Survival Defense

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Alpha Dog, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    At my age hand to hand against a much younger man will most likely get me killed. In July we trained with a special forces guy from New Zealand. What he did was stalk us all day with a fake knife. W e were carrying unloaded pistols in our holsters. It was our job to try and draw ,chamber and get a shot off before he cut us to ribbons. No one survived his first attacks. We even knew he was coming and could not react fast enough to get off a shot much less get the weapon out of our holsters. This was some real chilling training. What it taught me was to evade attack not engage. The second time he attacked me I got at least 5 rounds into him(simulated of course) and he never got to me. I did this by using trees between him and I while I drew my pistol and chambered. Once I was armed I could engage.

    I carry a large knife and have some minor training in knife fighting but not enough to fight someone who does. Ill try to evade attack and get to my pistol or shotgun. It is the only chance I will have in a close quarters fight. KF
  2. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    True but in alot of fight's your age gives you the advantage most of the time. I would alot rather fight a young pup than an old dog, I can take the pup to school and educate him but that old dog is already a graduate.
    BackwoodsmanUSA and Cephus like this.
  3. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Come on king everyone knows that age is nothing but youth wrapped in experience.... and boy do i have some experience....;)
    BackwoodsmanUSA likes this.
  4. wags_01

    wags_01 Monkey+

    Not that I pick fights in general, but I would never pick a fight with an old dude. Case in point, my 66 year old father in law is about the least intimidating and friendliest man you're ever like to meet. I found out after a few months of dating his daughter that he was a Green Beret, served in Vietnam, specialized in hand-to-hand combat, small arms and explosives, and later trained GBs on their way to Vietnam in these same fields. Not a guy you want to mess with.
    STANGF150 and Alpha Dog like this.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    You just can never tell what an Old Guy has done in previous Lives... and that lack of knowledge of the Guy, can easily be your downfall, if you should decide to challenge him in some fashion. Just because he looks frail, old, or an easy mark, doesn't make it so.... He may not have the Physical abilities that he once had, but he still has all the SkillSets, learned over his LONG Life. Even rusty SkillSets, are still SkillSets, and can be used on a moments notice, when required. Been their in my youth, and got my Butt Kicked......... YMMV....
    Cephus and Alpha Dog like this.
  6. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I know eactly what you are saying when I was young and had more mouth than a$$. This older guy helped me equal out the mouth to a$$ ratio. Never forget it and I thank him for it. After it was over bought him a cold one and from that point on we have been friends.
    Cephus likes this.
  7. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I train every month and have learned that real self defense skills are second nature. If you have to think about it its too late to save you. Im not as fast as a young man and diabetes has taken a lot of my stamina away but I am a lethal sob with a firearm or a baseball bat. I just need a few feet between me and my adversary. I have gone up against some of the younger guys in the Militia. I can hold my own with some of them but the guys with military training I just dont want any part of. They all know I am one of the best shots in the group. Not one would engage me at 100 yards or more. They know better. Its in close where my bad knees and hearing are huge disadvantages. Im better off with a pistol. My day to day training is the practice of looking for ways out of trouble. My second nature has become very tuned to using any cover around me as protection. A tree, a stairway, a couch,chair, another person, car door car, or anything I can put between me and any would be attacker. I meet you on the street and I am looking for way around you. Cover is my friend then Im armed and dangerous. KF
  8. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    King, you could always develop a need *wink wink* for a Cane or walking stick. I promise you, a 3 foot stick/rod/pole can be used to great effectiveness, even with bad knees. Just takes a lil practice. An best of all, most folks are blind to its possible uses. An thats just for a Regular stick of wood!!! You could always make it a Trick Cane of sorts.
    Cephus and Kingfish like this.
  9. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    True about the cane when me and the family goes walking in parks I carry one of the wood walking sticks it's about 5ft long and about as round as a 50cent peice and flat on two sides. would work well for self defence and Im always armed as well but would be just the tool to gain some distance while I pull my weapon and scan for other threats.
    Cephus and Kingfish like this.
  10. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    i carry a stout oak livestock cane
    nastiest bit of work you ever saw when used as a club or neck or ankle
    the point isnt sharp but it does poke in well with a bit of impact
    use it like a pugil stick, that handle workss great as a gun butt
    and man does it extend your reach when you need
    hook that crook around someones throat and yank hard
    they are flat on their back in a second flat
    you can also flip it sideways tween someones legs, down they go if they are running
    my grandkids have seen me use it enuff that they carry it to walk out after dark, it makes them feel
    STANGF150 and Kingfish like this.
  11. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    IMO, when it comes to a fist fight; as it is non-lethal, the young have the advantage. If either is willing and capable of permanently maiming or killing; it is a coin flip.
  12. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Like I've herd my dad tell alot of the young bulls " Im to old to fight and to stupid to run so I have one option left I guess Ill have to kill you."
    BackwoodsmanUSA, Cephus and beast like this.
  13. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    I'm 35 so guess i'm what they call Middleaged. So I don't have the speed of youth nor the experience of age. Catch is I'm older than my years due to arthritis, so a rather high tolerance for pain, & due to way I was raised there is no quit in my soul! My whole fighting style is not so much punches or kicks as it is to get a grip on my opponent. Just one hand to hold onto them & its all over but the crying. Cuz then my other hand goes to their throat & five seconds later they'll be on the ground crying & begging for their life. Sound hopeful thinking? Its not, thats how I've won many of the fights in my life I've gotten into. Even in High School, big bad Jocks cried their eyes out as they realized how close to death I took them. No weapons fighting I'm an animal, a Wolf. I go for the throat & take them down. Last time I lost an unarmed fight, I was 12, took three black guys ages 14-15 to win against me. They did not escape unscathed. I swore it'd never happen again so every year in school I could I took weightlifting class. Thanks to 17 years hard work, I'm not any weaker now than I was at age 18 benching 265.

    Knife fighting is silly to me. You pull a knife, I'll pull my asp baton & whoop yer a$$!! LoL Course thats assuming I don't just pull my ever present firearm.

    Never UnArmed As Long As I'm Still Breathing!!!
  14. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    The idea of carrying a cane in public is a good one. I have not thought about this. A good 1.5 inch diameter walking stick made of ash is a basic baseball bat. Thanks for the idea guys. At home where I spend most of my time Im open carrying a 9mm pistol. On my property and surrounding Federal lands that pistol is on my hip. Ill have to look at some basic fighting styles using a staff or bat. KF
  15. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Stang, you are 35 Im 53 . You are young man not middle aged. Kf
  16. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I figure that at 60 years, is when you turn OLD. (Aches and Pains finally catch up with desire) At 40 you turn Middle-aged, (Black Balloon Birthday) and at 18 you should be a Man.(Can own a Handgun) At 12 you should be a Young Man, (are old enough to fire a real weapon) and at 8 you are a boy. (can posses a BB Gun) Younger than that you are a child. (always in need of adult supervision) ...... YMMV....
    Kingfish and beast like this.
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Only in body, not necessarily in mind. However, my days of grappling, hand to hand combat, knife fights and the like are well behind me. I'll either succumb or shoot if I can't talk them out of it. One thing that age is supposed to confer upon you is wisdom, including anticipating when to shoot and when to stand down. Personally, I like the odds of 12 vs. 6.
    Cephus, Alpha Dog and BTPost like this.
  18. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    I'm 64, 6'3" and 205 pounds. I work out 3 times a week using a Bowflex clone. So does she because we both enjoy it. I play around with martial arts and edges. It keeps the blood moving. There is too much violence in the world not to be prepared.
    Sapper John likes this.
  19. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Believe me King, I don't feel young. Sum times think I was born old. The arthritis since age 7 might have something to do with that.
  20. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    35X2=70 which would be about middle aged. [dunno]

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