Florida State Trooper Arrests Cop At Gunpoint

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mountainman, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    We, Momma and I, both have extensive EMS Training. Mine was as a Professional Ski Patrolman, and Mommas is as an EMT/RN in Emergency Medicine. Over the Years, we have attended many accidents, and EMS situations, and our Rule has always been, We will do whatever is required to Sustain Life, with what we have with us. (Onboard MedKit) We will defer to local EMS, when they arrive, On-Scene, or a higher level EMS Responder that is On-Scene. (MD) I remember one situation where we happened on a Vehicle Accident, and rendered Aid, for an hour, before local EMS arrived. A Doc showed up, and announced his presence, but deferred to Momma, as he was a Shrink, and hadn't Practiced any ER Medicine since he was an Intern. He was a great help, though and did go on the transport, with the patient. This kind of thing doesn't always happen, and we have walked away from a few, where a pushy MD, showed up before local EMS. You just do the BEST you can, with what you have, on hand, and let your GOD, worry about the rest..... YMMV.....
    Sapper John likes this.
  2. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    The union will keep him on the job.
  3. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    Judging by the exchanges on the scanner, local/county LEO's, Fire, EMS, etc. seem to need either dispatch or Adam unit (supervisors here, not 2 man cruiser) authorization before going code 2 or 3.

    NOWHITEFLAG Live Free or Die Trying

    What happen there was wrong on a lot of levels.
    1St- The misuse of taxpayer property- Patrol Car
    2nd- What ever happen to the motto "PROTECT and Serve- The police officier was putting civilians in harms way by his driving.
    3rd- I can't believe the State Trooper was told to back off by her superiors.
    4th-That there is not a public out cry about a vehicle that was bought,maitained,issured by tax dollars being used for private gain(Part-time job)
    I just wonder if there had been an accident with injuries/death if the off duty officier would have been on duty responding to a call.
    Mountainman likes this.
  5. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I think I can answer a couple of those
    #2 protect is there but this guy had his head up his a$$ and should be looking for a new job.
    #3 Is something that should not take place if one of my guy arrested that idiot I would buy him a steak dinner and you can bet he would get no pressure if I found out about it. I would also say she is taking flack from other troops for crossing the Blue Line.
    #4 Alot of department's with in our county will conact the Sheriff department and request a Deputy to watch a construction site to keep from stuff from being stolen. It helps with controling crime in areas and leaves patrol Deputy's free for calls. The off duty work is set a rate of pay to where the Deputy or officer get's paid plus the department gets X amount of money for the use of the vehicle. Which is nice when you need equipment there is some extra money. Plus some of the one's Ive worked has bought us new tire's for crusier's and even donated money to purchase crusier's and a few times have bought us crusier's. Pllus the extra money helps the Deputy feed the family and pay bills with a little left over.

    Which I would almost bet the farm that the city officer is getting it from his dept. officer's because it could cost other guy's overtime dutie's and you are looking at $25.00 to $80.00 an hour these guy's could lose.
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