How do we feel about the Al-Awlaki assassination

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Avarice, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    I see this and I'm exasperated. You're willing to surrender someone's rights but not your own! Where is the patriotism? That's real! Money is fake, we made it up! It's not worth anything. That's right, I'm saying you guys are NOT patriots. Your just mulling through life worried about practicalities. It's more practical to kill him without a trial, we all know he was guilty.

    You can't tell me he doesn't have rights! He is a US citizen. Last time I looked, this was a Constitutional Republic, NOT A DEMOCRACY! Your rights CANNOT be taken away by the rabble(apparently you). You have your rights no matter what you've done. It doesn't matter if you're guilty.

    I'm not even saying we couldn't drop a bomb on him and blow him into little pieces! We don't need to risk more lives! We just need to have a little trial, the money and time don't matter, compared to unalienable rights!

    He deserves a trial, dead or alive, and if he's guilty, we clap, we pat backs and say we got him. If he's innocent, which is doubtful, then we worry about that then.

    I understand you all love your country and you are Patriotic, but you need to screw your head on. If we don't stand up for him, who is going to stand up for us?!
  2. radpug

    radpug Monkey+

    I know should not do this but i can not.
    Under what form of law do you live under that you
    Can identify, convict and murder that thug crossing your yard.

    I believe the question on this topic is if the event
    Was or was not over reaching of the exective branches power.
    It appears that some think not and some think so.

    But i do think your gunho comments are is irresponsible
  3. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    Just OBammy being a hypocrit ....

    You can expect more of these exploits as the campaign heats up ..... remember the photo op of him during the Bin Laden raid? ..... of him "supervising" the hurricane center? .... great acting job in Joplin also

    If there was ever a president willing to sacrifice a couple of thousand innocent American lives to stage some kind re-election stooge-a-paloosa .....

    It's Obammy
  4. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    He was no doubt an Enemy Combatant who advocated death heaped upon the heads of a western unbelievers with no regard to age, sex, or combatant status. [beat] Thus he deserved to die. I will lose no sleep over his death. I believe you are comparing apples and oranges in trying to place him comparable to the average US citizen. In my opinion his continued US citizenship if still valid, was an oversight that previously should have been addressed.
    Interesting book I read once upon a time, ..... "Man without a Country".
    tulianr likes this.
  5. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I think he gave up his right to Due Process and all other rights when he decided he would rather be a Terrorist and plot to kill Americans. I don't see why we would want to give a man the same rights as we do all other American's when that man has made it clear he don't want to be an American. Now that is a God given right to all men and wemon the right to freely choose and that right wasn't taken away. He chose to be an enemy of America, joined a foce that America is at war with and died just like any other soldier wheather it be a 308 round or a missle. Alot of people disagree with the way I feel about war so I don't meen to offend any of you. I believe that during war our Country is week because we try to do the honorable thing, the humane thing worry about how the rest of the world would see our actions and war is not humane the enemy don't follow rules and we lose alot of good soldier's because of these rule's.
    bassic, Sapper John and tulianr like this.
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I'm not saying that him dying was a bad thing but, if his citizenship had not been revoked nor had he renounced it. Then there should have been a trial. Even traitors get trials in russia even if the final outcome is known !

    I'm just waiting for the US DOJ to start using their drone on them compound in idaho where them seditious skin heads hang out. No trials for you letcherous traitors and anarchists.

    It's a slippery slope greased with pig fat in my opinion.

    Patriot , terrorist , traitor all pretty much the same only history will determine who we all are.
  7. Opinionated

    Opinionated Monkey+

    Fair question. And I have to admit to giving a bit of a "trick" answer:

    Under section 790.x of Florida law.

    I am fully within my rights to use deadly force to prevent the commission of a forcible felony (murder, in this case).

    Would that be "pushing the limits"? Undoubtedly. Until the officials found my neighbor's body.

    Hopefully that satisfies your inquiry. [respect]
    Sapper John and tulianr like this.
  8. radpug

    radpug Monkey+

    Yes it does, in that context it at least sounds resonable.
    As to the main topic, i havent expressed my oppion one way or the other.
    I can see each side of the issue. I really dont think i know enough
    To form an oppion either way.
    I think a lot of people have to do some really grusome things to keep the
    Country safe, which keeps me safe.
    In any event one bad guy gone
  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I love America, We can disagree, say crap about our elected officials, argue amongst ourselves and no one winds up being taken in the middle of the night and never heard from again. Well at least for now.

    Naughty Monkey
    Nadja, Sapper John, BTPost and 2 others like this.
  10. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    What I see as the root problem of this is the fact that the president of the United States has been given the power to authorize the killing of an American citizen that he alone determines is an enemy of the state and that decision is not subject to any judicial review of any kind.

    I don't care who it was or what he did, that is dangerous ground folks. That is not just a slippery slope that is a free fall down an ice covered mountain. This kind of arbitrary decision should NEVER be in the hands of one man. Period.

    A judicial panel could have tried this guy in absentia and if found guilty a death warrant could be issued. Then take his ass out and go about our business. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things and this was absolutely the wrong way to do it.

    And so far the only evidence against him has come from govt. sources and their claim is that his rhetoric "motivated" people to commit or attempt acts of terror. They claim he had moved into the "operational" side of things, but did he kill anyone? Did he order anyone to be killed? Is he guilty of anything that would warrant a death sentence under US law?

    Now I'm not saying this guy was innocent or that the world is not better off now that he's scattered across the desert, but the idea that the President can issue a Kill order against an American citizen, without any type of judicial review, without any evidence of a capitol crime. That just does not sit well with me and I hate to think that people in this country are so blind that they would cheer that decision being made and defend that type of tyrannical process.

    Being wrong, in the name of right, is never right.
    gunbunny, Byte, Pyrrhus and 2 others like this.
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    MM, this is the only instance since day one that you and I are not in complete accord. I'll agree that zero may have unilaterally (and set a bad precedent doing so) OKed gunning that bung out of existence, but as an enemy combatant he deserves no trial. And, as an enemy combatant, should not have required CiC blessing. I've seen nothing (yet) to point at zero taking an active hand in this. Zero himself has not crowed about it as he would have, I think.

    Could it be incorrect that the bung had moved into operations? If so, that takes it back to a bad move on our part. This may be one of those cases where the MSM got it right, depending as they were on gob't sources. I'll also grant that the dot gov sources could be sending up a smoke screen, but I doubt it. The Yemenis may be paying us back for something else under the radar.
  12. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    If the conversation on this forum is any indication, this incident may very well begin a national level dialog that will conclude with the establishment of a policy to deal with this type of situation. You have an American citizen who has declared war on America. What do we do about that?

    The fact that so many individuals on this particular forum, which is, in general, decidedly conservative, have a problem with the killing of an alleged Muslim Terrorist, says to me that this could have been done in a more legal and correct manner.

    Tacmotusn had a good point in that AlAwlaki's US citizenship was questionable, at least in the spirit of the concept of citizenship.

    Our constitution is a social contract, a bit more complex, but of the same nature as the bylaws of a local gun club. It guarantees certain rights to those holding membership, but therein lies an implicit requirement to abide by those bylaws if you wish to continue to enjoy the rights and privileges afforded by that particular social contract.

    As Alpha Dog pointed out, in spirit at least, AlAwlaki gave up his right to due process when he acted in a manner inconsistent with his social contract. He stepped outside the accepted mores of his society. He declared war on America. He was no longer part of the club.

    VisuTrac pointed out that AlAwlaki had not formally renounced his citizenship, nor was it taken from him; and as both he and Minuteman warn, it is indeed a slippery slope for the individual in the chair of the presidency, or any other single individual, to start issuing death warrants on American citizens.

    Just as the individual in the book that Tacmotusn referenced, "Man Without a Country" (also a good movie, by the way), was stripped of his citizenship; I think that future American Citizens who declare war on their country should similarly be stripped of their citizenship, legally, and then they should be blown to hell, "legally."
  13. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    The thing is this guy joined a force against the US we are at war the man was killed as an enemy soldier he made it clear he did not want to be an American so why should we fight to make him American. What would be said if he hadn't been terminated and he completed an attack that killed Americans on American soil. Then after we found that the US had this guy in the cross hairs and didn't take the shot. We would be talking about here is another case the goverment dropped the ball and cost more American lives and how this person didn't deserve a trial and didn't have right in this Country. Let say I am not defending the goverment in any wrong doing but I don't believe they were wrong in their action's this time. I also think that anyone of us on this site if put in the situation to terminate a terrorist and it would save the life of just one US citizen or one soldier we would take the shot.
  14. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    My contention is that we are not seeing the forest because of the trees.

    I don't think anyone would argue for not killing this guy or that he didn't deserve to be taken out or that he wasn't an enemy of the US. None of that matters at all. It's not about him. It's about the method.

    The president is the only one who can sign a "Kill or Capture" order. So yes it came directly from him. And that order is not subject to review of any kind. It needs no congressional or judicial approval. It is at the sole discretion of one man. That is the danger here, that is the wrong that must be challenged.

    Citizenship, enemy combatant status, traitor etc., none of that matters at all. That only clouds the issue. Anyone who commits such egregious acts against the country that they warrant a shoot to kill order should have that order reviewed and signed off on by more than just the President. This is the norm in all of our history. Traitors are tried (present or not) and if found guilty a sentence handed down. We had him in our sight and we took the shot. No problem with that. But the order that had us looking for him to put him in those sights is the issue here.

    He was a traitor and had declared war on the US. Hasn't that been said about others in the recent past? Should the President be allowed to issue a "Kill" order on the Randy Weavers, the Branch Davidians, the Montana Freemen, Michigan Wolverines,even the leftist green "terrorists", tax evaders, protestors? Janet Reno issued a document during her reign as Attorney General that defined potential terrorists as people who owned a lot of guns, had strong feelings on the second amendment, rapture believing Christians, people who home schooled their children.

    What if the president could just decide to issue a death sentence to any of those because he felt they were a threat to the US? Ridiculous? Never happen? I'm sure that's what people in Germany thought in the 1920's.

    Tyranny doesn't come barging in the front door, it sneaks in quietly through the open window.
    We as American citizens have a duty to see to it that our windows are shut and locked.
    Mountainman, Byte, tulianr and 3 others like this.
  15. Cephus

    Cephus Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Well I for one have seen the things you have brought to this forum , and to just let you I will not be adding to whatever it is you are looking for .
    If there were an ignore button I would be using in your case.
  16. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I see Minuteman and agree There should be a council that has to review a kill order. I also think that it should be a council made up of soldier's and should not be any one over rank of SGT on the council because after alot of them get above SGT it starts to get political. A good grunt SGT don't care who he offends he is happy where he is at. The only thing that scares me about a council is our goverment can't agree on how to save our Country and now you would have another way for them to argue back and forth over the poular opinion. Wheather people agree or not sometimes bad things have to be done in order to keep our Country safe. I also would like to say that we all no why these movments are being done and I agree they should be done and should have been done sooner. Odumba$$ is trying to win the people's support back so he can screw us 4 more years.
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Was this guy tried and convicted in absentia?
    My Way News - Huge California manhunt ends with suspect's death
    Not quite the same situation; he simply had a gun in hand, armed and dangerous, and "would have" used it. (Maybe did, that part is unclear. Either way, he was shot and killed without trial. Kill or capture order issued by who?) Al dipsh*t was in essentially the same boat, except he had an armed and dangerous force of jihadists ready and "would have" used them, not only against armed military (as vs. the sheriff's) hunters, but against innocents.

    Originally Posted by Avarice [​IMG]
    We all know it would be so easy to build a case that he committed treason against his country. They have tribunals without the defendant. You bring it before a jury, and if found guilty, you stick the dead or alive on him. That'd be due process enough for everyone in this discussion, am I correct?

    Instead, the Executive Branch, so one person, says, "He's guilty and done away with, we don't need a trial because WE, the Judge, Jury, and Executioner, SAY SO!"

    May I be forgiven for giving props to zero, he doesn't usually deserve them. But I cannot believe he issued that order without consulting with some hopefully wiser heads than he possesses. In fact, I saw an article that says such a meeting was held in DOJ resulting in a memo to CiC. Wish I could find it. That does not mean that the DOJ's hands are clean, what it does mean is that zero did not issue the order in a vacuum. Of course, his name is on it, and he has to take the hit whether or not he knows where the buck stops.

    Found a reference, tho' it is in the Washington Times (of arguable repute.)

  18. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I don't want to sound like the guy screaming abuot the CIA's conspiracy's around the world. But these type of termination mission's have been done for years buy CIA agent's or SPF soldier's around the world. The only thing different is the publicity these are geting in hopes to sway the public opinion of our leader Odumba$$. As for my opinion of him Ill keep to myself don't want my door kicked down in the middle of the night and my dog shot, the ol lady punched and kicked. AS for me turn up to be an unsolved mystery on the back of a milk carton.
  19. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    I think that a lot of you were in the service when I was back in the 60's and then again a lot of you have never served a day. A lot of people act like this has never happened before, well, I assure you that it has been going on since this country began. I would also be willing to be that other countries have been doing this type of thing even before this.

    IF, we sent a team in to capture this guy, he could have gotten away, only to commit many more even more serious acts against us. What else is a fact, is that the only way you can get these radicals attention is with force. Not nice words and money.

    It goes along with waterboarding, which by the way is really nothing more then a college initiation . Maybe should all of you softies have been over the water in the 60's and in the jungle in the mud , blood and beer, you would have a much better perspective of how to glean info and quickly. War is Hel2 and then some. You never put yourself or your teams into a situation that they may not survive from if their is any way to avoid it. A drone ? Love em'

    Here is one last thought on this little matter. Our Constitution is for us in this country only, not for overseas and protecting the rights of mass murderers in general. I would consider all terrorist to be just that, mass murderers at best. They want to wipe us out to the last person, not be our buddies.

    To me , this is very cut and dry, if he be our enemy, what are we doing even talking about this ? Why are we not building more drones by the minute ?
    STANGF150, Sapper John and Alpha Dog like this.
  20. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Interesting discussion and the only thing I don't like is the title -"How do WE feel about...." I would have preferred "How do YOU feel about....." Semantics? yes but I prefer not to be part of a the image of a collective decision but I've enjoyed the thread nonetheless. Carry On
    Guit_fishN and Witch Doctor 01 like this.
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