Coconut oil shelf life? Other cooking oils

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Ajax, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    ghrit is also on the hunt.
  2. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    I cook my rabbit meat in Coconut oil to give the meat essential fatty acids, and let me tell you is sure is yummy. I have a 5 gallon bucket - shipping weight is 46.5#. That is a LOT of coconut oil. You use a tablespoon or two at a time...
  3. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    How well does it mix with corn starch or flour for pan sauces after cooking with it? I love to do sauces after pan frying with a bit of the oil left over.
  4. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Hehehe..... this article only verifies my desire to avoid Canola Oil whenever possible. Problem is, it is in most of the processed foods we consume. I found a new (to me) brand of Kettle Chips today at the office cafeteria. It was labeled as "Gluten Free" (good, as a buddy suffers from Celiac Disease and I try to use some GF products too), and as "All Natural". Imagine my dismay to find one of the ingredients - 'canola oil'..... dang, not so 'natural' then. It's off my list to buy.

    IfI have trouble finding Coconut Oil locally, I may have to go 'old school'.... pig lard.


    Kingfish likes this.
  5. Falcon15

    Falcon15 Falco Peregrinus

    Just like butter or shortening. I make gravies and sauces as normal.
  6. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Thanks! ...... Sweet!
  7. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    As I agree with the parts about loss of nutritional value(due to hot processing) his statement still has truth when it comes to frying. When you fry with oil you kill any nutrition in ANY oil. Like I said I would not put canola on a salad or in a sauce. W e fry with it because it has less bad fats.

    Like he states its all moot when its used over 375 degrees. You burn any oil out at that temp. But I agree in the sense that putting it on salad or making gravy from it would be bad. KF
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