how many of you could...

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by sasquatch91, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    I could do it to protect someone but I hope to God I'm never in that situation.

    I never understood that mentality, who in their right mind would want to shoot someone just to say they shot someone, even if the person deserves it something like killing another human being should never be taken or thought of lightly.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Every Gang Banger, who is wanting to make his 'Bones" with the Gang.... be it Mafia, Druggies, or whatever... It is the Evil Ones greatest accomplishment... to Teach "Killing to Get Gain"... and have a bunch of simple Minded Followers, willing to learn, it is easier to "Prey on the sheeple, than Work for Yourself".....

    Simple Truth for Today.... YMMV.....
    Sapper John likes this.
  3. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    True, I guess I should say what sane normal person. Most good ol boy Americans with a family I know don't think that way but I've met a few that do, mostly online.
  4. Wolfgang2000

    Wolfgang2000 Monkey++

    When I was a working LEO I was involved in 2 shootings. Luckily, (or I should say THANK GOD), they are both still alive. I've been on scene when 4 other LEO's pulled the trigger. I can honestly say It's nothing like TV.

    How ever I can say that there is a definite "mental line" that is crossed. The decision on the second shooting was quicker. I knew where the line was. If that makes since.

    I want to throw this out there. Everybody assumes that when TSHTF it will be total anarchy. I disagree. Why? In all of history society has never disappeared. I'm inclined to believe that a stricter government, say martial law or something like that will come about. Something similar to the Bolshevik revolution. Two different types of government fighting on the local level for their particular type of government.

    As in all local level fights there will be those who fight on principle, that those who fight to get power to feed their personal greed. (No I'm not a OWS supporter. It history. Study what happen during the war of Northern aggression. Especially the going ons at the Missouri/Kansas border fights.)

    My point is, you might want to "war game out" a SD plan that doesn't involve deadly force. Are if DF is the only option, what to do if you are facing a socialist/dictator local government.
  5. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    i think before i had to shoot to kill, i would shoot to wound, let em know i aint messing around, shoot em in the knee cap or the arm, not saying i want to shoot anyone, i hope i never have to.
  6. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Be careful on the shoot to wound I gave up on that when I seen an old fellow shoot a dope head that had broke into his barn and had a knife. The old fellow shot him in the knee and the doper had a stump and limp, the doper sued the guy for disfiguring him and a group of anti gun owning jurior's found him liable. The guy lost his farm and had to pay. All because this doper took a shower, shaved annd came to court with his 80 year old mother to tell how her boy was a good boy and was in th wrong place by mistake and this evil farmer messed his productive life up. She never told how he had stole her wedding rings and pawn them for a fix. Anyway dead men can't testify.
    Cephus likes this.
  7. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    thats a good point, i guess ill just aim for the nose then!!!
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  8. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    Thats a bad idea for many resons.
    1 you will be shaking and scared therefore its likley you may miss a leg or arm, unless you using a shot gun. Alaways aim for the center of the chest, try to keep your aim slightly high a bulliet in the throught is a goos miss, broken sholders eaisly gives you another shot.
    2 a wonded person or animal for that matter is unpredictable, add to the fact the person is very likley to be on Drugs.
    3 if the person has others with them they will try to recove the wonded body, a dead body they will likley run.
    4 a wonded body is not disposable.
    5 Its likley you will be sued and may face the Grand Jury.
    6 the person may recover and seek revenge.
    Cephus and Alpha Dog like this.
  9. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    The only time I would plan to shoot to wound would be in a sniper situation where the target was part of a group. Then I could use the one Zombie to draw out other Zombie's who come to his aid kind of like baiting.
    Cephus likes this.
  10. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    you been watching full metal jacket???
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  11. Prometheus

    Prometheus Monkey+

    Without hesitation..... My name is not victim, defend to the end. And I would sleep all warm and fuzzy inside with those I love secure.

    On the fields of battle lie the blackened bones of those who in the midst of victory sat to rest and resting died.
  12. Opinionated

    Opinionated Monkey+

    History has proven that I can, yes.
    Falcon15, Cephus and Alpha Dog like this.
  13. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    I don't want to shoot a person, but I won't shy away from doing it if I have to. An if they coming to harm me or those I care about, then YES I HAVE TO!
  14. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    There is the 21 ft rule... in the time it takes the average individual to make the descision to pull the trigger a person can cross that distane and carve them to pieces with a knife...

    Never draw/or point a weapon at anyone you are not willing to shoot, once you decide to draw shoot until the threat is removed... then think about it/resolve your issues... you hesitate in the pinch you will probably die....
  15. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    My only rule is if i need to draw a firearm it will be discharged with the full intent to kill.

    Im one who stays out of the HOOD at night my home is somewhat secure against gangbangers. Most current homiceds are over drugs best to stay away from that mess.

    On a home invasion if you are able surpize the intruder kill him. If not might be better to play asleep, trying to take your stuff initself cripples them.

    A friend of mine ownes a attomotive engine machine shop, he used to be reallly behind in his work so he would work at his shop some night until 2am. That was about 15 years ago. So a thug figured that a lot of his business was cash broke into his shop at 10pm one night. My buddy literally killed him with his bear hands. Its not something hes proud of he says he had no choice. Fortunately no one ever tried to rob him again.
  16. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Once the word spreads that Im not a victim and I will kill you the Zombie's stay away and start to target sheeple.
  17. Espada

    Espada Monkey+

    A lot of potential hesitation might come from considering the litigation to follow... to wound, or not to wound, and so forth.

    Shoot. Shovel. Shut up.
  18. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    So, I can't claim they was threatening me from 5 football fields away & take them out? :(
  19. sasquatch91

    sasquatch91 Monkey+++

    Here in kansas I belueve tge intruder has to be in your house before you can shoot.
  20. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Basically the 21 foot "rule" does not prevent you from using, say, 30 feet if you are old and slow, and the threat is real enough. Built and equipped as I am, if the perp is running in my direction, I expect to drop him/her/it at no less than 10 feet if he starts at me from 50 feet. (Usain Bolt gets 65 feet. He is FAST.)

    If my arm is already deployed, I might let him start from closer. Do NOT get hung up on distance, it's distracting and could be deadly.
    ColtCarbine and Opinionated like this.
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