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Well it don't work for me. I quoted his entire post as I see it, and deleted nothing. The only link there anywhere at what I see is the para bellum one which takes you to wikipedia. ???????. . Actually now that I have quoted it, magically I can see within the quote things I couldn't previously see at all. . But none of that is visible to me on Seacowboys original post.
I can't click on what I can't see! . For whatever reason, I see no freakin' icon what so ever. . From the line below "new song" to the line above the latin Para bellum thingy, I see NOTHING.
Thanks Captain. But is that the new song I was supposed to be able to hear on the original post, ..... or are you trying to tell me that the fact that I alone for some reason can't see an Icon or link to the new song on the original post, so, ..... that's too damn bad? BTW, I like "that's too bad".
Yep, That's me. Wrote them, played them, sang them, including all harmonies. Real simple cuts, pre-production stuff with just guitar, bass, and vocals, but the finished versions have drums, congas, some orchestration, electric guitars, keyboards and even a concertina. The CD will be released in in October, its called Mississippi River Crooks- Patriots and Thieves
Darrell is a very good song writer and has recorded several albums but he doesn't usually share them with people he interacts with. This is one of my favorites: Someone Lost | DarrellWallace