks! I look forward to talking to each of you.

  2. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Awesome! That's very gracious of you! I know there are so many here that would be more than happy to receive anyhting you might have to offer.
    It's not always about being free, as it is the offer to share with others!
    Thank You!
  3. TXKajun

    TXKajun Monkey+++

    I'd love to have a Kindle copy of the book.


  4. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    I'd love a copy for Kindle (or pdf for that matter)

    Thanks much...
  5. workhorse

    workhorse Monkey+

    PDF if possible please . Thank You so Much !
  6. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe


    Ditto - is this to provide feedback, a critique, proofing???

    Willing to lend a hand.
  7. JohnAHeatherly

    JohnAHeatherly Monkey+

    DKR - thanks! Feedback and discussion are absolutely welcome! The ebook is pretty well proofed and edited. I want you to enjoy it and let me know your thoughts. Private message on the way.
  8. Gunny Highway

    Gunny Highway Hard Work and Sacrifice blessed by God's Grace

    Wow ! thanks JAH - PDF would be great - thank you so very much. Would love to read and give feedback
  9. scrachline

    scrachline Monkey+

    yes I would love to read it and i will send feedback - pdf is great - thank you
  10. Metalsmith

    Metalsmith Monkey+

    Thank you, I would love to read your work.
    PDF please.
    And thank you again.
  11. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Check your PMs.

  12. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    I would like to read your piece.

  13. flyaway

    flyaway Monkey+

    As would I, pdf, Thanks.
  14. rle737ng

    rle737ng Monkey+++

    PDF Copy. Thanks.
  15. artjs

    artjs Monkey+++

    either flavor is great for me... Thanks
  16. JohnAHeatherly

    JohnAHeatherly Monkey+

    Thanks to everyone that has responded in the last couple of days. I really appreciate it, and hope you enjoy the ebook. For the moment I would like to end the giveaway, and I really look forward to corresponding with everyone from here.

    Both The Survival Template and The Medicine Symbol are my way of describing mental models that I have seen in the survival community. These models have really helped me in my work life and my personal life.

    Does anyone have other examples of models or templates that have been effective? POW and military stories work really well for me, along with wilderness stories similar to the beginning of The Medicine Symbol.
    Metalsmith likes this.
  17. Georgia_Boy

    Georgia_Boy Monkey+++

    I hope I am not too late. I'd enjoy a pdf!
  18. JohnAHeatherly

    JohnAHeatherly Monkey+

    Georgia_Boy - after spending all those years in the Georgia Air National Guard, I became a pretty big Mark Richt fan. I am glad he is doing well.

  19. capt45

    capt45 Monkey+

    I finally got caught up enough after the Thanksgiving festivities to check in. If I'm not too late, I'd love a Kindle or pdf version! Sounds great.
  20. flatearther

    flatearther Monkey+

    Would love a free pdf,thanking you in advance
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