This IS a police state sheeple!

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by VisuTrac, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    I love the fact that even after failing to show up in court 20 times and getting warrant while committing other crimes the are let out on low bail or promise to appear.
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  2. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    Al, you and I are going to disagree. There's no escaping it, your wrong [beat] I'm kind of joking. My opinion is that we live in a pseudo police state, it's not sitting on our face, it's not like you'd read in a 2025 novel, but it's there.

    I draw the line, I hate pigs. I said it. Some are cool, and I've met a few. I think reasonable, nice cops are the exception. Most are power hungry, fascist pigs that enjoy violating our rights, that has been my experience.

    I concede, living in the USA we have it pretty good here. Being a white male helps too. Our police are very very very well equipped to handle us, that's my point. I don't want the special forces breaking in my door for not paying my student loans.

    We as a country could have much better justice system. That's right, justice, it's a word we don't throw around a lot. Is it justice that we throw people in jail for crimes when they haven't injured anyone? It's not, and they need a well equipped police force to oppress the population to enforce unjust laws.

    Police man use of force, get out of jail cards, jail for non-injury crimes, armament against a peaceful populace, etc. taken as a whole, is criminal.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I guess some are looking at it as a police problem, good cop, bad cope, lawyers and criminals.

    To me this is not a street level local issue, This is a freaking systemic problem.

    Forest and trees thing

    We've got the UN / NWO using corporate influence to corrupt our political system to pass new laws and regulations that daily eat away at our rights as free and sovereign beings.

    Don't think for a second that we are not being monitored. 'They' is everywhere.

    Anyway, corporations are dictating their wishes to rule makers, lining their pockets with gold. Little by little we have less freedom.

    Police are just the enforcers of the inane rules. In my opinion the unquestionably follow their orders so they can also collect some of the brass rings that show they are worthy.

    Alas, the enforcers will also be a fellow slave whence the NWO no longer has need of their services and feel that they are a threat to their domination.

    In other words, I think sooner or later the popo is gonna be Rothschilds' bitch

    JMHO. [viking]
    Alpha Dog, Avarice and STANGF150 like this.
  4. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    It's always how people react oh we need a better justice system don't throw them in jail. Help them change their evil ways, I bet you would want them thrown in jail if they broke in your house or business. It's not my place to save their souls and help them find a new way of life. Now given there are some officer's that have problems and I will be the first to point it out, but it's people who shares your opinion that causes a week system. Officers are scared to do their job because they don't only have to worry about the suspect but the public they defend. I think you would see things a little different if they put you on a no respond list when you call 911 and an officer didn't come running. With you being able top rehabilate them you wouldn't need the police anyway.

    As for a police state it is officers following orders it's the people voted into office that forms a police state not the patrol officer. Just like a soldier given an order it's not the grunt its the brass. Now you can ask anyone I've worked for if I think something is unfair to the public or the public feels run over I refuse to do it. Any of the Deputies I supervise if I give them an order and they have a conflict with it or the public has a conflict. I have an open door policy and there has been several times The officer or public has shown me a different point of view. At which point I go to the brass and refuse to do it and advise I've ordered my Deputies not to. I take the heat.
    STANGF150, BTPost and tacmotusn like this.
  5. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    anyone wanna order custom made shackles so they fit right
    before they just put you in the wrong
  6. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    but dog, you are one of the good ones
    ive had way too many runins with assholes wearin badges that are on serious power trips
    personally i think we need to go back to some serious capital punnishment
    the only rehab tries should be kids under 20, once youre over that, 3 strikes and get a neck tie
    Falcon15 and Alpha Dog like this.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Definition of POLICE STATE

    as defined by webster

    : a political unit characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures

    Let's just pass some more rule making it illegal to breath free air and be done with it. 'Git yer arse to Mars'
  8. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    There. I underlined the "especially" part of the definition that is important. The first part is so broad, if Barney Fife decides to go off the reservation, we live in a "police state". Not the case. I've yet to see an repression of my political, economic, or social life. Not once have I felt repressed.

    The numbers talk. For every 5 interactions we hear of each month (and we likely hear of the majority considering how popular it is to bash cops), there are literally thousands that are positive or neutral experiences.

    I've stated it several times and I will state it again: on of the most basic functions of gov't is protection of its citizens. This isn't anti-American. Police have been around since before the Constitution. Even most Libertarians believe in that function of gov't. There are enough "lawless" places on earth that are close to anarchy. If you would rather live there, then by all means, go. Just don't complain when you get there- loss of property, lack of basic human respect, and possibly death.

    Honestly, you didn't have to. It's obvious.
  9. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Agree alot of the new ones coming out of the academy have a total different mentality about laws and some of the older ones think they are god and are a$$es about it. They act as if its a sin to not follow by the code book word for word. I just look at it different the laws are for criminals and should be enforced on criminals not citizens that just screw up and didn't know they were even breaking the law.

    As for custom shackles nice money maker idea you know the rich will want to appear a higher class slave and can have them before hand (lol)
    Hispeedal2 likes this.
  10. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    In California, we're groomed to be afraid of cops, if you talk back, you get arrested. PERIOD! So you do as you're told, that's not a neutral experience just because a cop didn't beat you over the head. You don't have liberty, because there is a threat of violence at all times.

    My government protecting me? I don't know where you've been since 1984, cause I've been in America. I've never experienced this, in fact, my opinion, and many would agree, that they are going out of their way to harm me both physically and spiritually, and put me in danger. Don't get me wrong, it'd be nice if my government had my back, but they are behind Corporations and talk about life in the real world from their gated communities. Really, how can you trust someone who has never had a real job anyways, straight from college to being an intern, next stop...congressman.

    So my options are what I consider a Police State, or Anarchy? Sounds like scare tactics? Are you trying to pump FEAR into me? There has to be a middle ground, one without oppressive rules, regulations, and government officers threatening me with violence if I step out of line a little. Break my head open if I shoot someone, fine, don't beat me for not going along with your orders.

    I for one, have felt oppressed by my government and their attack dogs. If you think you aren't oppressed, try to put a vegetable stand in your front yard, and sell the produce of your garden. Harmless right? When the cops tell you to shut it down, refuse, in fact, say "Sir, I think you are a jerk, with the charisma of a damp rag," and see what happens.
    STANGF150 and Falcon15 like this.
  11. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Yep, our government is all above board
    Like Extra Judicial Prisoners.
    Like putting US Citizens on a death list.
    Like Black Sites
    Extraordinary renditions

    Government agencies with 3 letter acronyms that are ONLY looking outside of Amerika.

    Performing experiments on Citizens, Military Personnel and inmates ala' Dr. Mengele

    Raiding organic food markets with SWAT tactics

    Dragging milk across state lines to implicate an Amish Farmer in a Raw Milk Conspiracy (for God's Sake , he a fricking luddite! God fearing but he ain't got no facilities to pasteurize milk ya idiots)

    Allowing the pharmaceutical/vaccine manufactures a pass on lawsuits

    sending billions and billions of tax payer dollars to bail out insolvent banks abroad while allowing millions of citizens to go insolvent at home.

    sending our boys and girls abroad to die in a God-forsaken land with no clear policy on milestone nor exit strategy.

    Peddling gun to drug cartels

    backing one coup d'tat after another only to have the same weapons used against our own children.

    passing laws that make harder and harder for the common man to remain clear of conscience. (BJ's Or swear where a woman or child may here you, in Michigan are Illegal dontcha know.)

    How about rule making that requires you to have a CDL to operate a vehicle on your own enclosed farm land.

    NAIS regulation that require the small farmer to tag and record each turkey where agribiz can assign a single number to a whole freaking brooder house.

    IP Laws that make it illegal for you to save your own heirloom seeds that may have become contaminated by a large agribiz GMO test plot.

    In my eyes this is not about the police per se. It's all about the NWO putting us in a big pot and slowly almost imperceptibly raising the heat until we are poached.

    Yep, this a great free land, as in give away.

    Thank God the world markets are going into the crapper as I don't know how much more I could take. Thank God my Grand parents are dead as they would probably kill themselves after seeing what they built with their blood, sweat and bodies, destroyed in less than a generation.

    Heil Rothschild and the NWO. You are no longer a name but a number on an IBM punchcard being traded like so many yugioh masters on the playground.

    I'm gonna throw me a level 10 armed dragon to whip some blue helmet azzz.

    If you don't think this is a police state, I'll meet ya on the other side when ya get around to thinking beyond the paradigm that has been built for you. Hopefully the water won't be too hot.
    bassic and STANGF150 like this.
  12. Avarice

    Avarice California Health Junkie

    My wife brought up a good point. It's not the governments job to protect us from domestic threats. That's why we have the right to bear arms and form militias, and also elect sheriffs, who are the only constitutionally legal law enforcement. They have since made it illegal to protect yourself, and have made themselves the sole source of protection. They've made you dependent on them for your safety, which was not the intention of the founding fathers, and dare I say, not the intention of this forum.

    The governments job is to get our authorization through our representatives to protect us from foreign threats, and handle disputes between sovereign citizens.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Ok, folks, I would like to make ONE simple POINT, in all this rhetoric. Our civilian Police Forces are NOT designed to Protect YOU from ANYTHING, or ANYBODY. The are in their simplest incarnation, A REACTIONARY Force. They do NOT go out Looking for Individuals to hassle, or give grief to, as that is NOT their JOB. Their JOB is to go pickup the pieces, AFTER a CRIME has been Committed, and then Find, and Arrest, the Perp, PERIOD. If you have a Warrant out for you, then you by LAW, ARE A BAD Guy, until you satisfy that Warrant, in front of a Judge, and even a Jury of your PEERS. Then you are either CONVICTED, or Judged Not Guilty, One way or the Other, and Definitely NOT Innocent. Innocent means you had no involvement in the Committed Crime, PERIOD, and if there is a Warrant out for you there is some involvement. If ALL our civilian LEOs would function under these guidelines, then this wouldn't be what you would be complaining about. Now the Politicos that write all these Laws and Statutes, that our LEOs enforce, need to be a lot smarter about how they write them, and about how they expect them to be enforced, out in the field. Unfortunately, many times that is NOT the CASE. and the Law of Unintended Consequences bites Them and Us, squarely in the A**, because they were to hasty in drafting the Statute, and didn't think the consequences all the way through. You do NOT blame that on the LEO. It is the SAME for our Judiciary. You don't blame the LEO, because the Bleeding Heart Judge, let the Perp out of Jail, because he had a tough childhood. You blame the Judge. and the Politicos that wrote the stupid Law in the first place. Now don't get me started on Attorneys.... I will save that for another diatribe.... .... YMMV....
  14. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    All that other jumbled mess is the reality you create for yourself. Since the way CT train of thought works, you can throw out 1000 different theories, be right on 1% (statistically speaking, you have to be right on that 1%) and that makes the other 99% true, but unprovable. Circular logic at best.

    I clearly don't live in your Kalifornia world. To act like that is America is false. I drove by 2x fruit stands today to pick up some things from town. No local cops shutting anything down. Tomorrow morning, I am heading to the flea market across the way to grab some stuff... maybe a live chicken while I am there. Your rights my be infringed in your over-regulated state, not so here. I feel no fear, carry firearms when I please, and nod a friendly gesture to my local LEOs. I'm not trying to "pump" fear into anyone. I appreciate the job they do. I know how the "have nots" (work nots) would behave if the LEOs didn't wake up to do that job. If you think crime and thuggery is bad now.... I;m not manufacturing this, its human reality. My perspective comes from seeing other places... much worse than America.... even Komifornia.

    I don't disagree to any of these points ^ except one... the right to protect yourself is alive and well...
    NRA-ILA :: Urge Your Representative to Cosponsor H.R. 822, The National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act Of 2011
    The Founding Fathers used a standing army instead of police. Militias were the police force immediately after the revolution. Of course, this was abandoned with the Indian Wars of the late 1700s. IE Federalized troops were used for enforcement of laws up until the 1830s when what we know today as professional police were stood up in major cities.

    Would we feel better with a standing army, part time weekend warriors, or a professionally trained force? Good question.

    Anyways, I think I have overstayed my welcome. We have derailed and delved into CTs and police history. I say just be careful what you ask for. You may just get it.
    BTPost and chelloveck like this.
  15. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Bring on the Blue Helmeted resupply!
    STANGF150 likes this.
  16. northga

    northga North ga

    LOL! Gator for president!
  17. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I spent some time in law enforcement. A short time. And am well acquainted with my local Sheriffs. Or used to be I should say. And if you think that the mindset of LE in general has not changed then you are living in a fantasy world. A world as misguided and naive as any CT.
    The militarization of our law enforcement and the "everyone is a suspect" mentality has led to the myriad of abuses cited around the nation. Are there good honest law enforcement officers. Of course there are. But if you talk to the old timers they will be the first to tell you how the force has changed in the last few decades and not for the better. I personally know a couple of guys who took early retirement because they just couldn't stomach the current atmosphere.
    The local police forces established in our cities were "Peace officers". There mission statement was to keep the peace. That has changed drastically since it's conception.
    Btpost is absolutely right about police NOT being there to "protect" the public. That has even been affirmed by the the courts. People suing police depts for not protecting them have lost every time. IIRC even the SCOTUS ruled on it and stated that it was not the duty of the police to "serve and protect".
    The loss of rights and freedoms is in the eye of the beholder. There are many people in this nation who are willing to turn a blind eye to unwarranted wiretaps, searches and seizures, surveillance etc. all in the name of "fighting terror". How many times have you heard "if you have nothing to hide why should you care." All I can answer to such misguided, foolish logic as that is to quote, Franklin I believe, that said "Those who would give up a little liberty for security deserve neither" or words to that effect.
  18. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Militirization of police? Sure. Because of a-holes like this:
    North Hollywood Shootout - YouTube

    YOU wouldn't face them without the right weapons and training. Neither should LEOs. Barney Fife and his one bullet never had to deal with a FA SKS. Things have changed. The source of that change, take your pick in our rotting culture. I like to say evil just exists.

    As for the attitude of everyone is a suspect, you are right. Because they are. Here is one that was close to home for me:
    Dickson County Deputy Dies From Head Wound - | Nashville News, Weather & Sports
    If you don't understand the stress of living on amber-red for long periods of time, read On Combat or On Killing by Dave Grossman. Does that affect some? Sure. There is no excuse for it. For that job, one has to be able to live on amber/red and come back down from it at a moment's notice to deal with another situation. Without understanding the perspective of the LEO, it seems like he treats everyone like an a$$. Mil types may have had similar situations after having just come back.

    The court has held that the police are not liable if they can't protect you, that is true. Of course that ruling came from a civil suit where the police were being sued for inability (or outright neglect) from protecting someone. How would that play out if they were supposed to be Superman? Lawsuit frenzy, that's how. Imagine the type that call 911 the most, repeat victims, being able to sue each and every time. I think everyone has a responsibility for their own safety. I think LEOs handle proactive policing, investigation, and general public safety. To bet on anything more is living in a fantasy world. Does that make them worthless? Nah. Anyone that thinks things are bad now- if there were 90% less law enforcement, what would be the point of having laws. I'd be running the Dillon overtime trying to keep up ;)

    As for the Patriot Act issues, that is for a different discussion. You and I would agree in about 90% of that discussion. For another time.
  19. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    The guys were wearing body armor but nothing protecting their heads. The one guy shot himself in the head with a pistol. One well aimed shot would have ended this ordeal.
    I see the N. Hollywood fiasco not as a call to better arm our LEO's but a call for better training of them!

    I don't even have a qualm with law enforcement having access to AR's and such for the rare instance that they may be needed. But how is providing a small town police force with armored personnel carriers justified? That isn't militarization? Give any force cool new toys and they are going to be eager to try them out at any opportunity.

    But putting the weaponry and tools aside, what is meant by militarization has much more to do with mindset and training than hardware.
  20. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    As anyone from MS13 to al Qaeda can leisurely and openly stroll across our borders; the militarization of our police is a result of our open borders policies.

    IMHO, it would be wiser to have kept our borders closed than militarize our police.
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