how many of you could...

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by sasquatch91, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    i think as soon as i feel threatend i would shoot, ive had people that look real shady come down the the river where i was camping/fishing that have looked pretty shady and caused me to get my 12 guage from the truck.
  2. Prometheus

    Prometheus Monkey+

    Arizona now supports the castle doctrine.... at least we got that right..

    On the fields of battle lie the blackened bones of those who in the midst of victory sat to rest and resting died.
  3. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    whats that?
  4. mikeh53

    mikeh53 Monkey+

    Only a fool would shoot anyone without a second thought... but YES I could/have dropped the hammer to preserve my life, and would do so again to protect innocent life, (mine, my family, or that of a stranger)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
  5. Capt. Tyree

    Capt. Tyree Hawkeye

    These Troubled Times...

    The shady elements of society today are more desperate than 30-40 years ago. There are more poorly mannered, wannabe-talking juvenile tough guys out there that are more reactive to being 'dissed' than about being socially smart. They just don't care much about themselves, and care not a whit about you or me.

    Most of us have been through training in the use of deadly force. Most of us have gone through the mental drills to analyze the situation and take the proper actions based on that analysis. Most of us have practiced physical drills to develop our muscle memory for quick and accurate force deployment.

    A few of us understand that when we are in socially threatening situations, we get tunnel vision more easily. That's when all the training takes over, all the mental and physical drill preparation takes effect, and we can easily slip into a fast-reacting attack dog mental focus. That is an immediate benefit, but can be a later liability.

    If we have analyzed a physically threatening social situation correctly at the outset of the potential hostile scenario, each of us can and will carry out the directive to defend oneself and loved ones with efficient dispatch--little or no regrets.

    What I am concerned with is the need for an accurate instantaneous situation analysis. Tunnel vision can cause us to reach conclusions that rapidly engage our "tactical pre-sets" to trigger squeeze and magazine "dump" when maybe the rapid analysis is flawed--where there is no actual social physical threat.

    As armed citizens it is our responsibility to be sure, double damn sure, that the threat is real because the bullets will be; and there's no calling them back.

    Obviously, such tactical decisions are more easily reached in a WROL (without rule of Law) scenario than in our present ROL (rule of Law) society. The go / no-go to reach trigger squeeze is simpler WROL. Anarchy never lasts, however, and ROL will be re-established with all tactical actions involving deadly force WROL subject to review by the "controlling authority" if there's sufficient evidence to do so.

    I pray for the steady hand and sure eye whenever I have reached my "tactical pre-sets" for deadly force action. But I also pray for a rapid and true assessment of the social threat so that what I believe I am seeing and sensing is real, and I truly am justified in using deadly force.
    Ajax and NVBeav like this.
  6. Gunny Highway

    Gunny Highway Hard Work and Sacrifice blessed by God's Grace

    SHTF - no doubt about it. Before then its a totality of circumstances...

    You are held to the level of your training in court if it ever happens...which for some of us is a hell of a lot of training...if you do pull the trigger you had better be correct is all I can say
  7. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    If you have tunnel vision; control your breathing.
  8. sixfifty

    sixfifty Monkey+

    In order to insure my survival or that of members of my group? Without hesitation.
    When you face you own or your buddy's mortality, you will find that it is an easier decision to make. But know that you have to be prepared for the after-effects.
  9. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Be ready to Triple S? Shoot, Shovel, & Shutup ?
  10. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Castle law, we have pick up !!!!
    Not the 3 s rule !!
  11. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    Die, Dig, Decompose or for a real scumbag let the wolves have lunch
  12. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    For most of us pulling the trigger requires one of two things fear or anger. You are not sitting there over a scope thinking about it, sh** is happening and you are reacting.

    I have made the decision to shoot and tried to get the round off only to have an idiot step into my line of fire. Lots of shakes after but not a hard decision.

    The shootings done by my officers it just gets done because it needs to be done.
  13. WestPointMAG

    WestPointMAG Monkey++

    If you ride with them you swing with them.
    If you travel willingly with MBZs you get the same treatment as they do.
  14. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    this post really took off, glad to see everyones thoughts.
  15. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Well, now you know the answer to your question from your original post. A whole lot of us will Pull The Trigger to protect Our Loved Ones & Homes!!! Afterwards well.......
  16. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    No one wants to be in that situation(not a reasonable person that is). To take a human life is not like taking an animal to eat. They have loved ones (no matter how sorry they are), a possible future (if they rehibilitate), and a past that may have caused their plight. We say things like "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out", etc, etc., but in the end we are ending a life that might be worth saving. With all that aside--if they are threatening my family there will be no hesitation on my part to protect them with what ever level of violence is needed. I would probably cry afterwards but would drag their sorry butts to a shallow grave(according to the situation) or call the authorities and face the aggravation of persecution by armchair jurists. One of my "crazy" facets is protecting my family--do not mess with them. It would be a quick way to find out if there is a Heaven or Hell for them.

    NOWHITEFLAG Live Free or Die Trying

    Where I work one of the hazards is pgymy rattlesnakes. I have a picture of one on my cell phone.It is only about 12 inches long.It is a poisionus as a full size rattlenake.A threat of life/death is a threat no matter how big.little young or old.And it must be dealt with.
    sasquatch91 likes this.
  18. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Monkey+

    The only time I ever shot at people was in a war-time situation, in Iraq. I would like to think I could do the same to protect my family, and I'm almost sure I could. Problem is I spent 10 years in prison as a correctional officer. In today's times I am scared of being found to be in the wrong. I could never live like that. I would be of no use to my family if I was locked up. In a post SHTF time or WROL time it would be much easier for me to snap back into combat mode. Killing is easy. It's the second guessing and worrying about the consequences that f**k you up and cause you to freeze.
  19. calebra

    calebra Monkey+

    My family or people I care about--yes,no hesitation. Myself--hard to do if you're facing a woman.
  20. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    ( to shoot a woman threat) No it aint I look at it like this no one love's me like I love

    No but to be serious you can't look at them as a man or a woman you look at them as a threat. Along with what wood my family do without me because you have to think if you go down how many depend on you for their survival.
    Sapper John, ghrit and STANGF150 like this.
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