Perry is the "ordained one" by the elite. You can see it happening. A month ago, I could have said Rick Perry, and everyone would have said, "Who is that?" He joins the race, and a week later he's the front runner. Even the "liberal" media is joining in with Perry-mania! They are setting it up, so when the count the votes, and then they change the numbers around so Perry wins, we won't be like "WTF, no way that asshole won?" Pay attention and you'll see it happen.
I think he simply more "main stream". The die-hard GOPers were waiting on someone like him to step in. Who was in the field before Perry- Tea Partiers, a Libertarian, a Mormon, and some guys with less experience than me (and I'm no politician). The traditional Republicans still make up the majority of the base and Perry "fits" them better. It is a darn shame. The race isn't over... yet. To sort of put it in perspective, I recently heard that Tea Partiers make up 7% of voters. Sounds depressing, but is actually amazing given the fact that the party is only a few years old. At 3 years and such a small percentage, we make Republicans shake and Democrats fired up... tells ya something.
This is the same panty waste the said he would take on the TSA and pussed out when .goob came after him, POS!
hes just a republican obama aint gonna make no damned difference for us pocketss full of empty meaningless promises with a backdoor agenda all his own and eager to carry on with the enslavement of the general population until we remove ALL current politicians and the 2 parties WE DONT HAVE A PRAYER!
I don't think I would even use the word Republican do describe him.. Ron Paul Was Right - Liberal Rick Perry
Yea, that's why I used the new POS Party to describe him. People from any party can be transferred over to it just by their actions.
I don't know about being "ordained" But he seems to be well on the way to needing extreme unction....though truth to tell, he seems to be greasing his own rails to electoral oblivion for the 2012 presidency. Rick Perry's Sudden Fall Due To Unforced Errors
I use the term "Liberal Party", as a catch-all based on their actions/voting record, not their little paper wallet card........ Fits Right, Left and others equally nicely........ There are NO true Democrats or Republicans in today's American Political spectrum.
quote by seawolf "There are NO true Democrats or Republicans in today's American Political spectrum." nope just legalized criminals
Rick Perry just lost a ton of votes in my neck of the woods when he stated that Eastern N.C. BBQ tasted like road kill...that is right up there with slapping someones Momma around here...Idiot!
Porn magnate funds $1 million quest to embarrass Perry By Emmett Berg | Reuters – Fri, Sep 23, 2011 tweet24 Share1 Email Print Related Content Larry Flynt, head of Larry Flynt Publications, speaks to the news media about the … Article: Probe into porn shoot using LA fire trucksAFP - Thu, Sep 22, 2011 Article: Registration begins for .xxx Internet porn domainAFP - Wed, Sep 7, 2011 View slideshows NASA: 6-ton satellite hits Earth 20 photos - 58 mins ago Celebrities over 65 18 photos - Fri, Sep 23, 2011 PGA Tour Championship 75 photos - 41 mins ago See latest photos » SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Pornographic magazine publisher Larry Flynt offered $1 million on Thursday to anyone with proof of "an illicit sexual liaison" involving leading Republican presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry. The offer by the politically left-leaning Flynt targeting Perry was similar to past efforts by the Hustler magazine founder to embarrass public figures he dislikes. Los Angeles-based Larry Flynt Productions, which publishes Hustler, said it bought full-page advertisements in the weekly editions of the U.S. satirical tabloid The Onion and the Austin Chronicle, a Texas alternative paper, seeking evidence of any Perry peccadilloes. "I've been doing this for 35 years," Flynt said in a telephone interview with Reuters. "We've found running these ads were very successful in finding sources to come forward." A copy of the most recent ad circulated to the media by Flynt's company read, "Have you had a gay or straight sexual encounter with Governor Rick Perry?" "Can you provide documented evidence of illicit sexual or intimate relations with the governor? Larry Flynt and Hustler magazine will pay you up to $1 million if we choose to publish your verified story and use your material." Perry headed into a Republican candidate debate on Thursday ranked as the leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, according to recent public opinion polls. A USA Today/Gallup poll released this week found Perry ahead of one-time Republican front-runner Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, with 31 percent favoring him to 24 percent for Romney among Republican likely voters. A spokesman for Perry could not be reached for comment about the Flynt offer. In 1999, then-incoming U.S. House Speaker Robert Livingston resigned after Flynt claimed to have uncovered evidence of an extramarital affair by the Louisiana Republican. Flynt had bought a full-page newspaper advertisement offering $1 million for evidence of sexual dalliances by congressional Republicans, who were seeking to impeach then-President Bill Clinton over allegations that he had lied under oath about an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Flynt in 2007 made a separate $1 million offer for evidence of illicit sexual encounters by high-ranking lawmakers, but that ended less dramatically than his 1998 offer. weve over a year to go before elections and im already sick of
What's the point of having a muck rake If there's no muck to rake?? Fortunately most Australian election campaigns are mercifully short....we don't go in for the extended torture of primaries and so on that those in the United States have to endure....though I believe there are some moves afoot to emulate the system of party primaries along the lines of the US...groan.